Chapter 37

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During dinner at night, Ye Qingyang told at the dinner table about his plan to live in the school.

Ye Hong was puzzled and asked: "Where did you get the money?"

Ye Qingyang smiled, "You don't need to worry about this aunt."

"Where did you steal it from?"

"Where did I steal it, or you show me the way." Ye Qingyang replied.

"Then where did you get the money?" Wang Yue looked at him, "Why did you suddenly think of going out to live?"

Ye Qingyang sighed, "Okay, we are also a family after all, it's not good to hide it from you, I recently met I made a friend and made a little money, and I thought he was awesome, so I wanted to get along with him more. He happened to be a boarding student, and now there is a lack of roommate in the dormitory, so he asked me if I would like to move in."

" I agreed."

Wang Yue frowned, "How do he earn money?"

"I can't say that."

"Ye Qingyang, your aunt and I are your guardians, we have the right to know what you are doing, otherwise If you are cheated, what can you do?"

"Yes, Yangyang, is your friend reliable, what if you are a liar?"

"No." Ye Qingyang said proudly, "My friend's family has money, their family is engaged in finance, so they are more keen on making money, so you don't have to worry."

Ye Hong and Wang Yue glanced at each other, "Is it really illegal?"

"Of course not, it's just investing and managing money. 

After Ye Qingyang finished speaking, he let out a "Yeah", as if he had slipped his mouth, and then said in a broken can: "Anyway, I've already said it, so I won't hide it from you, he just helps me manage money."

Ye Qingyang looked at the two of them and Wang Hui with a bewildered expression, and explained: "Didn't I go to the squad leader to eat leftovers before, and the squad leader saw that I was pitiful, so I told him about me and asked him to help me. He Just let me give him a hundred, saying that he will help me take care of it, and promise to help me earn an extra 0."

"I didn't want to at first, after all, it's a hundred dollars."

"But our class monitor helped me out, saying I didn't need to pay back the loss, so I agreed."

"As a result, he really helped me earn 1,000, and I paid back the money to the monitor, and the remaining 900 was just enough to pay the accommodation fee."

"Your class is still so good people?" Ye Hong didn't believe it, "Why didn't I know."

"I didn't know before, but it's normal, it's not that our school is either rich or expensive, it's just more or less."

This is true, Ye Hong thought.

She glanced at Wang Yue, but Wang Yue didn't speak.

"So you live in school this time to live with him."

"Yes, I want to get on good terms with him so that he can continue to help me make money." Ye Qingyang said without any secrets.

"How can it be so easy? If the money is so easy to earn, why should everyone work so hard?" Ye Hong taught him.

Ye Qingyang didn't care, "Then I don't care, I don't have any money anyway."

Ye Hong looked at him without saying a word.

After eating, Ye Qingyang packed his luggage and went to bed.

His luggage is not much, only a small suitcase is full.

Ye Qingyang looked at the suitcase, thinking of Ye Hong and Wang Yue's half-believing expressions just now, he couldn't help laughing.

His lie was not very clever, but it was the most suitable for the identity of the original owner, and it was also the most attractive to Ye Hong and the others.

Most of the time, a successful lie doesn't need to be very clever, it just needs to aim at what the person you want to deceive most desires.

Ye Hong's family is the most greedy, wanting to take advantage of everything, as long as they find that they have more and more money, better clothes and more advanced things, then they will naturally believe it.

Because the original owner had been silent and patient for too long, Ye Hong looked down on him from the bottom of his heart, so he would not doubt him.

He wanted to get back the money they owed to the original owner before driving Ye Hong's family away!

Fifty thousand yuan, not a penny less!

Ye Qingyang went to class with his suitcase the next day, but Lu Jingcheng didn't, because Lu Jingcheng rarely had a special car to bring him over after school.

After a week of military training, Li Lan's relationship with him quickly warmed up. Seeing him coming to school with a suitcase, he asked curiously, "What are you packing in this suitcase? Snacks?"


"Then why do you take such a big one ?" What are the boxes for?"


"What's the use?"

Ye Qingyang thought for a while, and felt that it was not impossible to talk about living in school, and said frankly, "I am going to live in school?"


"Of course it is to study hard make progress every day."

Li Lan and Liu Ning laughed when they heard the words.

"Have you chosen the dormitory yet? I have a buddy who still has a bed in the dormitory vacant right now. Either you go to his place. He can help you if he studies well." Liu Ning suggested.

"No need, I live with Lu Jingcheng." Ye Qingyang said.

Li Lan:! ! !

As soon as Li Lan grasped his hand, "Mother, you are going to stay and fly with His Majesty!"

Ye Qingyang smiled, "Yes, I won't take you with me."

Li Lan wept, "I can't bear you."

Ye Qingyang pat the dog's head lightly, "Good~"

After Chen Wei and Bai Le went to the toilet, they held hands and looked at their teary eyes, and asked in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

Li Lan pretended to wipe away his tears, "It said that His Majesty and Your Majesty are going to live together."

Bai Le: ! ! !

Chen Wei:? ? ?

"What do you mean?"

"The two of them will live on campus," Liu Ning said.

"One room." Li Lan added the knife.

Bai Le: ...

Bai Le thinks he has nothing to say. On this wedding day, why not wish the two couples a happy wedding and an early baby.

Oh, if they can't have children, then they will cut off their children and grandchildren, and they will be together for a hundred years!

Lu Jingcheng felt that he was away from the classroom for one break, and when he came back, his eyes were not right when he looked down upon him.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at?" He asked Chen Wei, "Why are you looking at me like that?" 

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