Chapter 11

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Chen Wei came back soon, feeling happy, "I also have instant noodles."

He looked at Lu Jingcheng and showed off, "It's the same as yours~"

Lu Jingcheng: ...

"Deluxe Supreme Ocean View Room Package~" Chen Wei continued to sing.

Lu Jingcheng let out a cold and noble "Oh".

"Wait until the next class break, just watch me eat~" Chen Wei was triumphant.

Lu Jingcheng: ...

Lu Jingcheng stood up and walked towards Ye Qingyang.

Before leaving, he warned Chen Wei, "Don't touch my instant noodles."

"You only have soup left." Chen Wei was speechless.

"I won't give you soup either!"

Chen Wei: ...he doesn't want to drink soup, okay! He is not a soup master!

Lu Jingcheng walked to Ye Qingyang's seat, and glanced at the others, "What are you doing around here, get out of here." 

The crowd dispersed quite a bit in an instant.

There are only a few big-hearted girls who have not left yet, and one of them did not forget to tell Ye Qingyang, "Remember to boil it for me and bring it to my seat, mine is the same set meal as the male god~"

In the same set meal as the male god Lu Jingcheng: ...

Ye Qingyang nodded, and before he could say "um", he heard Lu Jingcheng say, "Why?"

After Lu Jingcheng finished speaking, he looked at Ye Qingyang, "You still want to send her there!"

" I will charge the service fee of 50 cents more." Ye Qingyang said truthfully.

Lu Jingcheng took out his wallet, took a 100 piece of paper and placed it on the table, "I'll buy you 200 services, and I'll see how much time you have to serve others."

Ye Qingyang: ...

Ye Qingyang thinks he is really rich.

So Ye Qingyang had no choice but to hand over his materials to the girl in front of him, saying, "I'm sorry, your god doesn't agree."

By the way, he stuffed Lu Jingcheng's 100% discount back into his pocket, "Brother Lu, for you it's a VIP, it's free for life, and there's no service fee." 

The girl said "Oh~~", making twists and turns, her eyes wandering back and forth between the two of them, silently hugging her food.

Ye Qingyang picked up the phone and refunded her fifty cents back.

Fortunately, not many people bought this service, only Qi Xuan and Chen Wei.

Speaking of Chen Wei, Ye Qingyang looked up at Lu Jingcheng, "Chen Wei also asked me to send it to him, can't you?" 

"What do you think?"

Get instant noodles and ingredients here.

As a result, just as he was about to type, he heard Lu Jingcheng say, "Return Chen Wei's share and sell it to someone else."

"Sell it to someone else?" Ye Qingyang was puzzled.

Lu Jingcheng nodded, "You don't want to?"

"I'm afraid he will hit me."

"He dares!" Lu Jingcheng looked at him, "Don't worry, if he dares to bully you, I'll kill him!"

"Can I ask why? "

Lu Jingcheng glanced at the girl next to him, she immediately evacuated and ran fast!

Seeing that everyone had left, Lu Jingcheng said slowly, "He wants to cheat me."

Ye Qingyang: ...

Ye Qingyang felt that Chen Wei was really ignorant!

He doesn't know his good friend Lu Jingcheng, Young Master Lu at all!

Is Lu Jingcheng the kind of person who can be greedy?

He must not be!

This is simply breaking ground on Tai Sui's head, and the tiger's beard is pulled out!

Fuck you!

"I see. I will immediately cancel his order and block him, and he will not be allowed to place an order with me again!"

Lu Jingcheng was satisfied, and just as he was about to say something, when the class bell rang, Lu Jingcheng was helpless, decided to talk to Ye Qingyang next class.

He glanced at Ye Qingyang, said "have a good class", and returned to his seat to sit down.

Seeing him coming back, Chen Wei reminded, "What are you talking about? It's been a long time. You're already in class. Put away your instant noodles."

Lu Jingcheng glanced at him, finished the soup in front of him, and then finished the meal. The box is at my feet.

"You're out of instant noodles." Lu Jingcheng said happily.

Chen Wei: "Huh?"

"That's what you think."

Chen Wei: ? ? ?

He was wondering, but suddenly heard a WeChat ring.

Chen Wei opened it, and Ye Qingyang said to him: [Kiss, this is five yuan and five dollars refunded to you, and the live broadcast room will not do your business in the future, forgive me dear~]

Chen Wei: ...

" What did you say to Ye Qingyang ?" Chen Wei gritted his teeth, "Are you serious?!"

Lu Jingcheng looked at his phone interface, "You two also added WeChat?!!!"


He hasn't added WeChat with Ye Qingyang yet!

Why did Ye Qingyang add WeChat with Chen Wei!

Not only Chen Wei, but probably other people who went to buy instant noodles from him!

Lu Jingcheng felt that he was going to die of anger!

Don't you like him? !

Why are you still so skittish!


He even added so many people's WeChat behind his back!

Don't add him!

It's really maddening!

After class, Ye Qingyang put the last pack of instant noodles and the remaining ingredients in front of his customers, and stopped by the men's room.

As a result, halfway through, Lu Jingcheng came in.

Before Ye Qingyang had time to say hello, he was glared at by Lu Jingcheng.

Ye Qingyang:? ? ? Eldest young master, what's the matter?

Ye Qingyang didn't know why, so after washing his hands, he didn't rush to leave, and waited for him in the toilet.

It didn't take long for Lu Jingcheng to come out, and seeing him outside the door, he looked better.

