Chapter 42

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Ye Qingyang felt that his head was getting bigger, how could he still be? Isn't it the campus sweet story, Prince Charming and Cinderella? Why still be?

Ye Qingyang flipped through the information in his mind, but he found it. The problem lies with Prince Charming and Cinderella.

In the last few dozen chapters, the author suddenly made Yu Wan express that the difference in their identities was too great, she could not fit into Lu Jingcheng's circle, and Lu Jingcheng would not understand the sadness of ordinary people.

So the two of them, even if they meet briefly, will separate again to find another person whose identity and background match their own.

The person Yu Wan is looking for is her former bamboo horse, Xu Zhe, the male number two in this article.

She felt that although Xu Zhe's family background was better than her own, it was not as unattainable as Lu Jingcheng's. Moreover, Xu Zhe was also more gentle and caring, and more understanding of the world, unlike Lu Jingcheng, who was still the proud young master in the ivory tower.

Afterwards, Xu Zhe was the male second, and happily married Yu Wan!

Ye Qingyang:? ? ? ?

Ye Qingyang slapped the table with his palm, he was so angry, what kind of ending is this!

Oh, Xu Zhe is gentle and considerate, isn't Lu Jingcheng gentle and considerate?

Xu Zhe understands the ways of the world, so Lu Jingcheng can't be pure and arrogant?

He thought Lu Jingcheng was pretty good! Why is it incompatible with Yu Wan! And to be the second male!

Ye Qingyang was so angry that his heart was not going well!

It's best not to let him meet this Xu Zhe, otherwise he is afraid that he won't be able to control his unicorn arm!

Mahler Gobi, I'm so pissed off, their majesty is cute, kind and innocent, considerate and gregarious, isn't it just a little arrogant? He is so rich, can't he be arrogant? !

What else did you say that your identity and background are inappropriate? You talked about your identity and background in the campus sweet article? This is just a campus essay! The background is empty, the hero is cool, handsome and domineering, and all the girls are fascinated by him. It's an unrealistic campus novel!

It's not a life drama! What are you talking about? It's still 80% before you start talking about the right family, why don't you start talking at 8%.

The more Ye Qingyang thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more angry he became, the more he thought about it, he didn't notice that the class was already over, and with a "slap", he slapped it on the table again.

Wishing that it's not the table, but Yu Wan's head, so that he can pat him awake and let her see clearly that Lu Jingcheng is the best!

Cheng Yan had just finished asking, "Does anyone want to do this question on the blackboard?"

When she heard a "pop", she looked for her reputation, and saw Ye Qingyang sitting in the last row, gnashing her teeth and puffing up. running god.

Running God dares to affect classroom discipline, how courageous!

Cheng Yan was not polite, "Ye Qingyang, what are you doing on the table? I want to come up to do a question, come on, I'll give you the stage."

Ye Qingyang: ? ? ? Do questions? What question?

"Quick." Cheng Yan urged him.

Ye Qingyang had no choice but to stand up and walk towards the blackboard.

Cheng Yan handed him the chalk, "Let's solve it."

Lu Jingcheng helplessly supported his forehead, where did Ye Qingyang have the courage to actually go to the blackboard to do the problem! Did he think he would? !

Chen Wei couldn't help feeling, "Awesome, I was surprised at the first moment. What do you think he was doing with the table? To attract Sister Yan's attention?"

"Who knows." Lu Jingcheng stared at Ye Qingyang, wondering if he should be surprised at the second moment, attracting Cheng Yan's eyes to him.

Ye Qingyang looked at the question in front of him, it was not difficult, even quite simple, but he is a scumbag now, so Ye Qingyang planned to return the chalk to Cheng Yan and tell her "I don't know how to do it".

However, he changed his mind, this time he will definitely improve by a dozen in the monthly exam, and his math will be about 20 points higher than before. If he says he can't do it now, will Cheng Yan suspect him of cheating?

Thinking of this, Ye Qingyang simply picked up the chalk and began to write.

His handwriting is beautiful, because he is used to doing problems on the blackboard since he was a child, so the chalk writing is also beautiful, not big or small, impartial, writing on the blackboard is clear, and the steps of solving the problems are also very organized.

Chen Wei watched him finish the whole problem-solving process in one go without stopping, and said in surprise, "Ye Qingyang can do it! When will he even know this kind of problem? You have improved so fast."

He  asked Lu Jingcheng, "Did you study so efficiently after staying in the accommodation?"

Lu Jingcheng who felt that he had made no progress: ... 

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