Chapter 17

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Lu Jingcheng was speechless, "Do you eat? Don't you eat what I don't eat?"

Bai Le: "...I'll eat the pork ribs!"

Lu Jingcheng: "Eat your dumplings."

Lu Jingcheng pushed the bowl to  Ye Qingyang, he bowed his head and started eating without saying a word.

Ye Qingyang looked at the noodles and vegetables in his bowl and felt that his oily noodles had been upgraded in an instant.

It has become a two-in-one combination of fried noodles and mixed noodles!

What a surprise!

Ye Qingyang glanced at Lu Jingcheng, who was eating with his head down, and felt that he was handsome and kind-hearted.

Good man!

Good life is safe!

It would be nice if I could eat with Lu Jingcheng every day in the future, after all, they are quite in sync with each other when it comes to eating.

He is not picky about food, Lu Jingcheng is very picky about food, he can just eat what Lu Jingcheng doesn't like, which can be regarded as saving food.

"Brother Lu, do you want some of my noodles?" Ye Qingyang reciprocated and sold him anyway again, "It's delicious."

"No." Lu Jingcheng didn't believe it.

Ye Qingyang wanted to persuade him again, but he also thought that Lu Jingcheng had a cleanliness habit, he had already eaten it, and he would definitely not eat it again.

Give him a little next time, and then eat it yourself, Ye Qingyang thought.

Bai Le saw the two of them eating with their heads down and the one was smiling, and felt that they were developing rapidly!

Didn't Ye Qingyang cry and beg for friends a few days ago? We can sit down and eat together today!

Lu Jingcheng even served him some food!

Is this gay guy chasing people so fast?

Surprise straight guys!

Bai Le sighed, wondering if his straight male brother could handle it, he saw danger!

After talking and laughing, Chen Wei and the others planned to go to the Internet cafe.

Ye Qingyang didn't want to go, he wanted to go to the bookstore near the school to see if there were any Chinese workbooks.

Lu Jingcheng didn't speak, and only after leaving the school gate did he say, "I'll go to the bookstore too. Lu Jingxi's teacher made a reading list for them, and she asked me to buy it for her."

Chen Wei and the others didn't doubt him, After a few words with him, I walked towards the Internet cafe.

Ye Qingyang only thought that he was buying books for his sister, and didn't ask much.

They looked at the nearest bookstore and found that there was no such Chinese exercise book, so they walked forward again.

However, I asked several bookstores and found nothing.

Ye Qingyang frowned, thinking that he might not be able to find it.

Sure enough, after asking the last bookstore, the boss also said no.

Ye Qingyang couldn't help it. He looked at his watch and saw that it was almost time for class, so he planned to go back.

"Did you find the book you bought for your sister?" Ye Qingyang asked, "What book did their teacher tell them to read? " 

Lu Jingcheng, "I never told you." 

Ye Qingyang: ...Of course, it's because I know the characters in the book. But this can't be said, so Ye Qingyang smiled and said, "I've been following you silently for so long, I must know about this kind of thing." 

Lu Jingcheng watched him say such things without blushing, but felt that he really didn't I'm sorry! Confess at every opportunity, he is so passionate! How could he bear it before!

This style of painting has changed too much!

"Then you really pay attention to me."

Ye Qingyang smiled slightly, "I  should."

Lu Jingcheng: ...

How much obsession is this for me!

Should it?

Does he think I will like him?

It's too... sure of himself...

Lu Jingcheng feels that every day, he finds that Ye Qingyang likes him more than he thought!

Chen Wei saw two people coming back empty-handed, and after Lu Jingcheng was seated, he asked, "Didn't you buy it?"


"You didn't buy it, and neither did he?"


"Tsk, then you two have wasted this afternoon."

Isn't it? Lu Jingcheng thought to himself, thinking that there are so many bookstores in front of the school, it should be easy to buy, but after asking around, there were none.

Lu Jingcheng took out his phone, went to Taobao, and started searching.

There are several stores on Taobao that have this exercise book, but they are not local.

Even if he pays now and sends it out today, it won't arrive tomorrow.

Lu Jingcheng: [Can't SF Express expedite? I'm have to use it tomorrow morning. 】

Customer service: [Dear, it is possible, but there is no guarantee that it will arrive tomorrow morning~ I guess it will be tomorrow afternoon~]

Lu Jingcheng: ...I have finished my Chinese class in the afternoon, why do I need you to hurry up!

Lu Jingcheng was so tired that he lay down on the table and fell asleep.

Like Lu Jingcheng, Ye Qingyang consulted Taobao customer service and got the same answer.

After thinking about it, he took a photo and paid, and asked the customer service to deliver the goods to him as soon as possible.

After all, it is no longer available at the gate of the school. Since it is available online, let's buy it online.

