Chapter 27

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Lu Jingcheng coughed, "I'll do it myself."

"Then hurry up." Ye Qingyang was anxious for him, "Time is running out."

"I see."

Lu Jingcheng said, unbuttoning and preparing to change clothing.

He just finished unbuttoning his pajamas, when he looked up, he saw Ye Qingyang looking at him.

Lu Jingcheng:! ! !

Are you just looking at it so aboveboard? !

You should at least hide your eyes, my dear!

"Don't look at me." Lu Jingcheng said awkwardly.

Ye Qingyang was frightened to death by him, grabbed his clothes and put them on his head.

Lu Jingcheng who was inexplicably put on his head: ...

"I will wear it myself!" Lu Jingcheng became angry from embarrassment.

"Hurry up, bro, check the time."

"Stop sitting here, the more you sit here, the slower I will be."

"Okay, okay." Ye Qingyang couldn't help him, turned and got off the bed.

Seeing him go down, Lu Jingcheng quickly changed his clothes and got out of bed.

He was about to say something, when Ye Qingyang handed over his tooth bowl and toothbrush, "Brush your teeth."

Lu Jingcheng: ...

Lu Jingcheng looked down, okay, even the toothpaste has been squeezed out for him.

"What are you doing in a daze, do you want me to brush it for you?"

Lu Jingcheng took it over and began to brush his teeth. Ye Qingyang offered his own footbath, "Spit it here."

"Got it." Lu Jingcheng brushed his teeth and said vaguely .

Chen Wei sat on the lower berth with a speechless expression on his face, how could it be like this?

However, he soon discovered that not only was this possible, but it was also beyond his expectations!

After Lu Jingcheng finished brushing his teeth, he just put down the toothbrush and prepared to teach Ye Qingyang, so he covered his face with a towel.

Before he could react, Ye Qingyang wiped his face for him.

"Here, Dabao." Straight man Ye Qingyang handed over his only skin care product.

Lu Jingcheng: ...

What is Dabao?

Seeing that he was not moving, Ye Qingyang squeezed Dabao in his palm and wiped it away at him.

Lu Jingcheng felt that he was simply relying on his own kindness to him, being arrogant because of being favored, acting recklessly, breaking ground on Tai Sui's head!

He said in a rough voice, "What are you doing, I don't have hands?"

"You're too slow." Ye Qingyang was tired.

If you want him to say that Lu Jingcheng is just like that little girl Ye Qingyuan, getting out of bed would kill her, and she would get up slowly, wishing she could finish everything with her eyes closed.

Before Ye Qingyang crossed over, every morning he washed up by himself and had breakfast before going to wake his sister up.

Ye Qingyuan walked out of the bedroom with her eyes closed as if sleepwalking, and he was responsible for helping the little girl squeeze out the toothpaste and water, wipe her face and then apply cream.

He just had experience with it.

"Isn't this the end?"

He wiped the big treasure on Lu Jingcheng and withdrew his hand, "Is it comfortable? Is it not uncomfortable? I can control it with strength."

Lu Jingcheng: ...It seems that it is really not uncomfortable.

At this time, Bai Le finally came back from the water room. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Lu Jingcheng had changed his clothes and went to the ground, and was combing his hair with his back turned.

Bai Le sneered: "It's getting up now, it's late, we're going to gather, I see how much time you have to wash up."

He snorted, "You campus god, go out today with your unkempt hair, just in time Let those girls see what their male god looks like in private."

Lu Jingcheng: ...

Lu Jingcheng turned around speechlessly, "Are you blind? Open your dog eyes to see if I am unkempt!"

Bai Le :! ! !

Bai Le was shocked, "When did you wash your face? Why didn't I see you in the water room?"

Li Lan smiled and said, "Master Bai, you don't understand this. Your Majesty has a maid to serve you. Why can't our lady not ?" , there is no need for your Majesty to go to a noisy place like the water room."

Bai Le: "...speak human."

Chen Wei sighed, "During the time you went out to wash, our monitor, Ye Qingyang, gave full play to the classmate Love, not only called our male god out of bed, but also helped him wash up. I really didn't realize it before, Ye Qingyang, you are quite virtuous?"

"Not only virtuous, but also have a good temper." Dong Yu was puzzled, "You didn't have such a temper before."

Ye Qingyang smiled, nonsense, the me before is not the me now, do you know that a white horse is not a horse?

Lu Jingcheng looked at him and smiled, thinking why are you laughing, I'm afraid that others won't know that you changed for love?

You have become too much.

How on earth could you bear the difficulty of loving me before?

Aren't you worried that you've got something wrong?

Just as he was thinking, Zheng Feng interrupted everyone's thoughts: "Well, everyone, it's 6:25, should we go out?"

Everyone heard this and quickly stood up and ran out.

Ye Qingyang saw them running out of the door in a swarm, turned around helplessly, picked up the door lock by himself, and drank a few sips of water along the way.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Lu Jingcheng still standing behind him, not leaving.

"Let's go." Lu Jingcheng told him.

Ye Qingyang let out an "oh" and locked the door.

Then he was dragged by Lu Jingcheng and started to run.

Ye Qingyang never knew that Lu Jingcheng could run so fast. If he hadn't been forced to run laps by his father since he was a child, he probably wouldn't be able to keep up.

"Why are you running so fast?"

"Didn't you say you were going to be late?"

"Then we don't have to run so fast. We can catch up."

"You are tired." Lu Jingcheng slowed down.

Not tired, but don't want to work hard.

