Chapter 19

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In this happy mood, Ye Qingyang took the bus back home.

Ye Hong didn't lock the door behind him this time, Ye Qingyang easily opened the door and walked in.

Ye Hong was about to cook, but when she saw him back, she became very angry.

"Have you become more capable and skilled? You have even learned to steal things at home!"

Ye Qingyang looked confused, "I don't have any."

"You didn't t the food in your sister's room? You didn't take the instant noodles in the kitchen ." of it?"

Only now did I realize that the instant noodles were gone, so I was really unresponsive.

Ye Qingyang complained in his heart, but his face was pitiful.

"I took food from my sister's house, but I left a note. As for the instant noodles in the kitchen, aunt, you locked the kitchen door yesterday, and I didn't go to the kitchen this morning. How can I get it?" Ah."

Ye Hong was angry, "Then who knows, you are very capable now."

"I have no choice, I have no money, and you won't let me eat, so I can only eat some snacks from my sister."

"Are you eating a little? You are eating and taking!"

Ye Hong got angry when she said this, and rushed over to beat him.

Ye Qingyang was tired, how could this person forget to eat but not beat?

So many times, when did she really hit herself?

Didn't they all end up being beaten, that's all, provocative.

From this point of view, Ye Hong and "Ye Qingyang" really look like relatives.

Ye Qingyang dodged calmly, and only reminded Ye Hong when he smelled the smell of burnt food, "Auntie, is your food burnt?

"Ye Hong ran to the kitchen in a panic.

Ye Qingyang smiled, thinking she was really funny.

He reached out and twisted the doorknob of Ye Hong's room, only to find that Ye Hong had locked the door.

He went to twist the doorknob of Wang Hui's room again, and it was also locked.

That's right, it's been twice, no matter how stupid Ye Hong is, he should know how to lock the door, but it doesn't matter, Ye Qingyang looked at Wang Fan's room.

That was his room.

So tonight, let's sleep in Wang Fan's room.

Ye Qingyang smiled, and walked towards the balcony, preparing for a temporary truce.

As a result, as soon as he walked into the balcony, he keenly noticed that the floor was a bit slippery.

Ye Qingyang raised his foot, looked down, and saw that the floor was extraordinarily shiny, as if something had been wiped on it.

Not far away, there are also a few inconspicuous thumbtacks scattered around.

It turned out that he was waiting for himself here!

Not bad, progress, and finally a little brain!

Ye Qingyang was very relieved, and walked steadily into the balcony, took out his homework, and prepared to do some symbolic homework.

Ye Hong waited for a long time, but before he could scream, she secretly peeked out from the kitchen.

Seeing the balcony was peaceful, the open balcony door still looked familiar to her.

Strange, she obviously tried it, it is easy to slip and fall, why is Ye Qingyang okay?

Ye Hong was puzzled, the meal in his hand hadn't been finished yet, so he had no choice but to continue cooking.

When Wang Hui came back, Ye Qingyang had just finished today's homework.

Based on his current personality as a scumbag, Ye Qingyang is very cooperative and only writes a part of each paper for the performance. Don't ask, if the question is a scumbag, if he does it in the plenary meeting, is it still a scumbag?

As soon as he put away the papers, Wang Hui opened the door and walked in with her bag.

Seeing him at home, Wang Hui went straight to the balcony to kill him, cursing as he walked.

"Ye Qingyang, you little bastard, how dare you steal from me, are you still human? I think you don't want this face anymore, right? Then I'll tear it up for you!" 

After she finished cursing, she stepped into the room angrily. Stepping out of the balcony, he suddenly became unstable and leaned back.

Ye Qingyang's body was one step faster than his thoughts, he rushed over before she fell, and hugged her, "Sister, are you okay?"

Wang Hui raised her hand and wanted to slap him, Ye Qingyang was speechless, when she raised her hand, he remained calm letting go, and he took a step back.

With a bang, Wang Hui fell to the ground, and the thumbtack came out of her jeans and hit her thigh.

Ye Qingyang: ...

Who can blame this? It is especially good for heaven to do evil, but it is impossible to live for self-inflicted evil.

For the sake of the child, he kindly gave her a hand, but in the end she wanted to beat herself!

It's asking for trouble!

"Ah!" Wang Hui cried out in pain, leaning against the balcony door, looking at her stomach in fear.

Fortunately, when Ye Qingyang caught her just now, he was already very close to the ground, so although he let go, the baby was not hurt.

She couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, cold sweat broke out.

Seeing her expression, Ye Qingyang thought she deserved it.

What kind of mother is this character?

Being so inattentive to the child, thinking of hitting someone when she fell down, the child in his stomach will probably suffer a lot in the future.

