Chapter 25

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Ye Qingyang nodded.

Li Lan proudly said, "If you're not serious, you just say it's not very powerful?"

"Ye Qingyang, you are really capable. I didn't see it before. You can even do this ?"

Can you help me?"

"Yes." Ye Qingyang never refuses anyone who comes, after all, everyone who comes is a customer.

"One dollar once, is that okay?"

"Yes." The classmate didn't hesitate at all, one dollar can buy you peace, so it's worth it!

"I made an appointment for our dormitory." 


Ye Qingyang asked him to send his dormitory number to his mobile phone.

They were chatting when they heard instructor Xu call Ye Qingyang.

Ye Qingyang had no choice but to stand up, patted the ashes, and walked toward Instructor Xu.

"Have you had military training before?" Instructor Xu asked.

Ye Qingyang nodded.

"I'm not talking about military training for students like you."

Ye Qingyang smiled, "That's not true."

"Then I think you know a lot, let me see if you take a goose step."

Ye Qingyang had no choice but to kick up in front of instructor Xu on the spot Goose step.

Lu Jingcheng watched from a distance, thinking to himself what is this? Small classes?

This instructor is too unfair!

Clearly favoring the class cadres!

But he changed his mind, Ye Qingyang was his man, so let's take sides.

Good side!

Instructor Xu watched him finish the goose step, and patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction, "Not bad, you boy, you are the standard flag bearer of our company!"

Ye Qingyang had already guessed this would happen, so he just said "oh" calmly .

"You haven't had any formal military training before? Then what's the matter with you, there is a soldier in your family?"

"Well, my dad." 

The instructor didn't ask any more questions, but said, "Your qualifications are good, and you can consider it in the future.

" Apply for the military academy."

"Let's talk about it later." Ye Qingyang said.

There is still more than a year before the college entrance examination, so don't worry.

On the contrary, the instructor was very optimistic about him, "Come on, you're pretty good."

"Thank you instructor." 

"Okay, let's go back."

Ye Qingyang turned around and walked back. After a while, the other students also finished two laps and returned to the assembly point.

Everyone sat down and rested for a while.

Boys and girls took out their mobile phones and asked Ye Qingyang in the group to ask him about the quilt project.

After seeing the price, everyone couldn't help raising their heads and looked at the most dazzling star in the crowd.

This fucking is really a little angel!

Compared with two laps, one dollar is really cheap!

The price of cabbage!

So conscientious!

All of a sudden, everyone placed orders one after another, scrambling to pay and make appointments.

Ye Qingyang looked at the red envelopes on his WeChat page, not in a hurry to claim them.

The business volume is too big, he has to see if he can be busy at that time, if not, he can only open the flash kill, first come, first served.

At the end of the day, the sixteen or seventeen-year-old teenagers were exhausted like dogs, and when they returned to the dormitory, they lay down on the bed, like a salted fish that didn't even bother to call 666.

Sitting on his bed, Lu Jingcheng looked down upon Ye Qingyang lying on his bed and playing with his mobile phone, he was so entangled that he almost didn't take a picture of the railing again!

What is he?

Didn't you agree to sleep with him today!

If you haven't come here yet, are you waiting for hime to invite you!

Lu Jingcheng was irritable.

Why did you start taking Joe?

Be proud of being favored!

He is relying on his own soft heart, and he has been too kind to him recently!

Lu Jingcheng was so angry that he got out of bed and drank a glass of water.

He glanced at Ye Qingyang, Ye Qingyang was still playing with his mobile phone, and ignored him.

Lu Jingcheng became even angrier.

He walked a few steps and came near Ye Qingyang, squinting at Ye Qingyang.

It's a pity that Ye Qingyang was busy discussing business, so he didn't see his little eyes.

Lu Jingcheng had no choice but to take another two steps, circling back and forth in front of Ye Qingyang's bed twice.

Dong Yu was puzzled, "Jingcheng, what do you want?"

Lu Jingcheng raised his head and said calmly, "A walk."

"A walk in the dormitory?" Bai Le looked at him.

Lu Jingcheng snorted, "Walk a hundred steps after a meal, and you can live to ninety-nine."