A day or two late is not a big problem.

He settled the exercise book, played games for a while, and went to the bathroom after class was over.

Lu Jingcheng saw that he had gone to the bathroom, and Chen Wei was not there, so he quickly picked up his Chinese workbook and walked to Ye Qingyang's seat.

With a "snap", it was placed on his desk, and he went back to his seat and sat down.

He is different from Ye Qingyang, his Chinese performance is not bad, and the school teachers know his identity, so most of the time they turn a blind eye to him.

Ye Qingyang's exercise book is gone, the teacher will scold him.

But his exercise book was lost, and the Chinese teacher would definitely not say anything on the surface, and asked him to buy another one in private.

Lu Jingcheng opened Taobao and bought a copy for himself.

OK, now everything is settled, he and Ye Qingyang both ave a bookh, and nothing will happen.

Lu Jingcheng was very satisfied and started playing games.

When Ye Qingyang came back from the toilet, he found a Chinese exercise book on his desk.

He opened it and looked at it, only to find that there was no name written on it.

He flipped through it again, and saw that the other party had already done most of the questions on the first few pages, and some of them were probably too lazy to write, so the answers to reading comprehension were outlined in the original text with a pen.

Although lazy, but the key points are all right.

And the handwriting is also good, looks very chic and handsome.

It is a boy's word.

Ye Qingyang guessed who put it on his desk almost instantly.

He glanced at Lu Jingcheng and suspected that Lu Jingcheng was not buying books for his sister at noon today, but buying exercise books with him.

Really arrogant and soft-hearted.

He asked, "Brother Lu, can you lend me your Chinese workbook? I want to make a photocopy of it, so that the teacher won't say anything about me tomorrow."

Lu Jingcheng: ? ? ?

Lu Jingcheng looked confused, didn't he give Ye Qingyang his exercise book? Why is this still being copied?

Lu Jingcheng wanted to ask, but didn't know how to ask, the expression on his face was a little subtle for a moment.

Seeing that he didn't say yes or no, Chen Wei persuaded him, "What's the problem, why don't you just lend it to him?" 

Lu Jingcheng, who had no books to borrow: ...had already given the book to Ye Qingyang and put it on the table 

Lu Jingcheng who was on the hook: ...

Lu Jingcheng couldn't help it anymore, and said insinuatingly, "You just..."

He just said three words, then took it back.

How do you ask?

What are you asking?

You have to reveal everything you ask!

Taking advantage of Ye Qingyang's absence, he put the unnamed exercise book on his desk, isn't it just to do good deeds without leaving his name, and to create an appearance that has nothing to do with him?

If you ask this question, don't you just call yourself out? !

So Lu Jingcheng coughed, and said calmly, "I borrowed my exercise book."

Chen Wei was puzzled, "Who did you borrow it from?"

"You don't care who I borrowed it from!" That's it!"

Chen Wei nodded perfunctorily, not understanding his intention, and took out his exercise book.

"Here, take it and make a photocopy."

Lu Jingcheng:? ? ? Who allowed Chen Wei to give it to Ye Qingyang?

Is he dead? !

Lu Jingcheng gritted his teeth angrily.

Ye Qingyang watched the expression change on his face, and smiled inwardly, but didn't show it on his face.

Chen Wei smiled, "But I have conditions."

"You still have conditions!"

Lu Jingcheng was shocked by him, how dare he have conditions? !

Isn't it a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation to be helpful? !

He still has conditions!

Call back to kindergarten to rebuild!

Ye Qingyang asked curiously, "What?"

"Why did you suddenly delete my WeChat, add it back, and remove me from your live broadcast room blacklist along the way."

Lu Jingcheng: ... Heh, it's a good idea, daydreaming! wishful thinking! Rich imagination!

He looked at Ye Qingyang, waiting for Ye Qingyang's reply.

Ye Qingyang didn't know what he was thinking, and asked, "Brother Lu, what do you think?" 

Lu Jingcheng said arrogantly: "I don't think so."

Chen Wei:? ? ?

Chen Wei was puzzled, "Why not?"

"You are not sincere, if you really want to lend him the book, why do you ask for these conditions? There are so many students in the class, there must be someone who is willing to lend him unconditionally."

Ye Qingyang nodded, "What Brother Lu said is right, so Brother Chen, I won't borrow your book, I'll go back first."

Chen Wei: ...

Chen Wei looked at Lu Jingcheng speechlessly, "He really listens to you, he will do whatever you say." 

Lu Jingcheng was heartbroken Dao, of course, he likes me so much, if he doesn't listen to me, should he listen to you?

Don't question my position in his heart, okay? He almost recognized me!

Alas, this deeply rooted, helpless little idiot!

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