Chapter 52

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After school in the afternoon, Ye Qingyang saw Lu Jingcheng's driver as soon as he left the school gate.

He had taken Lu Jingcheng's car several times before, and the driver had already known him, and invited him into the car when he saw him.

Ye Qingyang got into the car and asked, "Is Lu Jingcheng better?"

"It's better." The driver said, "Thank you for your concern."

"You're welcome."

He sent a message to Lu Jingcheng saying that he got into the car, Then lean back in the chair and start listening to music.

Ye Qingyang was actually a little nervous in his heart. After all, if it took a while and he really said what he thought, then he and Lu Jingcheng would be boyfriends in the future, and the two of them getting along might be different from before.

But Ye Qingyang thought about it again, and there wasn't much difference. It wasn't that Lu Jingcheng treated him according to the standard of a boyfriend before, and it was because he changed the standard of Lu Jingcheng.


Ye Qingyang leaned on the back of the chair and thought about it, he was almost obedient to Lu Jingcheng, and he couldn't change it any more, right?

Ye Qingyang sighed, feeling that the two of them seemed not so pure from the beginning.

Isn't this embarrassing, Ye Qingyang thought, no wonder Lu Jingcheng misunderstood, Lu Jingcheng treated him 80% nice, and he responded 80% too, from Lu Jingcheng's point of view, that's why I like you, that's why I treat you so well, but you are so kind to me, so you should also like me, right?

Reasonable and convincing.

Ye Qingyang leaned against the window, thinking that his first love was really silent, sneaking into the night with the wind, moistening him silently.

After receiving the news, Lu Jingcheng got up, went downstairs and asked his aunt to add some of Ye Qingyang's favorite dishes, then sat on the sofa and waited for Ye Qingyang's arrival.

Ye Qingyang came at about the same time as he guessed, and when he saw him, he smiled happily, "I'll come and see you, but I forgot to buy some fruit for you, so I'll invite you when I get back to school."

Lu Jingcheng was confused. 


He let Ye Qingyang in and found him a pair of disposable slippers. 

After Ye Qingyang changed his shoes, he heard Lu Jingchengsay to him, "Put your things away first, wash your hands and eat."

They all exude extravagance, and they are very rich at first glance.

Worthy of being the male protagonist of the novel.

He and Lu Jingcheng washed their hands together, entered the restaurant and started eating.

"Are you feeling better?" Ye Qingyang asked him.

Lu Jingcheng nodded, and said in a nasal voice caused by a cold, "It's better."

Ye Qingyang looked at his pale face due to illness, feeling a little distressed for no reason.

"Don't look at me like that." Lu Jingcheng said, "What serious illness is it? It's just a cold."

Ye Qingyang lowered his head, but suddenly realized something, "Are you the only one at home? Just the two of us for dinner?"

Lu Jingcheng nodded, "Dad is busy, my sister wanted to watch the new animated movie a few days ago, so my mother took her there, and she probably won't be back until after dinner."

Ye Qingyang nodded, thinking, then maybe he can see it again , I don't know if Lu Jingcheng's younger sister looks like him.

"Does your sister look like you?" He asked curiously, Ye Qingyuan was quite like him, one could tell they were siblings at a glance.

Lu Jingcheng glanced at him subtly and reminded him, "Did I not tell you that my sister is ten years younger than me and is still in primary school."

Ye Qingyang: ? ? ? ?


So like me, you have no chance! Lu Jingcheng thought to himself, even if he couldn't be Ye Qingyang's boyfriend, he wouldn't be Ye Qingyang's brother-in-law.

"So you don't need to care about her."

Ye Qingyang said helplessly, "Why are you jealous of your sister?

" It's impossible to get married to her unless I die."

Ye Qingyang: ...Brother, your brain is still as big as ever.

It was the Lu Jingcheng he was familiar with.

Ye Qingyang nodded, "If you don't want to marry me, what should I marry her for?"

He looked at Lu Jingcheng, "It's not too bad if I marry you."

Lu Jingcheng: ! ! !

Lu Jingcheng choked on a mouthful of food and coughed for a long time.

Ye Qingyang quickly handed him the water at hand.

Lu Jingcheng took it, took a few sips, and finally stopped coughing.

"Are you okay?" Ye Qingyang asked him.

Lu Jingcheng put down his cup and looked up at him with rare serious eyes.

"Ye Qingyang, this isn't funny at all, and it's not fun. You shouldn't joke with me like this."

After he finished speaking, he stood up and took out a piece of paper, wiped his mouth casually, turned and left the table.

Ye Qingyang froze for a moment, and hurriedly chased after him, "Are you angry?"

Lu Jingcheng didn't speak, but he was indeed a little angry.

Before he and Ye Qingyang talked about it, he thought Ye Qingyang liked him, and he didn't reject Ye Qingyang, so he didn't think it was a thing if the two of them said ambiguous words, because at that time, Ye Qingyang didn't know that he liked him, let alone refused. He, the two of you love each other and enjoy it.

But now, they talked about it, and even Ye Qingyang clearly said that he only regarded himself as a friend, so he shouldn't say such ambiguous words on the premise that he knew that he still liked him.

There is nothing wrong with not liking someone.

But if you don't like a person, you still have to flirt with him speciously, that's really wrong.

Lu Jingcheng doesn't like this kind of behavior, he doesn't know how to do it, so he doesn't want Ye Qingyang to do it either.

Ye Qingyang couldn't help it, "I told you I was doing it for you, you just forgave me."

Lu Jingcheng pinched his face, "Don't do this again next time!"

He said, "Do it for my own good too !" I agree, don't be so self-righteous for my own good!"

Ye Qingyang nodded, "I remember."

Satisfied, Lu Jingcheng let go, and looked at him quietly.

Ye Qingyang smiled at him, cute and cute.

Lu Jingcheng watched him smile, he was in a good mood, so he laughed. He rubbed Ye Qingyang's head, "Idiot."

Ye Qingyang thought, you are the idiot.

But he was still very cooperative and let him rub his hair obediently.

Lu Jingcheng actually didn't know whether what he said about that day was true or not, but he decided to believe Ye Qingyang, because he liked Ye Qingyang, so he was willing to believe what he said.

Of course Ye Qingyang knew that this was a lie, but he still wanted to lie to Lu Jingcheng this time, thinking that he would do it for him once, because he hoped that his little peacock would always be proud and confident, without any regrets, embarrassments, or there will be no bad shade.

If he had known that they would still be together in the end, then on the night Lu Jingcheng made his relationship known, he would have followed Lu Jingcheng's words and stayed with him logically.

Instead of letting him find out that everything is his own sentimentality and wishful thinking.

This was too cruel for Lu Jingcheng, Ye Qingyang didn't want to part with it, so he re-enacted the scene, made up a lie, and gave him new sunshine.

He is not an actor, but he can be Lu Jingcheng's glass gardener.

The author has something to say: is it sweet or not? Isn't it sweet!

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