Chapter 38

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When Ye Qingyang woke up the next day, he was a little surprised to see Lu Jingcheng next to his pillow. He reacted for a few seconds before he remembered that Lu Jingcheng climbed into his bed in the middle of the night last night.

Ye Qingyang sat up, tiptoed out of bed to wash up, and then climbed up the ladder again to wake Lu Jingcheng up.

Lu Jingcheng usually got up early at this time of school, so it was rare for him not to stay in bed. Instead, he said with emotion, "If I had known that living in school would allow me to sleep for so long, I should have lived in school since elementary school!"

No, Ye Qingyang thought, according to your love with a sleepy personality, you should live in school since kindergarten.

But on second thought, Lu Jingcheng's kindergarten is probably different from his. Maybe the noble kindergarten doesn't need to get up early, so it doesn't need to live on campus.

He silently sighed in his heart about a rich man, did not speak, but yawned lazily.

The two bought breakfast at the school gate and entered the school gate together. Chen Wei and the others had already arrived, and after Lu Jingcheng was seated, he couldn't wait to ask him, "
How does it feel to live on campus?"

Really? I thought you were staying with Ye Qingyang, so you felt good." Bai Le said.

Lu Jingcheng almost couldn't swallow a mouthful of yogurt, is he crazy? He's not Ye Qingyang, and he still feels good about such things.

Ye Qingyang should be happy and excited because he and himself live together!



Heart dark cool!

Alas, Ye Qingyang is really cheap, Lu Jingcheng sighed in his heart, forget it, who made himself kind-hearted.

Ye Qingyang was supervised by Lu Jingcheng and sat upright at the desk for the whole night last night. Now he finally escaped from the other party's supervision, and he flew up in an instant, reading novels, sleeping, and checking Weibo. Close it and it's gone.

When the school bell rang, Ye Qingyang's heart was broken.

Going to school is like heaven, and leaving school is like going to prison. He will go back and be watched by the warden and sit at the desk.

Alas, who would have thought that one day, he would find the school bell so heartbreaking!

Ye Qingyang packed his schoolbag with tears in his eyes, and left the classroom with Lu Jingcheng.

"What's for dinner?" Lu Jingcheng asked him, "Are you hungry?"

Of course Ye Qingyang was hungry, "What do you want to eat?"

"I ate stir-fried vegetables yesterday, and I don't want to eat stir-fried vegetables today."

"Then what do you want to eat?" ?"

Lu Jingcheng thought for a while, "Let's eat steak, I'll treat you."

"Are you inviting me again?" Ye Qingyang felt that he had been invited too much.

"Why don't you pay for it yourself?" Lu Jingcheng looked him up and down for a while, "I guess it's a bit expensive for you."

Ye Qingyang: ...

"Can't we have a cheap one?"

"For example?"

" Skewers?"

" Okay ." Lu Jingcheng agreed.

He remembered that the one he had eaten before was not bad, so he said to Ye Qingyang, "Let's go, I'll take you to one."

"Will you charge me 80 for a bunch?" Ye Qingyang was afraid that he would never return.

Lu Jingcheng was speechless, "50 cents for a string, 50 cents for both meat and vegetables, is that okay?"

"That's fine." Ye Qingyang walked forward with him confidently.

The skewer shop was some distance away from them, but they didn't have a suitable car, so the two could only walk. Fortunately, neither of them wanted to go back to do their homework early, so they didn't have any objections.

When passing through an alley, Ye Qingyang keenly heard the girl's nervous and frightened voice.

He stopped unconsciously and motioned to Lu Jingcheng.

Lu Jingcheng stopped and heard the girl's trembling voice.

The voice was not loud, it sounded timid, as if he didn't dare to provoke the person on the other side.

Ye Qingyang and Lu Jingcheng looked at each other, they walked over looking for the sound, and saw Yu Wan was blocked in a small alley not far away.

Ye Qingyang subconsciously went to look at Lu Jingcheng, thinking, what the fuck, he is indeed a male protagonist and female protagonist, this is simply a destined marriage, a must-have plot in a novel - a hero saves the beauty!

He whispered, "Brother Lu, he seems to be a student of our school."

Lu Jingcheng also recognized Yu Wan, not because of anything else, but because Ye Qingyang had noticed this girl two or three times during his military training before.

Tsk, it turned out to be her.

Nie Yuan!

He looked at Ye Qingyang, "Why, do you want a hero to save the beauty?"

Ye Qingyang looked at him disapprovingly, "How could it be me, this kind of hero saving the beauty must be you, Brother Lu! You are the hero! You are the protagonist!"

Go male lead, save your heroine gracefully!

Heroically descended from the sky like a god, and then started the pure first love of boys and girls!

He called Lu Jingcheng with starry eyes, "Come on, Brother Lu, you can do it, you are the best!"

Seeing him looking at him longingly, Lu Jingcheng's unhappiness slowly faded away, and he became a little embarrassed instead.

Why is this guy always unable to learn to restrain himself? He still thinks he is a hero and the protagonist in his life. What a shame!

Doesn't he feel ashamed? !

Alas, love is so terrible that it makes people feel ashamed.

Lu Jingcheng said helplessly and dotingly, "Really, you're the one who has a lot of things to do."

He handed the schoolbag to Ye Qingyang, "Take it. " He looked like he couldn't do anything about him.

Ye Qingyang chuckled, he is less arrogant, he is helping you chase your wife, in the future you should know what it means to be a hero to save the beauty today, and you should thank me well!

