Chapter 31

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He looked at Ye Qingyang, saw that the other party was gentle, with gentle eyebrows and eyes, and thought that he had helped his classmates build three dormitories in a row, and thought that he was really suitable to be the monitor.

Capable, friendly, and willing to help his classmates, he is a good seed, he likes it.

The Seventh Company Commander glanced at Instructor Xu, and the two of them agreed, so they didn't pierce the paper on the window, and said, "First Company Commander, you are a good squad leader, our class admits the bet, and you won this internal affairs. "

The students in class ten immediately cheered.

The students of the Seventh Company refused to accept it. They always looked down on Class Ten. Now they were slapped in the face by the other party, so they didn't want to. They immediately said, "After the internal affairs competition, don't you have military training? If you have the ability to compete with this."

Xu Instructor thinks No need, this is not bullying. It is not kind to hit someone on the left cheek and then hit the right cheek.

So he refused, "Okay, it's time to train, what to compare."

Seeing this, Qilian's classmates thought he was afraid, and shouted one by two, "It's time to train, so it's time to go to the training ground." See the truth."

 The Seventh Company Commander was young and competitive, and said after hearing the words, "That's right, at first we were talking about military training."

Instructor Xu was speechless. He kept putting his face in front of him, and shouted: "Hurry up, hurry up!"

Who the hell can bear it!

Anyway, Instructor Xu, who was a soldier, couldn't bear it anymore, so he nodded and agreed.

The students of the key class instantly became happy, while the students of Class 10 opposite them were even happier than them. Their eyes were full of two words - idiot.

The sky is clear, the weather is clear, and the wind is warm, which is a good time for training.

The Seventh Company Commander and Instructor Xu each selected a representative for the competition for convenience.

Instructor Xu almost didn't have to think, "Squad leader come out."

 The seventh company commander did not choose the monitor of their class, but chose a classmate named Ma Tianrui.

"Ma Tianrui is pretty good at studying, I remember." Chen Wei put one hand on Lu Jingcheng's shoulder and said in a low voice.

"I don't know." Lu Jingcheng's tone was indifferent, "I've never heard of it."

Chen Wei glanced at him, lowered his head and smiled, "That's right, who is our young master, the campus male god, this is not Shao Wenxuan from the rocket class, how can he be qualified You have heard of it."

Lu Jingcheng hummed without humility.

"But today it's not a comparison of studying, Ma Tianrui probably can't compare with Ye Qingyang."

Lu Jingcheng chuckled, "Be confident and get rid of the guess. He must not be able to compare." 

Hearing this, Bai Le said in a strange way, "That is, your majesty's concubine, Who can compare."

Lu Jingcheng turned to look at him, "Master Bai is still alive, isn't he admonishing him with death? I thought Master Bai had already said 'I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood'."

Bai Le was so angry He glared at him fiercely, speechless.

There are not many comparisons in military training, especially since they haven't learned military boxing yet, the most difficult thing may be kicking.

Ma Tianrui felt that he was sure of winning before he entered the field. After all, their instructors had publicly praised him several times before, but after a lap of competition, he became more and more guilty. No one of them can beat Ye Qingyang.

The students of key class looked at Ye Qingyang in disbelief, and lowered their voices to discuss, "Who is this, there is such a good person in Class 10?" 

After the last goose-step competition was over, Ye Qingyang won again.

Class ten students cheered immediately.

Ye Qingyang was also infected by them and laughed. Although he doesn't care about this kind of competition, it is always a good thing to win.

No, their classmates and instructors are very happy.

Key class classmates were unwilling, but they could do nothing.

There is also a competition in internal affairs, training and training, everything that can be compared, they are the losers, their faces are swollen, even if they want to find a place, there is no place for them to compare.

"He also said that we are hot chickens, and you are the hot chickens." The girl who checked the dormitory before and was ridiculed by the boys of key class as garbage, took a breath, and then cursed back.

"Do you think you are so capable? It turns out that you can't compare to us in anything, and you have the nerve to scold us. Before you speak next time, take a look at yourself in the mirror."

"What did you say?" Qi Lian's violent girl said angrily.

Ma Tianrui laughed and persuaded, "Don't be as knowledgeable as this group of people, what are you fussing about with them? A group of poor students with well-developed limbs and simple minds."

He looked at Ye Qingyang and laughed, "You are very happy to be in the limelight today. Let's compare your grades. How can you pretend to be a good student, an excellent student? Does your instructor know that you have failed in every subject and your total score does not exceed 350? You..."

He couldn't stop talking, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lu Jingcheng had no one before he could react, he punched him in the face.

Everyone was shocked, and someone screamed.

Only then did Ye Qingyang and Chen Wei react and went to stop Lu Jingcheng.

But it was too late, Lu Jingcheng had knocked Ma Tianrui to the ground long ago.

Ye Qingyang pulled him back and persuaded, "Brother Lu, don't be angry, don't hit me."

Chen Wei and Bai Le also advised, "That's right, Jing Cheng, don't be impulsive."

Ma Tianrui caught him off guard for so many times He fell down, fell to the ground and stared at him blankly, feeling a little scared unconsciously.

"What are you doing?" a boy from key class asked angrily.

Lu Jingcheng raised his head and glared at him, then said coldly, "He owes a beating."

The other party was a little frightened by his stare, and said tremblingly, "Then you can't hit people."

