Chapter 49

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Lu Jingcheng was indeed hiding from Ye Qingyang. He was sitting on the parallel bars, looking at the teachers and students jogging in the morning on the playground, feeling heavy in his heart.

Thanks to the fact that he has always felt good about himself, every day he feels that Ye Qingyang likes what he likes, but in reality? People don't like him at all, it's all because of his own sentimentality.

Lu Jingcheng watched people running on the track not far away, running round and round, feeling more and more depressed.

Ye Qingyang doesn't like him, maybe he doesn't like boys either, he probably likes girls, like Yu Wan, that's why he saw Yu Wan right away during military training and thought she was pretty.

The most difficult thing in this world is not that you get bent by a boy for no reason, but that you are bent by the other party, and it turns out that there was a misunderstanding. He is a straight man, and he is still straight now.

And you, have turned into a mosquito-repellent frog.

Lu Jingcheng looked at the people coming and going in front of him depressedly, and felt for the first time that life is really troublesome.

He just sat like this until the morning reading was approaching, and he stepped into the classroom.

Ye Qingyang had already arrived in the classroom, and now that he finally appeared, he quickly sent him a WeChat message: 【Where did you go? Don't you want to memorize words? Why aren't you in the classroom? 】

Looking at his WeChat, Lu Jingcheng felt complicated in his heart, and he replied: 【Not in the classroom, I chose a place with few people to memorize. ]

After replying, he lay down on the table and got ready to sleep.

He didn't sleep well all night, and his heart was full of thoughts, could he be considered broken in love?

But he obviously hasn't started falling in love yet.

But Ye Qingyang's attitude is obviously that he doesn't like him, so it should be regarded as being rejected.

So is this a breakup?

Lu Jingcheng didn't know, but he was in a bad mood, even a little ashamed to see Ye Qingyang again.

It's too embarrassing, I always thought that people like me, and Ye Qingyang didn't know it, but now I know, it's too embarrassing.

And now that he has met Ye Qingyang, how should he treat him?

It definitely can't be like before, it's too ambiguous, so what should I change it to?

Whatever it is, Lu Jingcheng doesn't think it's appropriate, so it's better for the two of them to avoid it for a while and think about how to get along with each other in the future.

If there is a future.

Lu Jingcheng slept through his morning reading, didn't do the exercise between classes, and continued to sleep lying on the table.

Ye Qingyang watched silently, inexplicably worried about him.

When eating at noon, several people went to the cafeteria together.

Chen Wei looked at his deskmate who had been too lazy to speak since morning reading, and asked curiously, "What's wrong with you? You're so silent today."

"It's okay." Lu Jingcheng said.

He put the plate on the table and sat down on the chair.

Ye Qingyang sat down next to him, and Lu Jingcheng didn't refuse, he picked up the mushroom in the casserole habitually and prepared to give it to Ye Qingyang. As soon as he stretched out the chopsticks, he thought of something and took it back, and ate the mushroom himself.

Chen Wei:! ! !

Bai Le:! ! !

Dong Yu:! ! !

Ye Qingyang:...

"When did you start eating mushrooms? You actually ate a mushroom!" Chen Wei said in surprise.

Lu Jingcheng raised his eyelids, looked at him speechlessly, and lowered his head to eat.

Chen Wei:? ? ?

Chen Wei turned his head to look at Bai Le, with bright eyes saying: Is he not in the right shape today? Don't hate me!

Bo Le supported his head and looked at his own hair, feeling that he was indeed not in the right state.

Ye Qingyang glanced at Lu Jingcheng calmly, and wanted to say something but was afraid that Chen Wei and the others would find out that he and Lu Jingcheng had had a conflict, so he also bowed his head and started eating.

During the meal, Chen Wei, Bai Le, and the others were talking and laughing, while Ye Qingyang and Lu Jingcheng's food was a bit tasteless.

After dinner, Chen Wei and the others were going to go to the Internet cafe. Ye Qingyang didn't want to go, but Lu Jingcheng wanted to.