"With all due respect, it's been a few hours since you finished your meal now." Bai Le broke the stage.

Lu Jingcheng glared at him, "Can't you exercise before going to bed?"

Bai Le chuckled, "Okay, it's just that your exercise before going to bed is too pure."

After he finished speaking, he smiled inexplicably.

Lu Jingcheng doesn't quite understand, is there still an impure exercise before going to bed? how is it like? Let him be healthy!

But he was embarrassed to expose his shortcomings, so he didn't ask, but continued to dangle in front of Ye Qingyang.

Ye Qingyang didn't finally look up at Lu Jingcheng until he reached the third lap.

Seeing him looking over, Lu Jingcheng snorted in his heart, thinking, you still know how to look at me!

Don't look at me if you have the ability!

Let's see who can't stand it first!

Seeing that he seemed unhappy again, Ye Qingyang didn't understand why he was angry, so he patted his bed and asked, "Would you like to sit?"

"No." Lu Jingcheng said proudly.

Just now you just ignored me, but now you can't afford it!

Ye Qingyang smiled and sat up, and asked, "Brother Lu, are you going to brush your teeth and wash your face?"

"No!" Lu Jingcheng was still very proud.

Ye Qingyang stood up, "Then I'll go first."

After speaking, he walked out with the basin.

Walk! up! out! go!

Lu Jingcheng couldn't believe it, why did he go out? !

Wait, he went to brush his teeth and wash his face, isn't that just getting ready for bed?

Lu Jingcheng felt that he had gotten to the point in an instant, huh, after pretending for a long time, he couldn't pretend anymore, so he decided to go to bed with himself after washing, right?

He knew that it must be Ye Qingyang who couldn't help it first.

Lu Jingcheng smiled smugly, waiting for Ye Qingyang to come back.

After Ye Qingyang finished washing, he took the water and prepared to go back to the dormitory to wash his feet. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Lu Jingcheng sitting on his bed.

He walked over and took out the basin for washing feet, poured water into it, and then poured hot water.

"Brother Lu, can you check the water temperature for me?" Seeing him sitting, Ye Qingyang asked him casually.

Lu Jingcheng tested the temperature of the water, "It's ok."

Ye Qingyang saw that he didn't seem to be angry anymore, he just felt that his anger came and went quickly, and he digested himself before it flared up.

It's also very cute.

"Where's your pot?" Ye Qingyang asked, "I'll pour some for you, and you won't need to fetch water for a while."

Bai Le saw that Ye Qingyang, the treacherous concubine, was launching a new offensive against her hair girl, and was afraid for his innocence. The boy turned into a curvy man, and hurriedly said: "Ye Qingyang, why didn't you give me some? I didn't pick up the water either?

" Ah."

Still want to share his water!

are you crazy?

Don't you know that this water contains Ye Qingyang's deep love for himself? !

Take love with a knife!

Isn't this the heart of a fool like Ye Qingyang? !

"Then you go with me." Bai Le demanded.

"Why should I go with you?" Lu Jingcheng said eloquently, "I have water."

He pointed to the bed diagonally opposite, and said to Ye Qingyang, "Help me bring the basin, it's the blue one at the bottom."

Ye Qingyang putting the thermos back, he took his pot along the way.

Lu Jingcheng took it and was about to pour water, but found that his basin seemed a little dirty.

Seeing this, Ye Qingyang said warmly: "Then you wash in my basin, don't use yours."

Lu Jingcheng felt that he really deserved to have true love for him!

After working so hard to get water once, I would rather let him wash it if I didn't wash it myself.

This is too virtuous!

Lu Jingcheng felt guilty.

He didn't even like Ye Qingyang yet, so how could he have the nerve to take a basin of water from others for nothing.

"Then what, I think there's a lot of water here, so let's wash it together." Lu Jingcheng said in a low voice.

After finishing speaking, he didn't look at Ye Qingyang, but turned his head to look at the door of their dormitory. It was wooden, a bit old, and could be replaced.

Bai Le almost fell off the top bunk.

Instead, Chen Wei stood up straight away, rushed over to stop him and said, "Your Majesty, you forgot about your cleanliness!"

