Chapter 15

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Ye Qingyang recited ancient poems with everyone, did exercises, and took another math class.

When it was time for Chinese class, the Chinese teacher asked everyone to take out the exercise book, and today I will talk about the exercises in the exercise book.

This is embarrassing.

Of the two books that Ye Hong tore, one was a math tutoring book, and the other was a Chinese exercise book.

Ye Qingyang didn't have it, so he planned to sleep.

It's just that before he had time to sleep, the Chinese teacher had already stepped off the podium and began to check whether everyone had written the inscriptions in the workbooks.

Ye Qingyang: ...

Isn't this even more embarrassing?

The Chinese teacher checked quickly, and after a while, he arrived in front of Ye Qingyang's seat.

Seeing that Ye Qingyang had only opened up a Chinese book, she asked, "Where's your exercise book?"

Ye Qingyang looked sad and sighed, "My aunt and uncle got into a fight for some reason the day before yesterday. , I was writing an exercise book at that time, and they saw it, picked it up, and tore it up! They also said that I was poor at studying, so I wrote it for nothing."

He said, seeming a little guilty, a little uncomfortable, and a little embarrassed, he silently lowered his head.

"I'm sorry teacher, it's my fault, I will buy a new one as soon as possible." 

The chinese teacher is in the same office as their head teacher and knows something about him.

Thinking that he is an orphan, living with his aunt and uncle now and that no matter how close he is, he is also dependent on others.

Aunt and uncle may not be willing to treat him sincerely, and he cannot be as confident as in a normal family.

Momentarily soft-hearted, he said, "Okay then. But you have to buy a copy as soon as possible. If you don't have the exercise book tomorrow, I will punish you."

Ye Qingyang nodded, "Thank you, teacher."

Listening to his words, Lu Jingcheng frowned unconsciously.

It's fine if Ye Qingyang's aunt and uncle don't give him money, why are they tearing up his exercise book?

Still say that kind of thing!

No wonder Ye Qingyang's grades have always been at the bottom of the class. In such a learning environment, can he learn well?

Lu Jingcheng felt irritable, and Ye Qingyang's relatives were too worthless!

Seeing that the Chinese teacher let him go to check on other people, Ye Qingyang was quietly relieved.

It just seems that I have to pick a time to go to the bookstore to buy exercise books. I don't know if they are still available, but I hope they do.

After a class is over, the Chinese teacher leaves the classroom.

Ye Qingyang also got up to go to the toilet.

Seeing him go out, Lu Jingcheng dug out his old mobile phone from his school bag and chased him out.

Ye Qingyang was not surprised to meet Lu Jingcheng in the bathroom, and even took the initiative to wait for him outside the door after washing his hands.

When Lu Jingcheng came out after going to the toilet, seeing that he was waiting for him obediently, his eyes became a little more lighthearted.

"Come here."

He glanced at Ye Qingyang and walked to the railing where the two were talking.

As soon as Ye Qingyang stood still, he saw Lu Jingcheng take out a mobile phone from his pocket, "Here you are."

Ye Qingyang looked at the mobile phone in his hand, he didn't expect him to be so efficient.

Yesterday I said I would go back and look for it, but today it was brought directly in front of me.

He looked hesitantly at the phone in Lu Jingcheng's hand, "This phone is quite new."

Seeing him shy, Lu Jingcheng simply took his hand and put it on it.

"Nonsense, this phone has only been used for less than half a month."

Is this also called an old phone? ? ?

Ye Qingyang feels that Lu Jingcheng's oldness and his oldness seem to be different concepts.

"Then you give it to me?"

"I don't need it right now." Lu Jingcheng spoke confidently.

Ye Qingyang looked at the phone in his hand, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became.

"Is this phone the same model as yours?"

This is obviously a new model!

Lu Jingcheng nodded calmly, "I like this brand, so I bought a new model when it came out. At that time, this model didn't come out in black, so I reluctantly bought this white one. After less than half a month, the black came out, so I bought it again. Then I put this in my drawer."

Ye Qingyang:? ? ?

Can it still be like this?

Ye Qingyang doesn't understand very well, this phone case is a set, is there a difference between black and white?

Isn't it the color of the shell you like?

But Lu Jingcheng obviously didn't think so.

He is different from Ye Qingyang, he is not only picky about eating, he is picky about many things, the same goes for mobile phones.

Lu Jingcheng picked the brand, the performance, the color, and the sound quality.

Like many boys, he is more interested in electronic products and likes to collect them.

The few brands he likes, as long as there are new ones, he will choose the ones he likes to buy.

And the ones he used before will be put in different drawers and stored away.

The one in Ye Qingyang's hand is also one of his collections.

For Lu Jingcheng, since he wanted to give people, of course, he had to give them the best abilities, otherwise, what would he do for Ye Qingyang?

