Chapter 43

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Two days later, the monthly exam results came out.

Cheng Yan saw Ye Qingyang's ranking for the first time, and was so shocked that she couldn't speak on the spot. If she hadn't asked Ye Qingyang to do the questions on the blackboard before, and knew that Ye Qingyang was working hard to review recently, she would have suspected that Ye Qingyang was cheating.

This result, the improvement is too fast!

Cheng Yan walked into the classroom with the test paper and ranking list in surprise, with smiles on her brows and eyes.

Ye Qingyang lay on the table, seeing their class teacher so happy, he thought the other party's birthday was coming soon.

He didn't take it seriously, and continued to think about what he was going home this week, and then he heard Cheng Yan say, "This monthly exam, although the overall grades of our class are mediocre, but there is a classmate who has made rapid progress, and has improved by nearly 30 places." , it can be seen that he has studied very hard this month."

Everyone silently turned their heads to look at Ye Qingyang.

Ye Qingyang:? ? ? ? No, what do you see me doing? I just want to improve by a dozen or so, it is impossible to soar to nearly 30.

He smiled awkwardly but politely, and when he looked up, he saw Cheng Yan looking at him tenderly.

Those eyes, kind and Buddha-like, are full of charity.

Ye Qingyang: ... No, it can't really be me, can it? This is different from the script I designed!

Cheng Yan said softly, "It seems that everyone has guessed who it is. That's right, it is Ye Qingyang. Before Ye Qingyang went to the blackboard to do the questions, his thinking was clear and his answers were correct, which proves that Ye Qingyang is indeed what he said, and he reviewed it carefully after class. , and therefore, Ye Qingyang can make such great progress this time."

"This incident shows that as long as everyone works hard, there will be progress, so the terrible thing is not that your grades are poor, but that you don't work hard, do you understand? ?" 

The students nodded, "Understood."

I just don't understand how he reviewed it and how he improved so much!

Ye Qingyang: ...This is really a beautiful misunderstanding.

After Cheng Yan praised Ye Qingyang and boosted morale, he called his name and handed out the test papers.

Ye Qingyang looked at his math test paper, and it was five or six points higher than he thought. He checked it carefully and found that it was the big question in the back. He only wrote the first question. He thought it was only two or three points, but it turned out to be three points. Most of them, and one, the teacher gave him four points, probably because there were only two questions in that question, so the score was worth four or six.

It's amazing.

He propped his head up and listened to a class perfunctorily before being called to the office by Cheng Yan.

Cheng Yan smiled very kindly, "Didn't I say it before, whoever has made great progress this time, I will treat him to dinner or turn it into a private scholarship to reward him."

Ye Qingyang said awkwardly, "No need, Teacher Cheng."

" How can we not use it?" Cheng Yan pulled a chair for him, "Sit down."

Ye Qingyang could only sit down.

"That's what I think." Cheng Yan said, "Your family is not very good, and food is not a necessity, so I won't invite you to eat. I will give you a private scholarship. You can buy some study materials or add some of the necessities of life."

Ye Qingyang: ...

China is a good teacher! Moved by the best teacher in China!

But there is no need for me, teacher!

"Teacher, you should give it to someone else." Ye Qingyang said, "I didn't want these rewards."

I'm not a real progress teacher! I'm just too lazy to learn, so how easy it is to turn on power saving mode now.

I deserve it!

When Cheng Yan heard it, he felt that it was not easy for him, "We are teachers, we keep our word, it's okay Ye Qingyang, just take it, just keep improving next time."

Ye Qingyang: ...

Cheng Yan said, took out her mobile phone and added Ye Qingyang from the class group, "You pass, and I will send you a red envelope."

Ye Qingyang: "... Really no need."

"If you refuse again, then I will send you a red envelope." Just wait for the mid-term parent meeting, let your aunt come, and then give her the red envelope."

Ye Qingyang: ! ! !

This still works! ! ! If it is cheap, no one can cheap Ye Hong!

Ye Qingyang no longer refused, took out his phone, and approved Cheng Yan's friend request.


Cheng Yan was very satisfied, "Next time, you must continue to work hard."

"Yes." Ye Qingyang nodded.

"It's best if you can bring Lu Jingcheng and the others to work hard together. Aren't you two on good terms? Military training is always together, and you also take him with you, as well as his friends. Only by making progress together can we really make progress. "

Ye Qingyang thought about it, this really needs to be planned.

He never thought of helping Lu Jingcheng with homework before, because this is Yu Wan's plot, and Yu Wan needs to promote the development of relationship with Lu Jingcheng through  homework.

But now, he doesn't intend to let Lu Jingcheng get in touch with Yu Wan again, so he doesn't care about Lu Jingcheng's grades, and it's really inappropriate.

I just don't know if Lu Jingcheng is willing to listen to him and study hard.

They should be willing, Ye Qingyang thought, they made a promise before, Lu Jingcheng himself said that if he does better in the exam this time, then he can take care of him in the future.

So, there should be no problem.

Ye Qingyang nodded, "Okay."

Even if there is a problem, he still wants Lu Jingcheng to study hard, otherwise it will really have too much impact if Lu Jingcheng fails to pass the college entrance examination.

Ye Qingyang returned to the classroom, just sat down on his seat, before he had time to think about Lu Jingcheng's study plan, he was surrounded by other people in the class.

"Excellent, Ye Qingyang, how did you learn this?"

"How did you suddenly improve so much? Did you hire a tutor?"

"Or did you take online classes?"

