Chapter 4

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There is no evening self-study in the second year of senior high school.

The school bell rang at 7:10 on time.

Ye Qingyang packed his schoolbag and looked at Lu Jingcheng eagerly.

Lu Jingcheng was in the same row as him, and felt a burst of pressure before he finished packing his schoolbag.

He glanced in Ye Qingyang's direction calmly, and saw Ye Qingyang's eyes light up, and he almost waved to him.

Lu Jingcheng was tired.

He really didn't understand why he sold himself out of nowhere!

It is simply puzzling!

Chen Wei had already packed his schoolbag, and was chatting with him while waiting for him.

Lu Jingcheng said a few words perfunctorily, coughed, and said, "You go first."

Chen Wei: "Why?"

"I have something to do here."

"What's the matter?"

"Lu Jingxi asked me to pick her up today ." She, she's still playing outside right now, I'll leave later in the classroom."

Lu Jingxi is Lu Jingcheng's younger sister.

Without doubting him, Chen Wei picked up his schoolbag and left with Bai Le and the others.

Seeing that his little friend had left, Lu Jingcheng gave Ye Qingyang a guilty look.

Ye Qingyang stretched out the index finger and middle finger of his right hand, made a walking motion, and asked with his eyes: Are you going?

Lu Jingcheng shook his index finger.

Ye Qingyang continued to sit on the seat obediently.

After ten minutes passed, Lu Jingcheng reckoned that his friends had already left by car.

Then he stood up and walked out of the classroom.

Ye Qingyang immediately carried his schoolbag and followed, walking beside him.

Lu Jingcheng felt awkward, "Can you stay away from me?"

Ye Qingyang jumped three feet away in an instant, several meters away from him, "Is this okay?"

Lu Jingcheng: ...

"Are you going to sing folk songs with me?" Lu Jingcheng was speechless.

Ye Qingyang had no choice but to get closer, "Is that so?"

Lu Jingcheng nodded reluctantly, "We will maintain this distance before leaving the school gate."

Ye Qingyang said OK, "No problem."

Lu Jingcheng turned around and walked towards the stairs.

All the way out of the campus without any surprises.

Lu Jingcheng looked around at the private cars parked outside the campus, seeing that there was no one he was familiar with, he turned his head to look at Ye Qingyang in peace, and motioned for him to come over.

Ye Qingyang walked over and asked, "Which barbershop do you want to go to?"

"Of course, it's the one whose we seldom go to." Lu Jingcheng replied.

Ye Qingyang had no objection, and the two continued to walk forward.

Lu Jingcheng had a day's class and was a little hungry. When he passed by the casserole shop, he asked Ye Qingyang, "Have you eaten?"

Ye Qingyang touched his pocket and stated, "No money."

When he said this, he remembered again, "I Still owe you ten yuan from noon."

Lu Jingcheng couldn't understand how someone didn't even have ten yuan, so he looked at him suspiciously for a long time.

Seeing that he didn't seem to be lying to himself, he said, "I told you that you don't need to pay it back, go in, I invite you."

After he finished speaking, he turned and went into the casserole shop.

There were not many people in the casserole shop, so Lu Jingcheng asked Ye Qingyang what to eat, went to the front desk and ordered rice noodles and a casserole sesame food, and sat down on the seat.

Ye Qingyang wiped the table in front of him with a napkin, and helped Lu Jingcheng to do the same.

Lu Jingcheng looked up at him, as if he was quite satisfied with his move.

Ye Qingyang took the opportunity to ask him, "Brother Lu, what kind of bangs do you want? Do you want to cut it short like this now, or change your hairstyle?"

Lu Jingcheng was tired when he heard this, "I don't want any bangs!

" Yes," Ye Qingyang persuaded him, "Look at your bangs reaching your eyes now, this will affect your sight and block your handsomeness, I'm sorry for your face, and I'm sorry for the men and women who covet your beauty."

Lu Jingcheng : ... What is going on with this man and woman? !

That's all for girls, why are there boys? !

Is this boy referring to Ye Qingyang himself? !

Lu Jingcheng took out a piece of paper and wiped the table in front of him vigorously.

Ye Qingyang reminded him, "I've already wiped it for you."

"I'm obsessed with cleanliness! Can't I wipe it again?!"

"Yes, please." Ye Qingyang said kindly, "Loving cleanliness is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Brother Lu, how about you?" Wipe it for a while, wipe it well, if it's not enough, I can let you wipe the table here."

Lu Jingcheng: ...

Lu Jingcheng thinks he should shut up!

While talking, the waiter brought over the food for the two of them.

Lu Jingcheng asked the waiter for a small bowl, wiped his chopsticks and spoons, and prepared to eat.

Ye Qingyang took a spoonful of the soup, the soup was rich and delicious.

He took another mouthful of noodles, which were soft and hard, very chewy, and soaked in the deliciousness of the soup, making it even more delicious.

Ye Qingyang felt that the noodles in this store were not bad, and was about to communicate with Lu Jingcheng.

As soon as he raised his head before he could say anything, he was confused by Lu Jingcheng's actions.

Lu Jingcheng was holding the chopsticks, picking up the vegetables in the casserole one by one into the small bowl next to him.

Ye Qingyang watched him finish picking the vegetables and mushrooms.

After clamping the enoki and shiitake mushrooms.

After clipping the shiitake mushrooms and yuba.