Do you keep it as a collection like him?

"I gave you the phone, don't use your broken phone in the future, it takes a long time to scan a QR code, and my old eyes are dim."

"But your mobile phone is too expensive, isn't it?"

"I can't take it." Ye Qingyang said, handing the phone back.

Lu Jingcheng became upset, "You don't want me to give it to you?"

He looked at Ye Qingyang, he couldn't believe it, shouldn't he be overjoyed and moved?

Why not? !

"Say it again!"

Ye Qingyang didn't dare to ask for it even if he said it ten times.

"This mobile phone is too expensive. Even if you sell it second-hand, you can still sell it for around 5,000. I can't afford it at all, let alone get it for nothing."

Lu Jingcheng was almost mad at him.

"Okay, I'll give you a mobile phone. Now you're talking about money with me. Do I care about money?"

"That's not the case." Ye Qingyang took his hand and wanted to put the phone in his hand.

But Lu Jingcheng shook hands instantly, with an expression of "I'll see how you give it to me".

Ye Qingyang: ...

Ye Qingyang thinks he is quite childish, but also quite cute.

"I'll give you what I'm giving you. Take it carefully." Lu Jingcheng said impatiently.

Ye Qingyang tried to explain to him, "It's not that I don't want it, I can't."

"If there's anything I can do, if I say yes, do you still want to reject me?"

Lu Jingcheng said confidently, "Don't you want to be my friend? ? I don't want to be friends with people who have old mobile phones. If you don't want this mobile phone, you will stay away from me in the future."

Ye Qingyang: ...... How else can you do this?

Seeing that he had stopped talking, Lu Jingcheng raised his head proudly, his chin raised slightly.

"I gave you your cell phone out of good intentions, did you ask you to say such things?"

Lu Jingcheng educated him, "Do you think it's appropriate for you to do this?" 

It's quite appropriate...

Isn't it that they are not considered ordinary friends now? , how could he have the nerve to accept such expensive things from Lu Jingcheng?

But Ye Qingyang looked at the dissatisfaction in his eyes, he was still very kind, and humbly asked for advice: "Then you really give it to me?"

 You still need to ask me!

Lu Jingcheng really wanted to hit him on the head hard!

After silently falling in love for so long, I finally received the first thing from the person I like.

Shouldn't you be flying with joy? 

The mood is surging, the emotion is stirring, can't you wish to write a poem and sing it to show your ambition? !

Does anyone else need to teach this? !

What a fool!




Lu Jingcheng snorted, "I didn't give up anything, I'm going back."

Ye Qingyang saw that he was getting angry, and quickly grabbed him.

Lu Jingcheng turned his head, "What are you doing?"

Ye Qingyang looked at him, thinking that if he really didn't accept this, with Lu Jingcheng's temper, he would probably be sulking all morning.

Maybe I will have to continue to give be angry in the afternoon.

This is very unnecessary.

Lu Jingcheng gave him the phone for his own good, but if he got sullen because he didn't accept his goodwill, it would be his fault.

"Then I'll accept it first, thank you, and I'll give you a better phone later."

"As for the little money you sell during class, you'd better keep it for yourself." Lu Jingcheng said disdainfully.

Ye Qingyang smiled, his thoughts will always increase, and he will always be able to afford a mobile phone for Lu Jingcheng.

"I'll try to earn more."

When he said this, his eyes were shining, as if there was light coming in, and it seemed that there was light hiding inside.

Lu Jingcheng looked at him, unable to turn his eyes away for a moment.

After a long time, I turned my head away and asked him, "Are you trying to earn more just to buy me a mobile phone?"

Of course not all, but this is his first small goal.

Make some money, pay back the money owed to Lu Jingcheng, and buy him a mobile phone.

"En." Ye Qingyang nodded.

Lu Jingcheng looked at him from the corner of his eye, and felt that he was really stupid. He didn't lack a mobile phone, and he needed money to buy it.

Besides, what's the relationship between them? He made money and then bought himself a mobile phone. What is that?

Might as well save the money and buy a new phone for yourself!

Do you like him that much?

Can't you think about yourself first?


No wonder you can't learn well!

Lu Jingcheng's heart softened in an instant, and he didn't get angry anymore. He pretended not to care and said, "Then you go on~"


"It will take a lot of money to buy me a mobile phone."

"I will make a lot of money slowly."

Lu Jingcheng smiled, and quickly covered it up, "Let go, I'm going back."

Ye Qingyang let go.

Lu Jingcheng took two steps forward, but realized that he hadn't followed. When he turned around, he was still standing upright.

"What are you doing standing there, go back?"

"Oh." Ye Qingyang hurriedly followed.

Lu Jingcheng was satisfied when he saw him walking beside him, and asked casually, "Your aunt really tore that exercise book?"

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