Lu Jingcheng smiled coldly, "Did you know me on the first day? Am I the kind of reasonable person?"

He told Ye Qingyang Let go of Chen Wei, looked coldly at the Qilian people, and then looked at Ma Tianrui, "If you are not as skilled as others, you will admit defeat honestly. This is military training, not an exam. When it comes to exam results at this time, you are planning to hold on to those grades for the rest of your life." Live?"

"That's better than poor students like you." Ma Tianrui whispered.

Lu Jingcheng's ears are so sharp. Hearing this, he kicked him. Ye Qingyang was so frightened that he immediately hugged his waist and dragged him back.

Instructor Xu and the seventh company commander finally spoke at this time.

"Lu Jingcheng, what are you doing? You also know that this is military training, and you still beat people, you're amazing."

"He deserves a beating." Lu Jingcheng spoke eloquently.

Instructor Xu had nothing to do with him, "You stand on the edge of the rostrum for punishment."

"I don't."

Instructor Xu:? ? ? ? Is this openly defying the instructor?

Instructor Xu was about to speak, when he heard Lu Jingcheng say arrogantly: "I'm afraid that I'll stand beside the rostrum and look at his ugly face, so I can't help but rush over and continue beating him!"

Instructor Xu: ...

Ye Qingyang quickly expressed his opinion "Instructor, please train first. I'll take him to the wall for punishment. I guarantee that he won't see the people from the Seventh Company, and that he won't continue beating people."

After Ye Qingyang finished speaking, he dragged Lu Jingcheng away tactically.

Lu Jingcheng felt uncomfortable being hugged by his waist, so he stretched out his hand to separate his hands, and walked towards the wall by himself, Ye Qingyang also hurriedly followed.

"No." Instructor Xu looked at Ye Qingyang's back, "I made Lu Jingcheng stand as a punishment, why did he follow?"

"Sunflowers grow towards the sun, it's normal." Chen Wei said.

Instructor Xu: ...

This is really the sun and sunflowers.

Lu Jingcheng went to stand for punishment, and instructor Xu reorganized the team and moved to the left side of the rostrum.

The seventh company commander took his students to the right side of the rostrum.

He was very disappointed with key class performance today. Not only did he say that the quilts made by others were rubbish at the beginning, but he also couldn't afford to lose in the end, so those who made the class take the lead in mocking also went out to stand for punishment.

Lu Jingcheng stood under the wall and glanced sideways at Ye Qingyang beside him, "What are you doing here? Instructor Xu didn't punish you."

Ye Qingyang smiled and said, "I'll accompany you."

Lu Jingcheng smiled, "I still need you to accompany me ." "

Ye Qingyang looked at the smile on his face, and was a little surprised when he thought of how fierce he was when he hit someone just now.

It's been a while since he read this book. Although he always knew that Lu Jingcheng was a school bully, he had never seen Lu Jingcheng beat anyone.

In his heart, Lu Jingcheng is just a hard-spoken and soft-hearted little peacock who needs to be coaxed from time to time, preferably stroked along his fur.

There is no attack power at all.

Unexpectedly, today, the peacock went berserk, and his fighting power was quite amazing.

If it weren't for his sharp eyesight and quick hands, and his strength, he might not have been able to stop Lu Jingcheng's last kick.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingyang only felt that his strength was directly proportional to his appearance.

It's no wonder that he wears the tags of School Grass and School Bully at the same time.

But...he didn't expect that Lu Jingcheng would beat others because of him.

Ye Qingyang, as a pseudo-student and a true scholar, really didn't feel much about Ma Tianrui's words. After all, what Ma Tianrui was talking about was the original owner, not him.

As long as he is willing, after this military training is over, he can immediately take the first place in the exam, scaring Ma Tianrui to death.

He just doesn't want to be a good student anymore.

Ye Qingyang has never been the kind of top-notch student in the eyes of the general public. He is free by nature and likes all fun things. He supports learning to change his destiny, but he is also willing to enjoy his every day while studying.

So returning to the second year of high school, Ye Qingyang is content with being a scumbag, and is happy to be a scumbag.

It's great to be a scumbag, to be free and unattended, and to be unrestrained and happy.

So he didn't take Ma Tianrui's words seriously at all.

But he didn't mind, but Lu Jingcheng did.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingyang felt inexplicably warm in his heart.

He has been a well-known campus genius since he was a child, and he has a younger sister at home. The older brother is used to it, so he forgets that he is actually still a kid.

In his interpersonal communication, he is always helping others, he is covering others, even in fights, he is also the one who makes everyone back and rushes forward.

Ye Qingyang enjoys the pleasure of being a big brother, and as time goes by, others get used to walking in his shade.

This was the first time someone rushed in front of him and blocked him behind.

Ye Qingyang felt that it was very novel, but unexpectedly felt that this feeling was also good.

Although he never feels that he needs someone to protect him, it is always worth being happy that someone is willing to protect you.

He glanced at Lu Jingcheng, only to think that this is really a cute little peacock.

Not only good-looking, but also majestic.

I never say that I regard you as a good friend, but my actions always show that I care about you.

Bright eyes, simple mind, gentle and stubborn.

Really, very cute.

"Thank you." Ye Qingyang said, "But I don't take his words seriously, so you don't have to worry about them."

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