"It can't be because you suddenly became enlightened, right?"

"Hurry up , Ye Qingyang, teach us, just like during military training, show us the way."

"Yes, squad leader."

Ye Qingyang: ...How can people teach this?

"Let me think about it first." He said, "When I think it over and sort out my thoughts, I will tell you, okay?"

When everyone saw that he was really willing to share, they were pleasantly surprised: " Okay Squad leader, think about it slowly."

Ye Qingyang nodded helplessly, "Then I guess it will take a little longer."

"It's okay, work slowly and carefully." Li Lan patted him on the shoulder, "We are optimistic about you~"

Ye Qingyang: "...Thank you."

After dismissing everyone, Ye Qingyang took a look at the blackboard with the ranking list.

It is true that the results of every subject are higher than he expected, especially Chinese, which is more than ten points higher than he thought, and English is also nearly ten points higher than he expected. No wonder he jumped from the 56th in the class to the 28th. This is 30 to 40 points higher than his estimated total score, but he can't improve by more than a dozen places on the basis of what he thought.

Ye Qingyang sighed, it was his fault that he was a scumbag for the first time, had no experience, and didn't grasp the scale well.

"Are you happy?" He was reviewing, and suddenly felt a lot of strength from his shoulders, and when he turned around, he saw Lu Jingcheng looking down at him.

"It's not bad."

Lu Jingcheng didn't believe it, "You've made so much progress, you must be so happy."

Ye Qingyang pointed to his ranking, "You haven't improved much."

Lu Jingcheng: ...It hurts.

Lu Jingcheng squeezed his face, "It's about you, don't talk about me."

Ye Qingyang smiled, "Brother Lu, do you still remember our agreement?"

Lu Jingcheng: ...

Ye Qingyang pointed to his rank, pointing to his ranking again, "From today onwards, I will supervise your studies carefully, and we will improve together."

Lu Jingcheng took back the hand on his shoulder, "You just need to improve yourself."

He turned around to leave, Ye Qingyang hurriedly followed, "You keep your word, we agreed."

"You still want to control me?" Lu Jingcheng squinted at him, "You're not timid.

" Concubine's courage." Ye Qingyang is not afraid of him, "If you break your promise, then I will be too disappointed in you."

Lu Jingcheng snorted coldly, "Break your promise? Will I break my promise? Isn't it just learning? Who wouldn't."

" Then we'll start when we go back tonight."

Lu Jingcheng: ...

Seeing his reluctance, Ye Qingyang immediately complimented him, "You're so good, you definitely won't refuse."

"Nonsense." Lu Jingcheng jumped down the pit, I frantically refused in my heart, and promised again and again with my mouth.

Ye Qingyang was happy, and went back to his seat to make a review plan for him.

While he was making plans, there was a small red dot on WeChat, and he clicked on it to find that it was Zhang Ye who had added it a long time ago.

Although Ye Qingyang is not close to him, he has been relying on WeChat to exchange information. He is not familiar with him, but he is not that familiar.

Zhang Ye: [You ascended? 】

Ye Qingyang replied: 【Ascension for a short time. 】

Zhang Ye: [Is it really based on your own strength, did you not cheat? 】

Ye Qingyang thought, don't say I didn't cheat, even if I did, I can't tell you.

Ye Qingyang: [Block black warning. ]

Zhang Ye: [Don't, don't, I'm asking you for something. ]

Ye Qingyang: [? 】

Zhang Ye:【You are so good this time, Sister Yan has praised you for a long time in our class, let us use you as motivation, I am just curious, how did you improve so much in one fell swoop? Nearly 30 people, you are the Yellow River Great Leap! 】

Ye Qingyang is modest: 【It's mainly hard work + hard work, and there are some talents. ]

Zhang Ye: [? ? ? speak English! ]

Ye Qingyang: [Do more questions, summarize more, work harder, and spare time for playing games, understand? ]

Zhang Ye doesn't understand.

Zhang Ye: [How about this, you can be my tutor, or accompany me to do my homework, and use your method to teach me. We have similar backgrounds, and your method should be more suitable for me. ]

Ye Qingyang: [Dare to ask your last ranking and this ranking? ]

Zhang Ye made a shy expression.

Then send him a few numbers.

Zhang Ye: [Last time the class was the tenth from the bottom, and the grade was 33 from the bottom, this time the class was fifth from the bottom, and the grade was 10 from the bottom. 】

Ye Qingyang: ...So you have the nerve to say that we have similar backgrounds? Too much difference, okay?

Ye Qingyang: [My method is not suitable for you, please be smart. 】

Zhang Ye:【Don't, you are the most suitable, what is the difference between the bottom one and the bottom five? You can better teach students in accordance with their aptitude. 】

Ye Qingyang: ... What are you thinking, I don't even know, okay!

He was about to refuse when Zhang Ye said: [Don't worry, I won't treat you badly, one hundred per hour. 】

Ye Qingyang: ...One hundred yuan.

Zhang Ye: [Is it a little less, 200? ]

Ye Qingyang:! ! ! Two hundred!

Zhang Ye: [Either 300? ]

Ye Qingyang:! ! ! Rich man!

Zhang Ye: 【Is 400 okay? I used to hire a tutor for about the same price. Do you think it will work? 】

Ye Qingyang made the final decision: 【Deal! 】

The author has something to say: Zhang Ye: I am here to assist again, thank you!

Yang Yang: You are here to give money~~

Brother Lu: Do I have no money? Say what you want!

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