Chapter 34

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75L: ...

76L: ...

77L: ...

78L: ...

79L: ... The landlord stopped pretending and admitted that he made friends out of nothing?

80L: I know, good friend, socialist brotherhood! I know!

Lu Jingcheng: know what!

Lu Jingcheng was so angry that he almost dropped his phone.

But everyone is addicted to chatting:

81L: Hahahaha, the poster is getting darker and darker.

82L: Inexplicably, I feel that the host is quite cute, please cheer up! Hug the brothers back as soon as possible!

83L: The host can tell me about his own situation, how about studying? Judging by the heroic appearance of the host, he must be very rich, alas, why do I have all rich friends!

84L: Please tell me more, brother, isn't he good-looking? Is it good for the landlord?

Looks good, treats me well, any comments?

Lu Jingcheng replied one by one in his heart. After reading for a long time, he saw a feasible suggestion.

131L: I don't know how the landlord's studies are going? If the landlord is not good at studying, you can tell your brother that you are going to work hard, but you have no self-control. I hope that your brother can supervise his study, and use this as a reason to give him some rewards every day, or give him some things. Brother should not be determined Don't charge it.

This is feasible, if this is the case, wouldn't he have to sacrifice himself?

When Lu Jingcheng thought that he had to study, he felt a headache.

He strongly supports that every student should study hard, except him.

Lu Jingcheng frowned, hesitating whether to let the child not be caught by the wolf, or not to be caught by Ye Qingyang himself.

This is really cheap Ye Qingyang!

Lu Jingcheng lamented that he was overjoyed.

Ye Qingyang was probably overjoyed!




Excited dancing!

Can't wait to tell everyone!

This is not good, Lu Jingcheng thought, this matter should not be publicized, it has to be kept secret, otherwise it will be troublesome if other people find out.

Alas, he is really too kind to Ye Qingyang!

He felt that his conscience was getting brighter and brighter!

Ye Qingyang never expected that in just one noon, Lu Jingcheng's thoughts on him had changed from letting him move out to living together!

However, Lu Jingcheng was quite tolerant, so in order to prevent Ye Qingyang from rushing to tell the truth, he held back until he was going to bed at night before he was ready to tell him about it.

In the dark, while helping Ye Qingyang hold his shoulders, Lu Jingcheng said: "Ye Qingyang, what you told me before, you should study hard, is that still true?" 

"Forget it." Ye Qingyang nodded.

It's impossible for him to maintain the personality of a scumbag for the rest of his life, and he still plans to continue to take the top spot in the college entrance examination.

What Lu Jingcheng was waiting for was this sentence, "I thought about it today, if a scumbag like you can study hard, then I can't keep deteriorating like this."

Ye Qingyang:? ? ? ? ? ?

Ye Qingyang felt that this was wrong!

This is not Lu Jingcheng's personality design. It's not that Lu Jingcheng doesn't study well, he's just lazy, he doesn't like to use his brain, and he doesn't want to study hard.

Unless the hostess supervises him, encourages him, and inspires him, he can use his noble mind a little bit reluctantly for the hostess.

Yu Wan hasn't formally met Lu Jingcheng yet, why did Lu Jingcheng decide to get angry in advance?

"Why did you suddenly have this idea."

"People go to high places, but water flows to low places." Lu Jingcheng spoke eloquently.

"Learning is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat."

"There are roads in the mountains of books, and diligence is the path, and the sea of ​​learning is boundless." 

Don't stop interrupting him, "That's enough brother, your reason is already very good." So don't show off! I know you are good at Chinese, but you don't have to memorize poems just because you disagree! 

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