Chapter 46

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It is probably because Ye Qingyang still has the remaining value that has not been squeezed out, so after he came back this time, Ye Hong's family was obviously gentler towards him. Even when Ye Qingyang left, Ye Hong still pretended to show a reluctant look.

"Yangyang, remember to ask and tell us, don't forget."


Ye Qingyang responded and left the community.

At the gate of the community, Zhang Ye had been waiting outside with the driver for a long time. Seeing him coming out, he poked his head out and called his name to let him get in the car.

Ye Qingyang opened the door and got into the car, unloaded his schoolbag, thinking that he kept urging himself to find his WeChat today, and said in surprise, "I really didn't expect that you are still a person who loves to learn."

Zhang Ye waved his hand, "Who loves to study, I can't help it. My dad said that if my grades this semester are still at the bottom, he will stop my classes for the next semester and let me go back to our hometown to herd sheep for half a year. My God, you don't even know how I spent this summer vacation, I just spent two whole months with the sheep in the mountains, I can see through it, my dad doesn't have any fatherly love, he does what he says!"

Ye Qingyang felt that he still didn't It was interesting, "So did you herd sheep in summer vacation? Does it feel good to herd sheep?"

Zhang Ye looked at him speechlessly, "Do I know how to herd sheep? Should I herd sheep or goat me?!"

Ye Qingyang chuckled.

Zhang Ye looked at his clothes, "Hey, little Ye, I haven't seen you for a few days, you've developed a lot. The last time I saw you, you still got free shipping from Taobao. Today, you got a famous brand. It's amazing."

"Borrowed." Ye Qingyang Said, "Our family's affairs are more complicated. My relatives dislike the poor and love the rich, and dogs see people as inferior, so I went back to my relatives' house this week and asked Lu Jingcheng to borrow a set of clothes. These are his clothes.

" Very good." Zhang Ye said, "You two have a good relationship."

"Friends." Ye Qingyang said, "Who doesn't have a few good friends."

"That's right." Zhang Ye nodded, "So are your relatives scared by you?"

"Nonsense, if you can't be scared , I have to ask Lu Jingcheng to lend me a car next time."

Zhang Ye laughed loudly, "No Lu Jingcheng, You can borrow it from me, what brand do you like, I'll go home and see if we have it?"

Ye Qingyang: ... As expected of a rich man, it is enviable.

After driving for more than half an hour, they arrived at Zhang Ye's house.

Zhang Ye's parents were not there, and there was only him and the nanny at home.

"My parents are busy, and they come back late. Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?"

"Let's take a while." Ye Qingyang said, "Look at your test paper first." 

Hearing this, Zhang Ye sighed and led him into the room. In his own study, he took out his schoolbag.

"I didn't say that, how did you improve your grades? How did you jump from the last place to the middle place in one fell swoop? Have you hired a tutor?"

Ye Qingyang shook his head, "It's mainly because of my hard work."

"How did you work hard?"

Ye Qingyang I took his test paper and looked at it, okay, like Lu Jingcheng, the foundation of the freshman year of high school is not solid, he does not count down who counts down.

"Your foundation is a bit weak."

Zhang Ye looked at him with disdain on his face, "Can you be worse than you were before?"

"I looked poor before, but in fact I know what I should know. How about you? Look poor , In fact, it's just as bad."

He sat down and decided to explain the paper to Zhang Ye first, to see if he was currently classified as poor, very poor, very poor, or hopelessly poor.

Zhang Ye was sitting next to him, answering his questions cooperatively.

After the multiple-choice questions and fill-in-the-blank questions were finished, Zhang Ye obviously couldn't take it anymore, "My brain is going to explode after eating."

Ye Qingyang looked at him, and felt that he was much worse than Lu Jingcheng, who was still able to understand a little, as, for him, it might not even work if he is hit to death!

Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

Ye Qingyang packed his schoolbag, "Okay, come here first, eat first, and we'll talk about the rest tomorrow."


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