Seeing this, Ye Qingyang said, "Then I'll go too."

Lu Jingcheng was reluctant, "You should study hard, the exam is coming soon."

"Then why don't you study?" Ye Qingyang asked him.

How could Lu Jingcheng be in the mood to study at the moment, he was still sad because he died before he was able to succeed in his career, and the love that made the hero burst into tears died prematurely before it sprouted.

"I'm not like you. My grades are the same whether I review or not. It doesn't matter if I don't review."

"But you just said before that you should study hard." Ye Qingyang whispered.

Sensitively, Bai Le felt that there was a problem between them, so he took the initiative, "Then let's not go to the Internet cafe. The monthly exam will be the day after tomorrow, so let's support each other."

He touched Chen Wei, and Chen Wei understood, "That's right, let's go after the exam."

Dong Yu had no objection, and they returned to the classroom together.

Lu Jingcheng didn't want to read, so he entered the classroom, and as soon as he sat down in his seat, he picked up his phone and started playing games.

Bai Le approached him, "Did you go back to the classroom to let you play games?"


Bo Le glanced at Ye Qingyang cautiously, and whispered: "Have you quarreled with Ye Qingyang?"


"Then you two look weird today."

"Have you?"

"Yes, you don't bring food for him today."

"That's right." Chen Wei said, "You are very strange today, you don't say a word, you keep making a face, and those who don't know think that your partner has run away with someone else." What?"

Lu Jingcheng: ...

Although his partner didn't run away with anyone else, his partner did by himself!

Thinking of this, Lu Jingcheng became angry, grabbed Bai Le and Chen Wei, and dragged them to the corner of the corridor outside the classroom.

"You two have the nerve to say it! I haven't settled with you two yet!"

Chen Wei:? ? ?

Bai le:? ? ? ?

The two looked at each other, their little heads were full of doubts, "What does it have to do with the two of us?"

Lu Jingcheng said angrily, "It doesn't matter, it's just the two of you, one is talking about whether he likes you, the other is talking about he must like you, making me think he really likes me! As it turned out, he didn't have such thoughts at all?!"

Chen Wei looked confused, "Who are you talking about?"

Bai Le looked at him in surprise, Fuck, his kid wouldn't really kick the cabinet door, would he?

"Who else, of course Ye Qingyang!" Lu Jingcheng said angrily.

Chen Wei:! ! !

For the first time, Chen Wei felt that his little friend was really innocent, "I'm just kidding, isn't this kind of joke? Don't you take it seriously, Ye Qingyang is a boy!"

Lu Jingcheng:! ! !

The most difficult thing in this world is not that you think the other party is crooked, but he is straight;

It's because you think the other party is bent, and you are all bent on him, but the other party is a straight man, not only that, but your friend who told you that he is a bent also said, I just said it casually, you wouldn't take it seriously, would you? ?

Lu Jingcheng almost spat out a mouthful of blood, so from the beginning to the end, he was the only one who thought Ye Qingyang was bent, and even fooled himself to become bent!

Lu Jingcheng pointed at Chen Wei, "If I don't beat you to death today, it must be due to my high moral character."

Chen Wei looked at his expression, feeling agitated in his heart, "So you really think Ye Qingyang likes you, so why don't you marry me?" He stayed with him..."

Chen Wei came to his senses in an instant, and said in disbelief, "Fuck, Cheng, you don't like him, do you, you bent yourself?"

Lu Jingcheng crushed him and beat him violently.

Bai Le raised his forehead, "I knew it."

He rescued Chen Wei, and asked Lu Jingcheng, "So you told Ye Qingyang?"

Chen Wei was even more shocked, "You still said it?"

Lu Jingcheng felt that he was I want to be beaten.

Bai Le looked at Chen Wei speechlessly, "Otherwise, could the two of them be in this atmosphere today?"

Chen Wei felt that his brain could not keep up with it, "No, why are you not surprised at all?"

