Chapter 9

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When Ye Qingyang woke up the next day, it was already past ten o'clock.

At this point, Ye Hong's family also went to work.

He saw several missed calls from the head teacher on his mobile phone and guessed that it was because he didn't go to class, so the head teacher wanted to ask about his situation.

Ye Qingyang thought for a while and called before the head teacher could speak.

With a trembling voice, with a crying voice, cautiously, tremblingly, the grievances and sorrows fly together, and the sadness and pain are the same!

"I'm sorry teacher, I just saw your call now. My aunt suddenly had acute appendicitis in the early morning, and she rolled on the ground in pain, rolling around, which shocked me. 

My Uncle is still drunk, my sister is still pregnant, my aunt cried and said that she was going to die, and asked me to take her to the hospital. 

I accompanied her to the hospital in a hurry, and then I finally had time to look at my phone. Don't worry, wait for me to take her to the hospital and when my aunt has settled down and will go to school in the afternoon."

Hearing that he was about to cry, the class teacher quickly comforted him: "It's okay, you can take care of your aunt first, I just saw that you didn't come to class, so I called to ask It's okay."

"Thank you, teacher, I made you worry."

"It's okay, then take care of your aunt first, and if you still can't leave this afternoon, you can call me."

"Okay." Ye Qingyang said sadly.

Hearing this, the homeroom teacher comforted him with a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Ye Qingyang put the phone in his pocket, stretched, rubbed his face, changed his expression, then slowly and lazily sat up from the bed, got dressed, and got out of bed.

When going out, Ye Qingyang made a cautious feint, making sure that Ye Hong was really not there, so he went out.

After he went to the bathroom to wash up, he was about to go to the kitchen to find something to eat, but just as he walked to the kitchen, he found that the kitchen door was closed.

Ye Hong had pasted a note on the door: You fart!

Ye Qingyang calmly tore the note off the door, put it in his pocket, and kept it to stimulate Ye Hong later.

He pushed the door and found that it was locked.

Then don't blame him for being ruthless!

Ye Qingyang lifted his foot and was about to kick the door, but the moment he landed, he thought of something, retracted his foot, and ran to Ye Hong's room to find a very thin hairpin.

Ye Qingyang straightened the hairpin and inserted it facing the keyhole.

Once when he was a child, he didn't bring his keys, so he waited for his father at the door when he couldn't enter the house.

In the end, his father didn't bring it either. The two father and son stood in front of the door and looked at each other, their faces dumbfounded.

Just when Ye Qingyang was about to taunt, his father suddenly asked him to ask the sister next door to borrow a thin black hairpin, and inserted it straight into the keyhole.

After a while, the door opened.

"Want to learn?" Father Ye smiled.

Ye Qingyang's eyes lit up, he nodded his head, and he still didn't forget to complain about him, "Why do you still do this? Those who know say you were a soldier when you were young, but those who don't know think you used to rob houses."

Father Ye was very calm , "This is flexibility, how can you break into the enemy's interior to steal information even if you don't even know how to pick a lock."

Ye Qingyang is very skeptical about this, but this does not prevent him from quickly learning this skill.

Unexpectedly, it would come in handy at this time, Ye Qingyang was speechless, and instantly planned how he would piss Ye Hong off tonight!

After a while, the kitchen was opened.

The kitchen of the Ye family is not too big, so in order to save space, the refrigerator is not placed in the kitchen.

Ye Qingyang opened the kitchen door, put away the hairpin, and walked to the refrigerator.

I saw that there were only vegetables, ham, eggs and some hot pot meatballs left in the refrigerator.

Not even a single piece of bread, let alone yogurt.

But he didn't mind, he took the ham and eggs into the kitchen, looked through the box and found that there were two big bags of instant noodles in the cupboard.

Ye Qingyang cooked a pack of instant noodles for himself, and added a ham and two eggs along the way.

After eating, he took a big bag and put all the remaining instant noodles into the bag.

Taking advantage of enough time, I cooked some eggs, shrimp balls, fish tofu, and crab sticks, packed them in a fresh-keeping bag, and put them in the bag.

When he closed the refrigerator, he even stuffed the only remaining pack of sausages into it.

The materials are ready and ready to go, Ye Qingyang clapped his hands and went to the balcony to get his school bag.

Then he found that his two exercise books had been torn.

You don't need to guess to know that Ye Hong did it.

But he wasn't going to write these exercise books in the first place, so it didn't matter.

Ye Qingyang scanned it and was about to throw it away, but before throwing it away, he had an idea and put the shredded paper in a plastic bag.

This is all evidence!

When he becomes an adult and wants this house back, these are the strong pieces of evidence he used to sell Ye Hong away!

Ye Qingyang is not in a hurry to compete with Ye Hong for real estate right now.

His body is not yet 18 years old, and Father Ye wrote a will before he died.

The will stated that Ye Hong was the legal guardian of "Ye Qingyang", and before "Ye Qingyang" came of age, his house was temporarily owned by Ye Hong.

Ye Hong has no right to resell but has the right to live in it.

When "Ye Qingyang" turned 18, the house was officially inherited by "Ye Qingyang".