Wang Hui slowed down, raised her head and stared at Ye Qingyang, and said preemptively, "Ye Qingyang! What is on your ground! It's so slippery, do you want to kill me and my son?!"

Ye Qingyang was speechless, "Sister, I am your son's savior! Your savior, okay? If I hadn't picked you up for a while, you might not be sure if you still have this child in your stomach now!"

"You are a cat crying and a mouse pretending to be merciful. You will pick me up with good intentions? It must be because you made these things, so you picked me up. You are guilty of being i8,a thief!"

Ye Qingyang: ...

Ye Qingyang picked up the things behind him . A small bench, "Come on, hold your stomach up, I will not be guilty of knocking out this child in your stomach now! Or let's re-simulate the scene just now, you can go forward boldly, don't worry, you are I fell out with a dead body and two lives, and I was determined not to help, and I applauded you without blinking, and praised you for a good fall!"

Wang Hui: ...

Ye Qingyang raised the small bench in his hand, "Beat me!" Or fall?"

Wang Hui: ...

"It's not who you are!" Wang Hui said angrily, "This is your place, not you, who made it!"

Ye Qingyang put down the small bench in his hand, pointing to the groceries on the balcony, and changed his tone.

"This is where my aunt puts her sundries. My aunt puts everything here, so the balcony is messy. I'm used to living here, so it's okay, but sister, you have a baby. How can you come here like this? The place, look, it fell."

Wang Hui looked at the groceries in front of him, Ye Qingyang was right, this balcony has indeed been used by Ye Hong to pile up sundries all the time, and it is not cleaned or tidied up at ordinary times, anyway, it is a living place It was Ye Qingyang, they didn't bother to care about it.

Unexpectedly, I actually suffered a disadvantage here today.

Thinking of this, Wang Hui felt angry, and shouted at Ye Hong, "Mom, can you be more careful in the future, don't throw everything on the balcony, you think this is a garbage dump! You have to throw it!" I'm willing to die!"

Ye Hong closed the door and was cooking, and didn't hear her cry, so he ignored her.

Wang Hui was so angry that she wanted to stand up and talk to her, but because the floor was too slippery and she was pregnant again, she couldn't stand up for a while.

"What are you doing standing there, won't you give me a hand!" Wang Hui looked at Ye Qingyang and stretched out her hand, as if giving him infinite honor.

Ye Qingyang shook his head, leaned against the wall, and said in a melodious tone, "I dare not, I'm guilty of being a thief."

Wang Hui didn't expect that she would block herself with her own words, and shouted angrily, "Didn't you not do it? Why are you guilty?" ?!"

"I'm a cat crying and a mouse pretending to be merciful. I will help you with good intentions? It must be because I made these things, so I will help you. Right sister?"

Wang Hui: ...

"Okay, okay, you Don't help me, I'll get up by myself!"

She was so angry that she tried to stand up.

Ye Qingyang looked at her funny appearance with his hands in his pockets, laughed wildly in his heart, but didn't show it on his face, and cheered her on, "Sister, come on! Sister, you can do it! Sister, you are like a toad now, hahaha, croak~ "

Wang Hui just stood firm, and was so angry that he almost slipped again.

She glared at Ye Qingyang, and slowly, stiffly and ridiculously walked out of the balcony.

Ye Qingyang applauded her: "Congratulations, sister, you succeeded! You stood up!"

Wang Hui was so angry that he reached out to hit him.

Ye Qingyang pretended to be frightened, fell down on the sofa, and kicked out the small bench next to the sofa.

Wang Hui didn't pay attention, tripped over the bench and almost fell down again.

Wang Hui hurriedly stabilized her figure, and felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach, so she glared at Ye Qingyang again and cursed, "Shameless, why didn't you take you die when your parents left? , look at who in this family likes you, you are a hot chicken, you are disgusting, you should get out and die."

Ye Qingyang pretended to be surprised, "Sister, how can you say that, you are connected by blood and I am related by blood. Relationship sister!"

"Damn! Who the hell is your sister, don't try to get involved here, you bastard."

Ye Qingyang lowered his eyebrows, "Sister, you are pregnant with a baby, how can you say such a thing."

Wang Hui touched herself He said proudly, "My son is different from you. You are an orphan who no one wants. You are an outsider in our family! My son is the baby of the family. He has a father and a mother. He is much nobler than you. "

After she finished speaking, her noble son seemed to react a bit. Wang Hui frowned, clutching his stomach and walking towards his room.

Seeing her leaving, Ye Qingyang took out the phone that had just finished recording from his pocket, looked at the newly released evidence in his hand, and chuckled, idiot.

He walked to the balcony door and couldn't help laughing thinking of Wang Hui struggling here just now.

Ye Hong definitely didn't expect that this little trick she did didn't hurt herself, but her daughter.

This is called retribution, karmic cycle, retribution is not good!

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