"I'm not the two of you , one who is innocent will die, and one who is stupid will die. As for Xiaojing and Ye Qingyang's way of getting along, he must like each other, otherwise you see who he treats so well."

Chen Wei: "...Master Bai, it turns out that you are the one. You really have sharp eyes, I misunderstood you!"

Lu Jingcheng felt that he wanted to hit someone again.

Bai Le gave Chen Wei a disgusted look, and then went to look at Lu Jingcheng, "So, Ye Qingyang rejected you ?

" Lu Jingcheng kicked him, "Shut up." 

Chen Wei was dissatisfied, "I'm talking for you." 

"Thank you." Lu Jingcheng gritted his teeth.

Chen Wei: ... Forget it, don't bother with people who are broken in love.

"If you really like him, just bend him up." Bai Le said calmly, "Anyway, I don't think Ye Qingyang is too straight with you. You bend him, and you must be sure."

Lu Jingcheng: ...

" Am I a monkey who breaks the grain? I still have to break it."

"You just need to know what it means."

"I refuse." Lu Jingcheng said.

"Why?" Chen Wei was puzzled, "I also think that Ye Qingyang likes you very much, as long as you chase him for a while, he will definitely agree to you."

Lu Jingcheng did not speak.

Bai Le guessed, "You won't be troubled by your pride, are you sorry?" 

Lu Jingcheng glanced at him, "Am I this kind of person?"

The girls walked into the teaching building in their school uniforms.

After a long time, he said, "He's different from me. Our family's conditions are set there. Even if I like boys, it won't matter. As long as our family doesn't collapse, no one will dare to say anything about me. Even if someone says, I will I don't care."

"But Ye Qingyang is different, he has no money, no background, he has already lived a very hard life, what right do I have to force him to walk a road that may not be smooth in the first place."

Lu Jingcheng lowered his voice . His eyes were lowered, and his voice was very soft, "He knew that I liked him, but he refused, which means that the current him doesn't like me. Even though he knows that others don't like you, he still wants to chase you. It's called pursuit, it's called harassment. And knowing that it's not easy for the other party, but for your own selfishness, force the other party to take another road that may be full of gossip that he doesn't want to take, this is despicable."

" My liking, even if it can't make the other party happy, shouldn't send harassment and despicableness to the other party, otherwise, what kind of liking is it?"

Bai Le and Chen Wei were stunned for a moment, looked at each other, and then at Lu Jingcheng, "Then what are you going to do?"

Lu Jingcheng looked at them unhappily, "I wish I knew."

"Either you try to keep a distance from him first, and see if you can come straight back?" Bai Le suggested, "If you can come straight back, then this matter will be solved easily, you are still good buddies, straight male friendship."

Lu Jingcheng: ...

" Am I a tape measure? Can it be bent or straight?"

"Then what do you think?"

Lu Jingcheng didn't say anything, he still hoped that Ye Qingyang would like him, and wanted to get a response from the other party.

However, Ye Qingyang's reaction last night made it very clear that he only regarded him as a friend, and hoped that they were just friends.

"Let's talk about it after the exam." Lu Jingcheng said, "After the exam, I'll move back home and keep a distance from him."

"Then why don't you move back now?" Chen Wei said.

Lu Jingcheng was speechless, it wasn't that the exam was approaching, Ye Qingyang would definitely have some mood swings when he moved back at this time, if he didn't perform well on the exam day and didn't do well in the exam, others might not know what to say about him!

He made too much progress last time, and someone secretly discussed whether he cheated and copied Yu Wan's answer.

It's just that most people in the class, like Cheng Yan, the head teacher, think that he has made such progress because of studying hard after class, and because he is close to himself, those people just talk secretly and dare not spread rumors loudly .

If Ye Qingyang didn't do well in the exam this time, then those people might not know what to say about him!

The author has something to say: Chengcheng is really innocent and clear-minded, so Yangyang, have you seen it?


Lu Jingcheng is one of the best male leads in BLs I have read.

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