Chapter 45

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Of course Ye Qingyang wouldn't tell others that he warmed Lu Jingcheng's bed, it's too ambiguous, even though the two of them were just chatting under the quilt, others might be curious about what they were talking about.

So Ye Qingyang took off his watch before leaving, returned it to Lu Jingcheng, took his schoolbag, and left the dormitory with him.

Lu Jingcheng sent him to the gate of the complex, watched him enter the complex, and then reluctantly returned to his home.

Ye Qingyang thought about what to say after entering the door for a while, and soon went upstairs and opened the door.

It was a Saturday, Ye Hong's family didn't go to work, they were sitting on the sofa, watching TV happily.

Then, they saw Ye Qingyang open the door and enter the house.

Ye Hong paused while eating melon seeds, "Why are you back?"

There was an undisguised disgust in her words.

Ye Qingyang was very calm, with an innocent face, "I'll come back to get something."

"What do you have?" Wang Hui glanced at him disdainfully, saw the logo on the clothes with sharp eyes, and mocked, "Ye Qingyang, what do you do? I also bought counterfeit goods with such obvious logos, I'm afraid that others will not know that you are wearing fake clothes."

Ye Qingyang looked at his clothes in feigned surprise, "Is this? It's the real thing."

Wang Hui sneered, " Pretending, I don't know how much money you have."

Wang Yue also took the opportunity to teach, "I let you go out to live for your study, not for your comparison and vanity."

Ye Qingyang walked to the room next to them sitting down on the sofa, he took out his mobile phone, "I don't have one, I just made some money these days, so I bought some good things for myself, and it's not your money."

Wang Hui stared at his phone, eyes full of doubt and surprise, "Ye Qingyang, have you changed your phone?"

Ye Qingyang nodded.

He had been using the old mobile phone that the original owner inherited from Wang Fan at home before. Wang Hui and the others had never seen the mobile phone Lu Jingcheng gave him. This time when he returned home, he changed Lu Jingcheng's mobile phone for Pretentious.

Wang Hui took it with suspicion and looked at it, "Is this genuine? The genuine one is less than ten thousand."

Ye Qingyang smiled and said, "I said I made some money recently, sister, when I come back next time, I will give it to you ." Buy a bottle of perfume."

"You are so kind?" Wang Hui didn't believe it.

Ye Qingyang took the phone, opened the Tmall flagship store, and ordered a perfume for her on the spot, "Here, wait for the delivery, it should arrive in a few days."

Wang Hui:! ! !

Wang Hui pushed Ye Hong away and sat beside him, "Yangyang, are you really rich?"

"A little bit," Ye Qingyang said.

He just bought perfume for Wang Hui, and he bought it for around 500, not too expensive.

I don't want the child to be tied to the wolf, and the necessary petty profits are given, but they are only petty profits.

Wang Hui was curious, "How did you make money? Hey, by the way, you can change the delivery address to our company. Don't send it to your home. If you have something good at home, send it to the company."

"Forget it." Ye Qingyang said, "This one is not expensive, it's quite cheap. When I get the money next time, I can buy more expensive ones for you, and then I'll send them to the company." 

When Wang Hui heard that there will be another time, her mood improved. The tone became gentle, "It's okay, I will send it to the company next time, all to the company."

Ye Qingyang: ...Mr. Wang Yue, don't you plan to say something about your daughter's vain love?

He had to talk to the customer service and change the address.

Satisfied, Wang Hui looked at Ye Qingyang with bright eyes, "Yangyang, why are you so rich all of a sudden?"

She looked at Ye Qingyang's coat again, "Is it really genuine?"

Ye Qingyang lightly laughed, "There are so many rich second generations in our class. If I wear a fake, wouldn't I be rushed to be ridiculed?"

Wang Hui thought so, "So where did you get the money?"

Ye Qingyang smiled awkwardly on purpose , "Well, I'm a little tired, I'll go back to my room to rest first."

He stood up while speaking.

Wang Hui quickly picked up her mobile phone and took a few photos of his clothes while his back was facing her.

Ye Qingyang turned his head, and Wang Hui stood up, "It's been a long time since we siblings took a picture, let's take a selfie."

Ye Qingyang: ...It's too fake! It's like when we took a photo together!

He didn't refuse, took a selfie with Wang Hui, and went back to the house.

Wang Hui sent his photo to her plastic sister group the second he closed the door.

Huihui: [Sisters, help me to see, is this dress authentic? My oily younger brother suddenly seemed to be rich. 】

Qiqi:【Wow, what about famous brands, your brother is amazing. 】

Jingjing:【It looks like it's genuine, I'll send someone to verify it. ]

After a while, Jingjing replied: [I found someone to look at, and the clothes and pants are all genuine. Fuck, Huihui, your brother can do it. They are all new products, and the prices are all in the five figures. ]

Wang Hui's eyes widened instantly: [How much? how many digits? 】

Jingjing:【My friend said, at least five figures, this is a big brand, and it's still a new product, so it must be expensive. 】

Qiqi:【Now that I think about it, did any celebrities wear this coat before? 】

Jingjing: [Huihui, your oil bottle brother, is pretty good-looking, and is also handsome in clothes. You didn't find a celebrity picture to deceive us, did you? ]

Wang Hui: ...

Huihui: [If I can take a selfie with a celebrity, can I post it on Weibo as soon as possible to show off? Let me show you what's the use! 】

Jingjing:【That's right. 】

Huihui:【So this body costs tens of thousands? ]

Jingjing: [There must be a lot. 】

Wang Hui wondered, where did Ye Qingyang get the money from?

She shared her gains with Ye Hong and Wang Yue, and Ye Hong said in surprise, "Impossible, how can he have such money."

Wang Yue also thought it was impossible, "It must be fake."