"What are you doing here?" he asked knowingly.

Ye Qingyang smiled and said, "Wait for you, I don't think you're very happy."

Lu Jingcheng snorted coldly, "Come here."

Ye Qingyang didn't speak, and followed him to the corridor railing.

"What's the matter with you today? Why didn't you come to class this morning?"

"Slept in." Ye Qingyang said truthfully, "I told the teacher that my aunt was sick, but in fact I slept in."

"Your aunt?" Lu Jingcheng said incredulously.

Ye Qingyang had no choice but to continue to explain, "I was only 13 years old when my parents left, and my aunt was my legal guardian."

Lu Jingcheng nodded, and then quickly realized, "Then you have no money, and your aunt won't give it to you." Your pocket money?"

"That's my aunt, not my mother." Ye Qingyang looked at him, "How nice do you think she is to me?"

Lu Jingcheng didn't understand, "Don't aunts always treat nephews well?"

He thought about his aunt, "In our family, aunt is very kind to all the juniors."

Ye Qingyang smiled, thinking that Lu Jingcheng was really happy.

Lu Jingcheng saw that he just smiled and didn't speak, so he didn't say any more.

He was just a little puzzled when he first heard about this, but he is not stupid. There are all kinds of things in the world, just like not all families are as rich as theirs, and not all relatives are as kind as theirs. 

"That's why you sell instant noodles to make money?" Lu Jingcheng asked.

Ye Qingyang nodded, "Thank you this time, if they hadn't seen you eating, they wouldn't have been so enthusiastic about buying."

"You're so kind!" Lu Jingcheng became angry again when he said this, "You just treat me as a  tool man! A model! It's still free!"

"Of course not." Ye Qingyang touched his hair, "I am mainly worried that you are hungry, and I added a lot of ingredients to the bowl you brewed, so I said yes to them. It's the same style as yours, but the material is much less than yours."

Lu Jingcheng snorted.

Ye Qingyang smiled and flattered him, "I'm also forced by livelihood, you see, I can't even buy instant noodles in barrels, I can only sell them in bags."

"Didn't I give you money?"

"You are an emergency backup, I'm not ready to move yet. I bought the instant noodles from home today, and I bought and sold them without money. Now I have a net profit of 40, which happens to be enough to pay back the 20 that I owed you yesterday."

When he said this, he took out his mobile phone, " Brother Lu, let's add a WeChat account, and I'll transfer the money for you."

"I'm short of your 20." Lu Jingcheng was speechless, "If I say yes, I will invite you, why are you so troublesome?"


Lu Jingcheng looked at His mobile phone was full of yin and yang, "You also added WeChat with Chen Wei?"

Ye Qingyang asked him sensitively, "Can't I add it?"

"Do you think it's suitable?"

Ye Qingyang: ...

He thinks it's quite suitable.

"Isn't it appropriate?"

Lu Jingcheng said angrily, "What do you think!"

That seemed very inappropriate, "I'll delete him now."

Lu Jingcheng was satisfied.

That's right, why didn't he add Ye Qingyang's WeChat, but Chen Wei did!

It shouldn't be!

Ye Qingyang deleted Chen Wei's WeChat, and asked curiously, "Don't other people need to delete it?"

After he finished speaking, he pretended to be pitiful, "These are all my customers!"

Lu Jingcheng looked at his pitiful expression, and thought of his life it's really not easy, so he nodded reluctantly, "It can only be used for business."

"Don't worry, I guarantee that our chat records are all red envelopes, nothing else!"

That's about the same.

Lu Jingcheng took out his mobile phone, "Come on, add a WeChat."

Ye Qingyang moved the mobile phone over and scanned his ID.

His mobile phone was also quite old, and it was relatively slow. After scanning for a while, Lu Jingcheng's homepage appeared.

Lu Jingcheng looked at his phone and couldn't help but said, "Your phone is too stuck."

"It will be like this after using it for a long time."

"My old phone is more responsive than your phone." Lu Jingcheng complained.

After he finished complaining, he suddenly looked at Ye Qingyang as if thinking of something, "I'll go back and look for it. I'll give you my old mobile phone."

"Huh?" Ye Qingyang was shocked.

Seeing that he had added himself, Lu Jingcheng stuffed the phone into his pocket, "That's it, I'll give you my phone tomorrow."

How is it a deal?

"I think my mobile phone can still be used." Ye Qingyang looked at his mobile phone. Although it was stuck, it was indeed still usable.

Speaking of which, his mobile phone was eliminated after Wang Fan bought a new mobile phone.

Otherwise, Ye Hong would not be willing to buy a mobile phone for the original owner.

If the teacher in charge hadn't asked all the students to join the WeChat group, Ye Hong would probably not even give the old phone to the original owner because he was afraid that the original owner would not come to talk to him with the teacher in charge.

After all, Ye Hong still wanted to sell this old mobile phone for money.

Lu Jingcheng was too lazy to argue with him, "I said it can't be used, it just can't be used, you use me as a tool and I didn't say anything, I gave you a mobile phone and you still have an opinion, if the opinion is not approved, reject it!"

Ye Qingyang : ...Okay, as expected of the future overlord, the clues have already appeared.

"Thank you, master." Ye Qingyang thanked, "Master is so kind!"

Lu Jingcheng also felt that he was very kind to him, so he said "um" and walked towards the classroom.

Ye Qingyang looked at him acting like a proud white peacock and felt that he was really cute and arrogant.

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