Chapter 18

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Ye Qingyang waited until the end of the third period, instead of staying in the classroom, he went out through the front door.

Seeing him leaving the classroom, Lu Jingcheng boldly ran to Ye Qingyang's seat and started searching.

It's strange, he obviously put the exercise book on Ye Qingyang's desk, why is it not there.

Lu Jingcheng searched for a long time, and even rummaged through Ye Qingyang's desk pocket, but he couldn't find it.

He sat on Ye Qingyang's seat, folded his hands on his chest, wondering what was going on?

Why is it still missing?

Ye Qingyang stood outside the back door, watched him sitting on his seat through the small glass window on the door, couldn't help but chuckled softly.

He looked down at the exercise book he had hidden in his school uniform, and shook his head silently.

He knew that with Lu Jingcheng's character, he would definitely not be able to help himself to check.

Sure enough, as soon as he left, he passed by.

Ye Qingyang looked at the person in his seat and felt a softness in his heart.

He hadn't seen someone like Lu Jingcheng for a long time. He was hard-spoken and soft-hearted, arrogant and awkward. He didn't seem to be very talkative, but he actually had a kind heart.

In this world, there are shameless people like Ye Hong, who are obviously relatives, but want to count every bone of you.

But there are also people like Lu Jingcheng who are sincere and clear, even if they were enemies with you before, they will let go as soon as they say it, and even care about you silently.

He enjoys the pleasure of tossing Ye Hong, but he prefers to meet someone like Lu Jingcheng.

Ye Qingyang withdrew his gaze and walked towards the front door of the classroom.

Although at the very beginning, he really only regarded the male protagonist Lu Jingcheng as a paper man, and he only wanted to hold his thighs.

But now, he wants to be friends with Lu Jingcheng even more.

Who wouldn't like a friend like Lu Jingcheng?

He can fight and is loyal enough. Although he has a little temper, but matched with his face, he does not appear arrogant, but rather cute.

Ye Qingyang thinks that he quite likes it.

Lu Jingcheng watched him enter the classroom from a distance, immediately stood up and took a few steps back, walking towards his seat with a guilty conscience.

Ye Qingyang didn't expose him, and walked back to his seat calmly.

He waited until Lu Jingcheng stopped peeking at him, then took out the exercise book and put it in the desk pocket.

When the class bell rang, Ye Qingyang took out his mobile phone and sent Lu Jingcheng a WeChat message: [Brother Lu, I found an extra exercise book on my desk. ]

Lu Jingcheng:? ? ?

Isn't it gone? Why did you come out again?

Ye Qingyang: [The classmate in front of me said that it seemed that he accidentally knocked it off before, and thought it was his own, so he put it there. I just found out that I had an extra copy, so I put it on my desk. 】

Lu Jingcheng: 【Oh. ]

Ye Qingyang: [But this is not mine. 】

Lu Jingcheng: ...You don't care about it, you just use it.

Lu Jingcheng: [Use it first. If someone loses it, they will definitely ask everywhere. If no one asks, no one loses it. You just don't need to buy it. 】

Ye Qingyang: ...

Ye Qingyang thinks it's him, if someone else comes, can you believe this?

It is estimated that in the next second, it is time to ask who lost an exercise book in the class WeChat group.

There are only so many people in this class, and everyone didn't lose it. He added an extra copy here out of thin air, and Lu Jingcheng said such things again, a fool can guess that it's his, okay?

Ye Qingyang sighed, wishing to give Lu Jingcheng some lying buffs, how could this kid not even know how to lie?

But Lu Jingcheng wanted to hide it, and Ye Qingyang didn't want to expose it, so he said: [Well, then I'll use it first, I'm lucky, hehe. 】

Lu Jingcheng smiled, and thought to himself that you are so lucky, it is clear that I am helping you silently!


He can't figure out such a simple thing!

No wonder the academic performance is not good!

But fortunately, he couldn't figure it out, Lu Jingcheng looked at the phone, otherwise when Ye Qingyang said something, Chen Wei and the others would make a fuss again, how embarrassed he would be.

Besides, he just gave Ye Qingyang his mobile phone, and now he also gave him the exercise book, which is very kind to him.

At that time, Ye Qingyang should feel that he has something to play, this is too cruel.

So that's fine for now.

With the exercise book, Ye Qingyang won't be scolded by the teacher.

He didn't know that he gave it to him, he just thought that he was lucky and had the best of both worlds, Lu Jingcheng was very satisfied.

Lu Jingcheng: [Well, you are very lucky. 】

Ye Qingyang felt that he was really lucky, otherwise, the male protagonist of the novel he traveled through wouldn't be as good as Lu Jingcheng's character.

Ye Qingyang: [That must be because of you, Brother Lu, thank you, Brother Lu, since you are willing to be friends with me, my luck has improved a lot~]

Lu Jingcheng looked at the little wave at the end of the sentence, and the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously, Without denying it, he replied triumphantly: [That is. 】

Ye Qingyang looked up at him, suppressed a smile and said nothing, only felt that Lu Jingcheng really looked like a proud little peacock.

It's just that the little peacock gave him the exercise book, what should he do?

