Chapter 40

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He bent down and picked up the steamed bun that Lu Jingcheng dropped on purpose. Because the plastic bag was tied up, the steamed stuffed bun was still inside the plastic bag and did not roll out, let alone touched the ground.

"Let's go." Ye Qingyang said, "If you don't go, you'll be late."

Lu Jingcheng put his arm around his shoulders, "What did you promise me yesterday?"

"Study hard and improve your grades?"

"Before then."

"Puppy love is prohibited "

"What else?" 

It can't be that he didn't cheat on the marriage, Ye Qingyang firmly refused to admit that he had this idea, he is a successor of socialism, an excellent member of the Communist Youth League!

It is impossible for such a conscienceless thing as fraudulent marriage to happen to him!


"Stay away from Yu Wan." Lu Jingcheng squeezed his neck, "As a result, you want to be courteous after a day has passed."

Ye Qingyang: ...

Do you have to make your love life so difficult bro? ? Wouldn't it be nice to fall in love smoothly and be with Meimei?

Ye Qingyang sighed helplessly, "Okay, let me not say that she dropped her breakfast in the future, even if she fell into the pit by herself, I don't care, is that okay?"

Lu Jingcheng reluctantly nodded, "It's not too bad."

Ye Qingyang glanced at him tiredly, you can regret it later, don't cry and say Ye Qingyang that you didn't help me then!


The two entered the classroom by stepping on the morning reading bell, and ate breakfast after the exercise.

The first class was mathematics class. The class teacher Cheng Yan said to them as soon as she entered the classroom, "The monthly exam will start this Friday, and the time will be the same as the college entrance exam. You should prepare well and let me see how your current level is."

There was a moment of mourning in the class, and someone asked, "Will there be an exam on Saturday?"


"Then we will lose one day of rest."

Cheng Yan looked at him bitterly, "You all It's the second year of high school, and you still have to rest! If you continue to rest, will you still take the college entrance examination?" 

The students sighed depressedly, and said dejectedly, "With our grades, there is no point in taking part."

"That's why you have to work hard! Class one The students in the school are writing papers after class, Saturdays and Sundays are either cram schools or private tutors, how about you? You still rest."

"Then can a top student be the same as a scumbag?" You said.

"Student masters are working hard, so what excuse do you have for not working hard? You are not afraid that they are smarter than you, but you are afraid that they are smarter than you and work harder than you."

Everyone: ...

"In this way, our class has made the greatest progress in this monthly exam. I'll treat him to dinner." Cheng Yan encouraged, "If you don't want to eat, I'll give it to him as a private scholarship. You should work hard, okay?"

Everyone was a little embarrassed, nodded, and thought about learning This kind of thing is not something that can be achieved by hard work.

Isn't it because you have tried hard and still failed, so you give up your hard work and go with the flow.

Ye Qingyang lay on the table and looked at the classmates in the class. It was the first time for him to experience such a learning atmosphere, which was quite novel and helpless.

He originally thought that in a poor student class like Class Ten, the students would be more nervous and serious after hearing about the monthly exam, but he didn't expect it to be broken, and it didn't matter long ago.

Ye Qingyang, like Cheng Yan, hoped that they would work harder so that he would recall this period of youth in the future without regret or regret, but seeing the indifferent expressions on everyone's faces, he felt that they probably had already given up, so no matter how anxious you are, no matter how much you cheer for them, they don't want to move.

This is probably because the emperor is not in a hurry, and the substitute teacher and parents are anxious to death.

When a person is used to living in a certain environment and mentality, it is really difficult for him to change his mentality, especially, hard work itself is a difficult thing.

Ye Qingyang sighed, feeling inexplicably sad.

Of course Lu Jingcheng would not be sad, he calmly accepted the upcoming monthly exam, played with his phone calmly, without any fluctuations.

If it must be said, it must be at the moment Cheng Yan said it. His first reaction was that he didn't know how Ye Qingyang was studying these days, and whether he could improve a little.