He has turned on the power-saving mode since he crossed over, so he can do whatever he wants, knowing that he won't be late at the normal speed, so he doesn't want to waste all his efforts.

Ye Qingyang gave a perfunctory "hmm".

Lu Jingcheng turned his head to look at him, and thought of their limited fights, Ye Qingyang was as weak as a chicken.

Alas, too weak.

Lu Jingcheng had no choice but to stop.

Ye Qingyang also stopped, but before he could speak to Lu Jingcheng, the next second, Lu Jingcheng hugged him.

Still fucking a princess hug.

Ye Qingyang:? ? ? ! ! !

What do you mean, bro? !

Lu Jingcheng looked down at him, and said with disgust, "You are too weak."

Ye Qingyang: ...

What can Ye Qingyang say, but Ye Qingyang can only "Oh".

"I really can't do anything about you." Lu Jingcheng shook his head.

Ye Qingyang: ...

Ye Qingyang continued, "Oh." 

The next second, he felt Lu Jingcheng carrying him and began to quickly descend the stairs.

Now that the gathering time was approaching, there were almost no people in the corridor. Occasionally, one or two girls saw it and let out a sound of "ah" in surprise.

Lu Jingcheng immediately lowered his head to look at the person in his arms to cover up, "You have a stomachache, so why don't you go to the meeting? Why don't you let me carry you, because I'm the squad leader now."

Squad leader Ye Qingyang: "Oh."

Ye Qingyang even looked at him with great interest, and poked his face, "Of course the class monitor is amazing, otherwise, student Lu, would you be so obedient? Hold on tight, if you fall off me, I will tell the instructor that you are bullying the class monitor!"

Lu Jingcheng: ? ? ? ? ! ! !

Lu Jingcheng glared at him, and said softly, "Who told you to talk about this?"

Ye Qingyang smiled, "It's for your performance."

"I don't need it."

Ye Qingyang raised his hand to stroke his hair, and stroked it .

Well, he finally did what he always wanted to do.

Lu Jingcheng struggled back, "Don't move around."

Seeing the reluctance and helplessness on his face, Ye Qingyang felt very relieved.

Today's little peacock is as energetic and cute as ever.

He also touched the peacock feathers of the little peacock. It was a beautiful day, starting early in the morning.

Lu Jingcheng didn't put him down until he was almost out of the dormitory, "Okay, let's go."

"Thank you, Brother Lu." Ye Qingyang smiled.

Lu Jingcheng snorted, but said nothing, "It's because you are too weak and know nothing."

"I won't, Brother Lu, you'll be fine." Ye Qingyang said without guilt.

Lu Jingcheng turned his head to look at him, thinking it's okay, anyway, he doesn't dislike Ye Qingyang, Ye Qingyang is weak, he just needs to cover Ye Qingyang more.

"Okay, let's go gather."

"Yeah." Ye Qingyang nodded and ran out with him.

Instructor Xu saw that the two of them were stuck in the team, and joked, "I also said why I didn't see our squad leader. It turns out that I don't want to fly solo and want to debut together."

Lu Jingcheng glanced at him displeased .

Ye Qingyang smiled and quickly stood up.

"Squad leader out." Xu instructor said.

Ye Qingyang stood up, "What's the matter, instructor?"

"See if everyone is here? Let's lead the team to the training ground for training."

Ye Qingyang had no choice but to ask everyone to count one by one, report to Instructor Xu and lead the team to the training ground and start the morning run.

He was afraid that the boys would run too fast and the girls would not be able to keep up, so he deliberately let the girls take the lead.

The girls in the class have bought things from him for several days, and they have become familiar with him, chatting with him while running, "Ye Qingyang, can you help me make the quilt in the afternoon? I'll give you money."

"Look at the time." Ye Qingyang said, "There are too many people making appointments. If it's the same as yesterday, and only 40 minutes, then I will definitely not be able to finish stacking."

"Then what should I do?

" Sure." Ye Qingyang has obviously thought about this question, "When the time comes, I will say in the group, and whoever replies first, I will help that dormitory stack and choose two dormitories."

"But my hand speed is not good. Someone interjected, "It's not fair. Either you come here in turn, two dormitories a day, so that everyone can enjoy it."

Ye Qingyang thinks this is okay, "Wait a while and ask in the group to see which method has the most support."

"Yeah." The girl nodded.

Ye Qingyang saw that their running speed was about the same as walking, and the boys behind him turned into walking directly, so he stopped talking, and said to the leading girl: "Everyone, run a little faster? Otherwise, the instructor should say ."

"Okay." The girls were easy to talk, glanced at each other, and started to run faster.

The boys were still walking in the back, when they suddenly noticed that the girls in front were running a lot faster, they quickly chased after them, and they all started running too.

After running two laps, the instructor began to practice goose step.

He kicked it a few times, but he was not feeling well, so he asked Ye Qingyang to guide everyone, and went to rest under the shade of a tree by himself.

The company commander of the Seventh Company just happened to pass by, and said with a smile, "First company commander, hide here and be lazy, don't you want to train your students?"

Instructor Xu was very proud, "I let our class monitor train."

"Is it possible?"

"That's because you haven't seen our class monitor." Xu instructor proudly said: "Don't look at our class monitor's gentleness, he looks like a little boy, his internal affairs, his military quality are absolutely perfect, I'm still the first It's so worry-free to meet this kind of student once."

"Really?" The Seventh Company Commander didn't believe it, "Then let's try another day." "Okay

." The First Company Commander was very calm, "You will definitely lose."

"That's not necessarily true." The seventh company commander said, waved his hand, and left.

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