Ye Qingyang tapped sideways: [Brother Lu, didn't you borrow your exercise book? Can I pay you back tomorrow? Do you want me to help you copy the part that will be covered tomorrow? 】

Lu Jingcheng refused: [No, it's okay, he will pay me back tomorrow. 】

Looks like Lu Jingcheng himself placed an order online, Ye Qingyang guessed.

He took Lu Jingcheng's exercise book, and Lu Jingcheng bought another one for himself, so the one he took was redundant.

After thinking about it for a while, he canceled the order for the Chinese exercise book, and placed a new order to buy a math exercise book and a physics exercise book.

This set of exercise books, he only bought Chinese at the request of the Chinese teacher and did not buy other subjects.

Except for Chinese, Lu Jingcheng basically failed in other grades, especially in mathematics and physics. Buying these two books will just help him brush up on his questions in the future.

Ye Qingyang didn't intend to take credit for the heroine, after all, the relationship between Lu Jingcheng and the heroine arose while tutoring homework, and this opportunity should be left to the heroine.

But for science, it's always right to do more questions, so it's also right to buy two more exercise books for Lu Jingcheng.

Vote for me with papaya and reward with Qiongju. It is always good to report to the bandits.

He chatted with Lu Jingcheng for half the class, played games for a while, and when the teacher left after class, he immediately took out the snacks he had prepared.

"Papapa" clapped their hands and shouted loudly, "Boys, girls, dear students, your little angel Qingyang is here again~"

Everyone looked at him when they heard the sound, and some boys who reacted quickly  ran up to him and asked, "What are you selling today?"

Ye Qingyang took out a pack of biscuits from the bag, "Master Lin 4 3 biscuits, light and crispy, with a sweet aftertaste. Bai Fumei in biscuits, the little princess in snacks. Look at its color, low-key yellow! The small and fresh color scheme, the high-end taste, one bite has an endless aftertaste, and one bite will make you think about it day and night! If you don't buy it now, you will regret it for ten years! The original price is five yuan, and the Qingyang live broadcast room is only four yuan. Don't hurry up and buy it, buy it, buy it!"

Chen Wei whistled and tapped Lu Jingcheng's shoulder, "Your new friend is selling again."

Lu Jingcheng said "Mmm", and seeing his eloquent and eloquent explanation, he just felt that there were so many sales pitches in his mind.

Chen Wei said intentionally, "He didn't bring you some in advance this time?"

Lu Jingcheng turned to look at him.

Chen Wei grinned and added, "It seems that he doesn't need you as a model."

Lu Jingcheng calmly took out a box of biscuits from his desk pocket, and slapped it on the table.

Chen Wei was puzzled, "What are you doing with the biscuits? Are you hungry?"

"You're hungry!"

Lu Jingcheng took another pack of biscuits and slapped it on the table.

Chen Wei:? ? ?

Lu Jingcheng finally took out a bag of potato chips, and then he said, "He gave it to me this morning, and it was delivered to me earlier, before you arrived at school!"

Chen Wei: ...

Lu Jingcheng opened a bag of biscuits , "Want to eat?"

Before Chen Wei could speak, Lu Jingcheng deliberately said, "I won't give it to you!"

"I don't want to eat it, okay! Why are you so childish!

" Looking at him with squinted eyes, You are angry~"

"You're the one who is angry! I don't care about it at all."

"That's the best~"

Lu Jingcheng said while biting the biscuit, wishing he could get a trumpet to Chen Wei Wei's ear, magnified a hundred times for him to listen.

Let him just laugh at himself.

When school was about to end, the head teacher finished the last class and specially reminded the students in the class.

"You guys are going to military training the day after tomorrow. The temperature is going to drop these few days. Then everyone will bring two thick clothes to keep out the cold. I will go with you during the military training, but you probably won't see me basically, so you will be all alone at that time." You have to listen to the instructor, especially the boys in the class, you know?" 

The boys replied lazily, "Got it."

Ye Qingyang looked at everyone's calm expression, calm on the surface, and felt puzzled.

What do you know, you know, aren't they all sophomores in high school?

Why do you need military training?

Shouldn't you have been through military training in the first year of high school?

Could it be that this novel is set for three years in high school and three years in military training?

This is also... so cool!

Ye Qingyang suppressed his excitement and searched in the memory of the original owner.

After a long time, I finally found the reason.

The reason is very simple, not three years of military training for three years in high school, but their special situation this year, it rained for a month when they entered their freshman year of high school.

So the school made temporary adjustments and adjusted the military training that was originally scheduled for the first year of high school to their second year of high school.

The difference is not big, it is to train students and promote friendship among classmates.

Ye Qingyang found the reason, and it was a pity that it wasn't three years of high school and three years of military training.

Military training is his forte. After all, his father is a retired special soldier.

Other people's eleven is a seven-day vacation to travel, his eleven is to go downstairs to watch the military parade.

Others' quilts are just flattened, but his quilts are square tofu cubes.

Before crossing over, Ye Qingyang became a campus male god as soon as he entered junior high school, and he attracted much attention, not only because of his good grades, good looks, and fierce fights.

It was because he was so outstanding during military training that all the boys and girls in the class wanted to offer him up and let him make tofu cubes for themselves.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingyang felt that his business opportunity had come again!

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