Anyway, let's take the second-to-last exam, which is better than the last one!

For this reason, he grabbed Ye Qingyang and went back to the dormitory after school in the afternoon, watching him review.

Ye Qingyang was miserable, so he had no choice but to drive him to study, watching him through the reflection in the mirror with fear, and secretly playing with his mobile phone when he was not prepared.

It's too difficult, Ye Qingyang thought, it's really too difficult for him.

At 8:50 on Friday morning, Lu Jingcheng and Ye Qingyang stepped into the examination room.

The two of them were the bottom one in one class and the tenth bottom one in the other class, but they were 40 places behind in grade, so they were divided into two examination rooms.

As soon as Ye Qingyang entered the examination room, he saw Yu Wan, and Lu Jingcheng saw it too. He thought to himself, why is this girl still haunted?

Ye Qingyang was puzzled, isn't Yu Wan from the first class? Why is it in the last examination room?

Seeing him looking at Yu Wan, Lu Jingcheng pressed his head and turned to himself, "Don't look at her."

Ye Qingyang couldn't help it, "Understood, you go to your examination room."

"Don't talk to her."

Ye Qingyang: ...

"Did you hear that?" Lu Jingcheng said.

Ye Qingyang nodded helplessly, "I heard that, go to your exam room quickly, don't be late."

Lu Jingcheng reluctantly walked to the next classroom, and still did not forget to turn his head and warn him, "Remember !"

Ye Qingyang: ...

Ye Qingyang smiled and compared his mouth to zipping, thinking that Lu Jingcheng might cry a lot in the future.

He walked into the examination room, Yu Wan was surprised to see him in front of her.

"Hello." Yu Wan said politely.

"Hello." Ye Qingyang said.

There is no way, if Yu Wan ignores him, he can naturally not talk to Yu Wan.

But Yu Wan has already opened her mouth, so he can't just turn a blind eye.

This is not only impolite, but also a challenge to the authority of the heroine. Maybe Yu Wan thinks this is looking down on her, and he will inevitably be cannon fodder again.

Alas, it's so hard to be caught between the hero and heroine.

Ye Qingyang was actually quite curious as to why Yu Wan was in this examination room. According to her results, it was unscientific, but he had already told Lu Jingcheng not to talk to Yu Wan, so there was no need to ask again, and Lu Jingcheng would be unhappy when the time came. 

Yu Wan, on the other hand, seemed to see the doubts in his heart, and explained in a very understanding way: "This monthly exam is based on the ranking of the test that just started. I was sick a few days ago, so I didn't take the exam. , there is no ranking, and you will be assigned to the last place in the last examination room."

Ye Qingyang nodded, "That's it."

"Yeah." Yu Wan smiled, "If there is anything you don't know, you can do it now or in the examination room." After asking me, I can tell you, of course, I can't do it during the exam."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, you helped me, I remember, if you need help, just tell me It is." Yu Wan laughed.

Ye Qingyang felt that she really had a good temper, gentle and gentle, and generous, which was a good match for Lu Jingcheng.

They were talking when the invigilator came in.

After a while, the bell rang, and the invigilator passed the papers and answer sheets to the students in the first row, and asked them to pass them down one by one. He sat on the podium and invigilated them to answer the questions.

Ye Qingyang looked at the topic, and it was quite simple.

The goal he set for himself this time was not big, and he would be around the bottom ten in the class, which would be about the same as Lu Jingcheng, so he guessed and answered the questions, but he didn't write the composition well.

At 10:40, Ye Qingyang had finished answering, he raised his hand and asked the teacher, "Can I hand in the paper?" 

The invigilator walked over to look at his paper, pointed to his empty space and said, "You haven't finished this yet. "

Ye Qingyang said confidently, "I don't know."

Invigilator: ... 