"My friend's little sister said it's genuine, and you see he bought me perfume just now, without blinking his eyes, and his mobile phone, which is ten thousand dollars smaller. Even if his clothes are not genuine, they are so realistic, It will cost several thousand, plus his mobile phone, where did he get the money?"

Wang Yue frowned, "That's right."

Ye Hong said, "Didn't he say that he met a friend before? He said he made a little money Xiaoqian also thinks this friend is very powerful and wants to get in touch with him more, so he went to stay."

"I just said how he wants to stay, it turns out it's beneficial, it's only half a month, and he's made money so much, it's unbelievable."

Wang Yue didn't believe it, "It's possible to earn tens of thousands in half a month, I don't believe it, he must be playing tricks again."

Ye Hong also thought so, "That's right, it's unbelievable."

However, Wang Hui didn't think so, "Please, what era is this? In this era, those of you who are incapable will naturally earn less, and those who are capable can make tens of millions every minute. I don't think it is impossible. No. 1 Middle School in that school, There are many rich people themselves, and those people just leak a little oil and water from their fingers, which is enough for us to eat for several years."

When he said this, Wang Yue and Ye Hong, who were still firm just now, wavered instantly.

"Ask Ye Qingyang when we have dinner later." Wang Yue said, "See what he says."

Wang Hui nodded, "If he really has connections, then he can't forget us, we are his relatives, my mother is still him and I am his guardian!"

"That is, without me watching, can he grow up to the present?" Ye Hong said with his chest in his arms.

"That's why, if he really hugs the thigh of a rich second generation, then we can hug it together. We can't let him take all the benefits."

"That's right." Ye Hong agreed.

Wang Hui stretched her neck and looked towards Ye Qingyang's room, why didn't he come out? What are you resting for, hurry up and talk about business!

Ye Qingyang waited until he had eaten before slowly coming out of the room.

He guessed that Wang Hui would definitely take advantage of his rest time to find out whether the clothes he was wearing today were real or fake, and when she found out that what he was wearing was real, then she would definitely not be able to sit still and would want to ask herself what he was wearing in the past half a month. What happened?

So he came late on purpose, hanging on to Wang Hui.

Seeing him coming out, Wang Hui stretched out her hand to beckon him over, "Yangyang, come and sit here, my mother has cooked several of your favorite dishes today."

Ye Hong smiled, "Yeah, you haven't been back for a long time , Auntie misses you so much, come here, Auntie even cooked chicken wings for you."

Ye Qingyang said intentionally, "Wow, really? Auntie, I am so touched, thank you."

He walked over gratefully , sat next to Wang Hui, looked at the chicken wings and octopus on the table, and said with emotion, "Auntie, you are so kind, when I earn more next time, I will buy you a lipstick, the one with the brightest color "

Ye Hong smiled from ear to ear, "That's good, our Qingyang is sensible."

Wang Hui took the opportunity to say beside him, "I want a lipstick  too."

Ye Qingyang nodded, "Okay."

Wang Yue looked at him without blinking his eyes, and asked, "Qingyang, where did you get the money? How did you make the money?"

Ye Qingyang intentionally pretending to be embarrassed, "Well, I can't say that."

"There's nothing you can't say." Ye Hong said, "We are a family, what can you and your family not say?"

"That's right, could it be that you did something that shouldn't be done behind our backs?"

Wang Hui also deliberately exaggerated, "Yangyang, this is not black money, is it?"

"Of course not." Ye Qingyang quickly denied, "I'm serious. The money from channels, even if I told you, you probably wouldn't believe it, and my friend told me that this matter doesn't need too many people to know about it, he just thinks I'm poor so he wants to help me, but he doesn't want to help others."

"Then is your aunt someone else?" Ye Hong retorted, "I am your guardian, if you don't tell me, if something happens to you, I will be the first one to be implicated legally."

Ye Qingyang looked at her, " Nothing will happen."

"Then you have to say it." Wang Yue said forcefully, "You suddenly came with so much money. If you don't tell me, who can rest assured."

Ye Qingyang deliberately went around several times with them, repeatedly after evading it several times, he put on a really helpless expression, "That's fine, let me say, but you must think it's weird."

"Tell me." Ye Hong picked up a chicken wing for him, "How do you know us if you don't tell me?" Do you understand?"

Ye Qingyang finally said what he had thought up a long time ago, "It's that friend I knew before, he helped me earn a little money, so I have money to live in a dormitory. He saw that I admire him, and he changed a project to help me continue to manage money these days, but this project seems to be more profitable than the previous project. He made a lot of money, and I also made a lot of money. He saw that my clothes were not good. It's not good to use, so let me buy some famous brands, and I will buy it."

"What financial channel can earn so much?" Wang Yue asked.

Ye Qingyang shook his head, "I don't know, and I don't understand it either. I'll let him take care of it. Anyway, he gave me all my money. It's best if I make the best money. It doesn't matter if I lose."

"How can you think so? ?" Ye Hong taught him, "You have to worry about your own money, at least you need to know how he earns it?"

Ye Qingyang scratched his head, "I'm stupid, I can't understand, he wrote a lot of numbers how can I understand it."

Ye Hong thinks this is true, her nephew is obviously not smart, and he always ranks last in exams, so he must not understand what investment and financial management he is asked to do.

She glanced at Wang Yue, and Wang Yue said, "Then you go back this time and ask him what's the matter? Let him explain it clearly to you, and then tell us, we can always understand if you don't understand."

Ye Qingyang didn't refuse, "Okay, I'll go back and ask him."

"Yes." Wang Yue nodded in satisfaction.

The author has something to say: Yang Yang: Dig a hole for you to jump~

Brother Lu: Did you succeed in pretending?

Yang Yang: It's a success~~

Brother Lu: As expected of my wife!

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