Chapter 56

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Lu Jingcheng didn't want anything, and Ye Qingyang didn't want anything, so they walked around the men's clothing store downstairs and bought a coat of the same style.

Lu Jingcheng looked at the clothes in his hand and said intentionally, "Couple clothes?"

Ye Qingyang smiled, "It's just the same style."

Lu Jingcheng didn't believe his words, it was obviously a couple clothes, so he pretended to be.

Satisfied, he asked the clerk to wrap it up for him, and Ye Qingyang said, "Brother, you can do me a favor."


Ye Qingyang smiled and swiped his card for him, and then said, "I'll transfer it to you." Some money."


Ye Qingyang didn't say a word, walked out of the brand store with him in his bag, and said, "When my parents left unexpectedly, they actually left me money, a little over 50,000 yuan. But later, it was taken away by my aunt, so I resorted to some tricks and asked my aunt to transfer 60,000 yuan to me."

"I don't intend to give this money to her, and I will treat it as interest and money. My mother's jewelry money. But there is a relationship between the two of us, and she is my guardian, so it's not safe to put it here. I might as well spend it now, and spend the money, no matter what Why don't you go back, don't you?"

Lu Jingcheng understood, "You want to transfer the money to me to create the illusion that you have already spent it."

Ye Qingyang nodded.

Lu Jingcheng frowned, "Your aunt, why didn't you tell me about the money your parents left you, why didn't you tell me?"

"It's not necessary, she won't be jumping around for long, so I don't care."

"She still bullies What's wrong with you?" Lu Jingcheng asked, "She took all the money left by your parents, so she must have bullied you a lot, right?"

Ye Qingyang comforted him, "It's okay."

He said, "It's almost my birthday, isn't it?"

"What does this have to do with your birthday?" Lu Jingcheng pinched his face, "Why are you so easy to bully? You don't say anything when you're being bullied. I'm just for display Is it?"

Ye Qingyang took his hand and held it in his hand, "Because I have my own thoughts."

"I want to use my own method to vent my anger, so you don't want to interfere, okay?"

Lu Jingcheng Helpless, "Then you are not allowed to hide this from me in the future."

Ye Qingyang nodded, "Yeah."

"So besides these, do you have anything else to hide from me?"

Ye Qingyang: ...That's quite a lot.

Lu Jingcheng saw that he was silent, and immediately said furiously, "I knew you must be hiding something from me!"

Ye Qingyang said helplessly, "I'm afraid you will be angry if I tell you."

"I'll be even more angry if you don't tell me ." Okay

, Ye Qingyang had no choice but to say, "What's more, my aunt also took over our house, and the house they live in now was bought by my parents."

Lu Jingcheng:! ! !

Lu Jingcheng poked him on the forehead angrily, "Why are you so soft, the house can be taken over by others, I'll go get it back for you right now!"

Ye Qingyang quickly grabbed him, "Brother, calm down, my dad has written a will, don't want it."

"Then go to court."

Ye Qingyang sighed, "This kind of lawsuit is too troublesome, and the battle line will be very long, especially since she holds my father's will in her hand. My father wrote it himself to let her be my guardian, and she can live in the house before I grow up, and you may not win the lawsuit."

"So you have to let her live in the house?"

Ye Qingyang said with a smile, "Did you forget what I just said? It's almost my birthday."

It was only then that Lu Jingcheng realized, "You're almost an adult."

Ye Qingyang nodded, "At that time, I won't need a guardian anymore, and this house should be taken back."

"There are still more than 20 days left." Lu Jingcheng road.

Ye Qingyang raised his eyebrows, "Brother Lu, you still remember my birthday, I thought you didn't even remember it."

Lu Jingcheng: ...

Lu Jingcheng said awkwardly, "Who wants to remember, I just have a good memory. I accidentally saw it and wanted to forget it." I can't even forget it."

Ye Qingyang pursed his lips on purpose, with a look of disappointment on his face, "I'll just say it, so it's like this, but fortunately I thought you just remembered it."

His tone was sad, like weeping.

Lu Jingcheng: ...

It was the first time that Lu Jingcheng realized what it meant to shoot a rock at his own foot.

Didn't he just remember it specially!

Isn't it just to remind myself every day, lest he forget it!

It's good now, it's making people unhappy again!

Lu Jingcheng could only cough in embarrassment, "It's not completely unintentional."

He bit the bullet and said, "I still care about you a little bit."

Ye Qingyang burst into laughter in his heart, but his face was still sad, "Just a little bit?"

Lu Jingcheng: ... 

Now that there is pressure, he has developed a lot of motivation. He is afraid to bring up the exam and hand in the exam, which can be regarded as a lot of progress.

After the exam, before the results came out, the two of them went out together to celebrate Ye Qingyang's birthday.

They didn't go to other places, but went to the playground, because Ye Qingyang hadn't played the roller coaster for a long time, so from the very beginning, he made a plan to go to the playground on his birthday.

Lu Jingcheng looked at his frail and weak manner, and said in surprise, "You still like to ride roller coasters?"

"No way?" Ye Qingyang said, "How cool."

"Okay, I'll play with you."

Ye Qingyang smiled and pulled him along to line up.

There were a lot of people queuing up for the roller coaster, Ye Qingyang and Lu Jingcheng waited for a while before they finally reached them.

The two of them walked up together, sat down on the seats, and fastened their seat belts. After waiting for the staff to check, they felt the roller coaster slowly start to move.

Lu Jingcheng grabbed Ye Qingyang's hand, "Hold on to me if you're afraid."

"Then what if you're not afraid?" Ye Qingyang said.

Lu Jingcheng thought for a while, and said to him, "Then I'll hold on to you."

"Although, I'm not afraid."

The author has something to say: I'm a little late if I don't pay attention, I'm sorry, today is 520, Yangyang loves Chengcheng, Chengcheng Cheng Ai Yangyang, I love you all!

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