He took the schoolbag, and saw Lu Jingcheng put his hands in his pockets very pretendingly, and walked out.

"Yo, it's so lively, what are you doing?" Lu Jingcheng tilted his head and smiled, with a contemptuous expression, sharp eyebrows and eyes, very aggressive.

Yu Wan raised her head in desperation, and saw the male god of her school standing not far away, looking at the gangster in front of her with disdain.

Her eyes were instantly filled with surprise and prayer, and her whole heart came alive again.

The gangster who robbed Yu Wan didn't know Lu Jingcheng, so he yelled arrogantly, "Boy, mind your own business. If you don't want to die, get out of here."

Lu Jingcheng looked at them with disdain. The posture of forcing the king is even more powerful, I can't wait to become Long Aotian, so that the world dare not look him in the eyes.

He gracefully knocked down the punks one by one, and warned, "If you dare to bully others again, I'll chop off your hands."

After speaking, he pulled Yu Wan out of the alley with a very big boss attitude.

Yu Wan secretly raised her eyes to look at him, her heart beating wildly.

Seeing the two of them walking over together, Ye Qingyang cheered happily and wished he could set off fireworks to celebrate.

The hero and heroine finally meet! ! ! congratulations! ! Congratulations! ! His assist must be on the list! ! At that time, he will be rewarded for his merits and deeds, and he will be given the biggest red envelope!

Lu Jingcheng pulled Yu Wan up to Ye Qingyang, let go, took his schoolbag, and walked out of the alley with Yu Wan.

"Thank you." Yu Wan said sincerely.

"Call the police?" Lu Jingcheng asked her.

"When I went to rescue you just now, I asked Ye Qingyang to take videos and photos, so he has photos of you being embarrassed by the three of them in his mobile phone, do you want to call the police?"

Yu Wan was stunned for a while, and then shook her head She said , "Forget it."

She is only 17 years old, immature, and has a soft personality. She is afraid that if she calls the police, these people who suddenly appear to blackmail her will intensify their revenge on her after they are released from detention.

"I don't know them, and I don't know why they suddenly appeared. I'm afraid they will retaliate against me." Yu Wan said.

"Then you should avoid taking this road in the future, and take more crowded roads." Lu Jingcheng said without emotion.

Yu Wan nodded.

Lu Jingcheng reached out to help her stop a car, "Get in the car, go home early."

"Thank you." She bowed slightly to Lu Jingcheng, then remembered something and said, "My name is Yu Wan, you are Lu Jingcheng, right? "

"Yeah." Lu Jingcheng admitted without expression, not at all surprised that others knew him.

After all, he is a campus male god, it would be unscientific not to know him.

"If you need any help in the future, you can come to me." Yu Wan said softly.

"Oh." Lu Jingcheng said perfunctorily.

Yu Wan took one last look at him, then smiled at Ye Qingyang, and then got into the car.

Seeing the car driving away, Lu Jingcheng turned his head to look at Ye Qingyang, and saw Ye Qingyang's eyes shining, full of relief.

"What kind of eyes do you have?"

Excited eyes!

Emotional eyes!

Brother Lu, the look in your eyes that you are finally about to fall in love!

This is destined to be an extraordinary day, this day is destined to be written into the book, the hero saves the beauty, and the heroine secretly promises, the seeds of fate quietly sprouted on this day.

Beautiful love, kswl, nibble, give me all, press your head and give me!

"It's nothing." Ye Qingyang suppressed the excitement in his heart and tried his best to assist, "She turned out to be in the first class, the first class, that's the rocket class. Brother Lu, if you don't know anything, you can ask her, she just said now , if you need her help, you can go to her."

Lu Jingcheng was unwilling, "I don't know what I hate the most is a group of good students? " 

Tsk tsk, look at this flag, how standard it is!

"This girl is different at first glance, she looks quite gentle." Ye Qingyang tried to make him really sweet as soon as possible.

Lu Jingcheng raised his eyebrows, "Are you observing carefully?"

Do I still need to observe? Do I have her profile? !

"No, I just feel that she is quite gentle. But she is also quite miserable. After encountering this kind of thing, Brother Lu, do you think that group of people will bully her again? Should we help her, such as this week going to and from school with her or something? That way she'll be safer."

Lu Jingcheng: ...

Lu Jingcheng squinted his eyes and leaned closer to Ye Qingyang.

"You still want to go to and from school with her?"

 It's not me, it's you! !

Ye Qingyang hates that iron can't be made into steel, why is he not enlightened at all, it's too straightforward!

"It's mainly you." He said helplessly, "Aren't you worried that if she encounters these gangsters again in a few days? She definitely doesn't want her to have an accident in the future."

Lu Jingcheng smiled indifferently, "Is it related to me?"

"I saved her once because I saw something wrong, and I asked her if she wanted to call the police and asked you to save evidence for her. Since she refused to call the police, she should be ready to deal with it." 

If you want to prepare, you can either ask your father or brother to pick you up, or go to and from school with your friends."

"There is no reason why you have to worry about others for the rest of your life after doing a good deed once."

Lu Jingcheng put his hand on his shoulder, slightly Bowing his head, "It's you, you seem to be very worried?"

The author has something to say: Yang Yang: I am worried about you!

Brother Lu: Then you should worry about yourself.

Yangyang: Why don't you get the hang of it, alas!

Reader: Why don't you get the hang of it, alas!

Yu Wan doesn't know how to be a demon, don't worry.

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