Lu Jingcheng: How the hell did you hear that! ! Why are your ears so sharp!

Bai Le patted the railing anxiously on the upper bunk, "Your Majesty, don't move, I'll let someone wash your feet for you."

Lu Jingcheng: ...

Lu Jingcheng sneered, his character is a fool!

If you say don't move, don't move, is that still a fool?

The faint-hearted Lu Jingcheng took off his shoes and socks on the spot, and stepped directly into the water.

"It's too late." Lu Jingcheng laughed.

Chen Wei: ...

Bai Le patted the railing again, "The heavens are  going to kill me, Your Majesty, you can't save me!"

Lu Jingcheng was very casual, "It's okay, I don't care."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Ye Qingyang, "Come on , Concubine, let's wash our feet together."

Ye Qingyang: ...

Li Lan, who was watching the theater next door, whistled, "Hurry up, ma'am, Your Majesty has flipped your tile, why don't you hurry up and promise His Majesty."

"Yes, ma'am, Mr. Bai is blowing his beard and staring. You agreed now, and he will be so mad." Liu Ning also joined in.

Ye Qingyang took a look at Bai Le who was on the upper bunk, condescending, stretched out his feet, and took off his shoes without thinking too much about the excitement.

Bai Le's eyes went dark, and in the next second, he saw Ye Qingyang stretching his feet in, standing on all fours with his Fa Xiao, playing in the water.

Well, it's hopeless.

Bai Le thought in his heart, he is so young, he probably has to bend sooner or later!

Bai Le lay flat, but didn't want to admit the ridicule.

Seeing this, Li Lan let out an "ouch", "Madam, Mr. Bai has passed out!" 

"Well, very good very good." Ye Qingyang nodded. Ye Qingyang was in the mood to wash his feet after the play was over. 

He and Lu Jingcheng are both boys, and the feet of two 17-year-old boys in one pot are still a bit cramped. 

Ye Qingyang looked at their feet and deliberately rubbed against Lu Jingcheng. Lu Jingcheng glared at him dissatisfied, and thought he would wash his feet as soon as he washed his feet, why would he still tease him! 

At first glance, he is not a serious foot-washing boy! Ye Qingyang looked at the dissatisfaction in his eyes, but he was not afraid, and smiled, "Brother Lu, after I finish washing in a while, do I go directly to your bed?" Bai Le was dying and sat up in shock, "No, this is really impossible! 

Lu Jingcheng: "Go directly to my bed." 

Bai Le fell down with a mouthful of blood. He tried his best, but he couldn't hold back his brother's heart that was running towards the road of love!

  If the sky bends, it can be saved; if the self bends, it cannot be saved! 

Ye Qingyang got the answer, nodded, and raised his feet to wipe them.

Lu Jingcheng looked at his actions and felt that his feet were quite white.

Not only white, but also smaller than his feet.

He looked down at his feet and moved his toes slightly.

After Ye Qingyang wiped his feet, he took Lu Jingcheng's towel and handed it to him.

Lu Jingcheng took it and wiped it, then picked up the basin and went out to pour water.

Ye Qingyang climbed directly onto his bed as he said.

When Lu Jingcheng came back after pouring the water, he opened the door and saw Ye Qingyang taking off his clothes.

Lu Jingcheng:! ! !

Why are you undressing!

He stared at Ye Qingyang, wanted to say something but didn't say anything, just stared straight at him.

Ye Qingyang noticed the look in his eyes, and asked while changing clothes, "What's wrong?"

"No." Lu Jingcheng was a little embarrassed.

As he walked in, he peeked at Ye Qingyang, only to think that his whole body seemed to be quite white.

When he realized what he was thinking, Lu Jingcheng blushed instantly.

Picking up his own basin, he ran out of the dormitory as if fleeing, and went to the water room to brush his teeth and wash his face.

He doesn't take it off sooner or later, but he just gets stuck taking it off when he enters the door. Could Ye Qingyang want to seduce him? !

Really deliberate!

Do your best!


Well thought out!

Did he think it would work?

Lu Jingcheng snorted, could he still be attracted by such low-level methods?

Of course...

Of course...

Lu Jingcheng found out with a guilty conscience, it seems that it is really useful...

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