When Father Ye wrote this will, he was only worried that his son was too young to understand the importance of the house.

If he is coaxed by the traitor and sells the house casually, then his future will be even more difficult.

So he hoped that his sister could help him look after Ye Qingyang and his house.

When his son is an adult, he should be sensible. At that time, he will be in charge.

However, what he didn't expect was that his trusted sister was just a beast with a human face.

Ye Qingyang didn't want to have a real estate lawsuit with Ye Hong before he became an adult, because it would take too much time to file a lawsuit, maybe he's an adult and the lawsuit hasn't finished yet.

Besides, Ye Hong has a will in his hand, so even if he files a lawsuit, he may not be able to win.

Ye Hong did not beat or abuse "Ye Qingyang" physically, she just attacked verbally and mentally.

This kind of abuse is not easy to find evidence, and it is not easy to judge, so it is better for him to use his own way to treat his own body.

He will help the original owner get the house back, not only the house, but also the more than 50,000 yuan that the original owner's parents left to the original owner. He will also get back the abuse the original owner has suffered over the years.

Anyway, he has nothing to do when he is idle, and his sophomore year's homework is easy, just to relax his muscles.

Ye Qingyang packed up the torn books, put them in the cabinet, picked up his schoolbag, and went out with his supplies.

He arrived near the school by car, walked along the road for a while, and accidentally saw a shop that recycled gold jewelry.

Ye Qingyang walked over, took out the gold earrings he swept yesterday, and asked him, "Are you accepting?" 

The boss looked at it and replied, "Accept."

This kind of small store usually keeps the price of gold very low.

Ye Qingyang looked at the other party's price, thinking that this was his first pot of gold, so he made up a story on the spot with tears in his eyes.

Why his uncle was terminally ill, and his aunt sold everything he could, and finally had to sell the earrings that he and his uncle married.

He couldn't bear it, but his financial resources were limited, so he could only buy one behind his aunt's back, planning to return it to her in the future.

"Who would have thought!" Ye Qingyang said with tears in his eyes, "My uncle's illness still hasn't improved, and my aunt went to sell blood to save my uncle!" 

The boss :! ! !

Ye Qingyang's teary eyes were hazy, the boss covered his heart, feeling miserable.

"I can't bear it! But I don't have any money to help her! Although I wanted to keep this earring as a testimony to my aunt and uncle's poignant love, I really couldn't bear to see my aunt working so hard, so I had to sell it. "

"I'm sorry for my aunt!"

After he finished speaking, tears welled up, and the tears fell on the boss's counter drop by drop.

It also hit the boss's heart.

The boss couldn't help but wiped away his tears, and comforted him: "Son, don't say that, you are a good boy, your aunt will understand you."

"Well, I should have given you 235 for this earring, but your family It's really not easy, I'll give you 300, and I hope your uncle will get better soon."

Ye Qingyang declined, "It's too much, how can I take you so much, it's not easy for you, or you can give it to me 260, thank you so much." 

Opening a door for business is not easy for everyone, Ye Qingyang just wants to try his best not to make a loss for himself, but he doesn't want to let the shop owner suffer a loss with his acting skills.

"Not much." The boss sighed, "Take it, it's just that I don't make money if I die, and your uncle's illness is more important."

Ye Qingyang accepted the money when he heard that he didn't pay, and said sincerely, " Thank you."

"You're welcome." The boss said with another sigh.

With 300 yuan in the account, Ye Qingyang felt that his capital chain came alive instantly.

At least, he can not move the money that Lu Jingcheng transferred to him yesterday, and he can also pay back the 20 owed to Lu Jingcheng yesterday.

Really saw the dawn of hope in an instant! The sun of life!

Ye Qingyang endured his joy, bid farewell to the boss with tears in his eyes, and continued walking towards the school.

When passing by the casserole restaurant where he had dinner with Lu Jingcheng yesterday, Ye Qingyang walked in.

After haggling with the shop owner, I bought ten transparent plastic lunch boxes with ten pairs of disposable chopsticks and spoons for a high price of four yuan.

Everything is ready, only the east wind is missing.

Ye Qingyang looked at the supplies in his hand and smiled triumphantly.

Compared with his cheerfulness, Lu Jingcheng is very irritable now.

He sat in his seat, fiddled with his phone, and peeked at Ye Qingyang's position from time to time.

Seeing that his seat was empty, he frowned all morning and never let go.

How is this going?

Why did you skip class?

Wasn't everything fine when you sent him home last night?

Why did it disappear this morning?

Lu Jingcheng was puzzled.

Lu Jingcheng was very anxious.

Fuck, why doesn't he even have Ye Qingyang's contact information!

If you want to be friends with him, shouldn't you take the initiative to know his contact information first?

Lu Jingcheng became even more irritable!

This irritability lasted until after lunch. When he walked into the classroom and saw Ye Qingyang sleeping on the table, he was relieved, but he soon became angry again!

sleep sleep!

I wasn't there all morning and I'm still sleeping!

I had been worrying about it all morning, but he was fine and slept soundly!

It's a waste of worry!


will sleep!

Lu Jingcheng turned his head away angrily, out of sight and out of mind.

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