He is even going to pick up kelp after picking up the bean curd sticks!

Ye Qingyang: ...

Ye Qingyang couldn't help asking, "Brother Lu...are you separating dry and wet?"

Lu Jingcheng looked up at him, "I don't eat these."

Ye Qingyang looked at his full bowl, and there was not much food left in the bowl, and he asked puzzled, "Then why do you want to eat the hot pot?"

"Can I eat it if I want it?"

"But you don't have many vegetables in the hot pot."

"Can't I be happy? "

Then why don't we just eat rice noodles?" Ye Qingyang was puzzled, "You don't eat these side dishes anyway."

Lu Jingcheng snorted, "Rice noodles are rice noodles, and casserole is casserole. It can be confused!"

After he finished speaking, he did not forget to fish out all the kelp.

Ye Qingyang: ...

Ye Qingyang took a look at his casserole, only two quail eggs, two slices of ham sausage, a few grains of peanuts and some tofu skins could be seen sporadically.

"Then what's in the bowl is what you eat?" he asked.

Lu Jingcheng nodded.

Ye Qingyang sighed, thinking that he was really picky eater, even pickier than that little girl Ye Qingyuan.

"Then let's change it." He said to Lu Jingcheng, "I'll give you the quail eggs, ham sausage, and tofu skin, and you give me the ones you don't eat."

Lu Jingcheng looked at him suspiciously.

Ye Qingyang looked innocent, "I just took a bite, and I ate the top mochi, I didn't touch any of these dishes."

Lu Jingcheng still looked suspicious.

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Ye Qingyang didn't force it.

He thought that Lu Jingcheng's bowl of rice noodle pot was basically empty and pitiful, so he wanted to give him an extra portion of what he ate.

If Lu Jingcheng didn't want to, he naturally didn't care.

"Okay, I'm just saying, you don't mind if you don't want to."

Lu Jingcheng watched as he finished speaking and then lowered his head to start eating. Thinking about what he said just now, he felt that he had completely let go since he revealed his heart at noon. I don't want to hide anymore.

Didn't you just watch yourself silently before, and didn't dare to say anything or do anything except throw cold arrows every now and then?

It's all out now, and he must cut his bangs again, and he wants to give him what he like to eat, and help him eat what he doesn't like!

So attentive, I was afraid that I didn't know what he was thinking.

But Lu Jingcheng thought about it again, if his group of bad friends didn't tell the truth, he probably wouldn't have thought of this.

After all, if Ye Qingyang doesn't say anything, who knows if he is straight or bent.

Ye Qingyang guessed that it was because he couldn't think of it, so he pretended to be friends, so unscrupulous, undisguised, doing these things without blushing and heartbeat, really a bit clever.

Lu Jingcheng lowered his head to eat.

Halfway through eating, he looked at the bowl of food he had picked out, and felt that throwing it away would be a waste, so he might as well give it to Ye Qingyang, responding to the call of the National CD-ROM Action.

He reached out and pushed the small bowl next to him, "Here you are."

Ye Qingyang was a little confused: "Ah?" "Don't you like these dishes? 

I don't eat them either, so here you go."

Ye Qingyang was puzzled, "Then, shall I give you my quail eggs?"

"No." Lu Jingcheng refused, "You can just eat yours, so don't give it to me."

Ye Qingyang guessed that he might be obsessed with cleanliness, so he didn't want to accept it. He didn't force it either.

He ate the food that Lu Jingcheng didn't eat.

Lu Jingcheng watched him eat the food he picked out, and thought about it: I don't want to eat his food, but he is still willing to eat mine, he really likes me very much!

Alas, Lu Jingcheng shook his head silently in his heart, mourning for Ye Qingyang, he is so straight, Ye Qingyang will definitely lose his love, and maybe cry again.

It's too cruel, it's simply too cruel!

Thinking this way, Lu Jingcheng felt that he could treat Ye Qingyang a little better in the future.

After all, it was really not easy for the other party.

After eating, the two continued to walk towards the barbershop.

This street mainly sells stationery, tutorial books and meals.

The two didn't see a few barbershops until they walked out of this street and turned to another street.

Lu Jingcheng chose an empty barber shop and walked in.

The owner of the barber shop immediately came to greet him, and Lu Jingcheng said in a deep voice, "Wash your hair."

After speaking, the owner asked the apprentice in charge of washing his hair to take him to the back to wash his hair.

When Lu Jingcheng came back after washing his hair, he saw Ye Qingyang standing in front of a barber station, fiddling with the barber's scissors.

Lu Jingcheng walked up to him and sat down, the apprentice picked up the hair dryer and began to dry his hair.

By the way, he said: "Student, do you want to cut your hair? Your bangs are a bit long in front. Let's cut it. You are so handsome, classmate. You must be even more handsome if you cut it."

Lu Jingcheng said calmly, "Oh."

"Then choose a person, classmate this is the first time you came to us, otherwise I must be impressed by how handsome you are. You choose a person, get a card, and he will serve you exclusively in the future."

Lu Jingcheng said calmly, "No need, I brought my own."

Apprentice: "Bring your own?"

Ye Qingyang poked him and smiled at him, "Me."

Apprentice: ...

Ye Qingyang approached him, took the hair dryer in his hand, and said to the apprentice, "Go ahead, I'll cut it for him."

Apprentice:? ? ? What kind of show operation is this?

How can you come to the barber shop and bring your own barber!

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