The invigilator poked his forehead angrily, "Chinese is not mathematics, and if you don't have a problem-solving idea, you can't write at all, and you can't start. Chinese is so lively, you If there is anything wrong , I ask you what you think, just write it, and you are not allowed to hand in the paper before you finish it."

Ye Qingyang: ...

Ye Qingyang fell down depressed, and began to think wildly and let himself go.

The invigilator was so pissed off by his attitude that he wanted to recite a passage of "Encouraging Learning" to him by pulling his ear.

Yu Wan sat behind him and looked at him, and also wanted to tell him something about "Young man doesn't work hard, the old man is just sad".

It was not until 11:30, when the bell rang again, that the invigilator began to collect the answer sheets.

When she received Ye Qingyang, she took a look at it. Ye Qingyang wrote one more question than when he said he would hand in the paper at first, "I really don't have any ideas, and I'm not the author. How can I know what he was thinking when he wrote this paragraph?" What is it?"

Invigilator: ...

The invigilator glared at him angrily, and went to collect Yu Wan's answer sheet.

Lu Jingcheng had been waiting for him at the door a long time ago, seeing him sitting there until the last second, he thought he was serious about his answer.

He saw that the teacher finished collecting the answer sheets and was about to go in, when he saw Yu Wan poking Ye Qingyang, Ye Qingyang turned around, Yu Wan was talking to him.

Lu Jingcheng's mood was instantly bad, especially when he saw Ye Qingyang talking to Yu Wan, his unhappiness became even deeper!

What the hell is going on with him?

Have you forgotten what you promised yourself before? !

Pick up on the little girl again!

Lu Jingcheng walked in angrily.

Yu Wan was still persuading Ye Qingyang, "You can just write whatever you want, as long as you write Chinese questions, even if you are wrong, the teacher will give you one point for your hard work if you have a lot of words. At that time, one point was a person on the playground."

"I know." Ye Qingyang said.

"There are also mathematical formulas, physics, and chemical formulas, all of which are the same. Even if you don't know how to do this question, you can write down all the formulas that you think you might use after seeing this question. When you happen to bump into one or two, the teacher will give you points."


"So you must not be empty," Yu Wan said earnestly, "If you are empty, the teacher wants to give you points." , I can't give it."

Lu Jingcheng heard this sentence when he walked to her, and asked suspiciously, "What's empty?"

Yu Wan was taken aback by his sudden appearance, and didn't know whether to say it, so she looked at Ye Qingyang .

Lu Jingcheng had no choice but to turn his head to look at Ye Qingyang, "Your Chinese test paper is empty?"

Ye Qingyang: ...This is embarrassing.

"I won't do it."

"Is there anything you can't do in Chinese?!" Lu Jingcheng, a young Chinese expert, was shocked in his soul, "Just write it, it's all subjective questions, what can you not write, and it's not for you to count X What is it equal to!"

Yu Wan nodded slightly to agree.

Ye Qingyang is helpless, okay, the two of you have not been together yet, you have started to play along, pity me, an outsider, double attack.

"What didn't you write?" Lu Jingcheng asked.

"Just read the questions."

Lu Jingcheng:? ? ? ?

"What's wrong with reading? Just wait for me to go back today and let you do ten sets of reading."

Ye Qingyang: ! ! ! ! No need!

This is really not necessary! !

"Forget it." He flattered.

Lu Jingcheng snorted coldly, "That's all for the rest, you can't even learn Chinese, you're slapping me in the face, do you know what my normal Chinese score is? 120! I can't teach you anymore!"

Ye Qingyang: ...I'm tired, I feel tired right now.

Yu Wan weakly raised her hand, "Well, I think, there is no need to do ten sets of reading today. Tomorrow's test is science and English, why not do some science and English, right?

" Very honest.

Lu Jingcheng glanced at her, "Why are you in this examination room?"

The author has something to say: Yu Wan: Probably to give you an assist.

Brother Lu: Oh? Then you stay.

Yang Yang: ...

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