Chapter 26

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Lu Jingcheng dawdled in the bathroom for a while before slowly returning to the dormitory. Ye Qingyang had already laid down. Lu Jingcheng was inexplicably relieved, but also inexplicably disappointed.

He put the basin away, walked to the bed, and climbed up.

Ye Qingyang lay down inside, trying to make room for him.

Bai Le sat on the bed next door, propped his chin and looked at them.

"What are you looking at, lie down for me." Lu Jingcheng said.

"I don't." Bai Le refused, "The eyes are on my face, I can with them whenever I want."

 Lu Jingcheng said helplessly, "You can also watch when I change clothes."

"Ah, you forgot that I took a bath with you when I was young."

Lu Jingcheng: ...

What are you doing saying such things at this time!

Didn't you see a little vinegar lying next to him!

Lu Jingcheng glared at him angrily.

Bai Le stared back at him.

Seeing this, Ye Qingyang sat up and asked, "Brother Lu, you don't want Brother Bai to watch, do you ?

"Come on, "If it wasn't for His Majesty's sake, why did the old minister do this?"

"Didn't you just lie down and accept your fate?" Lu Jingcheng said dissatisfiedly, "Why are you still sitting up!"

"Oh." Bai Le sighed, "It's not for the sake of the country."

"It's useless." The faint-hearted Lu Jingcheng killed people, "I'm like this, the country will perish sooner or later, you should reincarnate early, and find another Mingjun."

They were talking, when they saw Ye Qingyang bypassing Lu Jingcheng, Get ready to get out of bed.

Lu Jingcheng was puzzled, "Where are you going?"

Bai Le was overjoyed, "Did you see, Your Majesty, he doesn't want to share the bed with you! Just let him go!"

Li Lan was eating melons and watching a show on the upper bunk diagonally opposite, He still didn't forget to fan the flames, "No, empress, you finally got on the dragon bed, you can't leave like this!"

"Shut up!" Bai Le looked at him, "You little eunuch, don't you want to live anymore?"

Li Lan was not afraid, "The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the queen's bed can't be lost!"

Ye Qingyang: ...

Ye Qingyang got off the bed calmly.

"Empress, why did you really come down?" Liu Ning from the lower bunk chimed in, "Did you follow Mr. Bai's wishes?"

That is, Lu Jingcheng thought, why did you really come down? !

Are you willing to? !

Lu Jingcheng didn't believe that Ye Qingyang would be willing.

He must be making a move to attack the west, diverting the tiger away from the mountain, besieging Wei and saving Zhao, because he has something to do.

Ye Qingyang raised his head and smiled at Liu Ning, "Why panic, I'll go up with something."

"What are you taking?" Liu Ning was curious.

Ye Qingyang didn't speak, walked to his bed, and took out a ball of wool from the suitcase.

Everyone is puzzled.

He didn't say anything, and quickly climbed onto Lu Jingcheng's bed again.

"Lord Bai." Ye Qingyang smiled, "Your Majesty and I are going to rest, this should not be watched, you should stop watching, or it will be bad for your heart.

" In the process, the wool was pulled apart, and then tied to the railing of the bed.

Bai Le instantly understood what he was going to do, "You are really deep-minded, you traitorous concubine!"

"That's right." Ye Qingyang said with a smile, "A traitorous concubine is more suitable for a weak emperor~"

Bai Le didn't spit out a mouthful of blood.

Ye Qingyang tied up the wool, then hung up Lu Jingcheng's military training uniform, successfully blocking Bai Le's sight, "Sleep, Mr. Bai, when you fall asleep, you will have everything in your dreams."

Bai Le: ...

Bai Le lay flat again , I just hope that Ye Qingyang, a traitorous concubine, is not in his dream, and his childhood friend is still a straight man.

Seeing him erecting a simple curtain in an instant, Lu Jingcheng couldn't help laughing, "Why did you bring this?"

"It's just in case, no, it's needed."

He looked at Lu Jingcheng and asked, "Brother Lu, do you use strings here?"

Lu Jingcheng:! ! !

Lu Jingcheng felt that he was thinking too much!

In his position, there are walls on both sides. Ye Qingyang has already blocked Bai Le's side with simple curtains, and now he has to block the other side.

This is not it! ! !

This is not it! ! !

A small separate space in an eight-person room? !

It wasn't enough for him to climb into his own bed and sleep by himself!

Also trying to keep them both separate from everyone else!

What kind of shameful thing is he trying to do?

Or do you have to rely on this to swear your sovereignty? !

Almost got it!

You are so blatant!

You really think you are my concubine!

Lu Jingcheng looked at Ye Qingyang, his eyes filled with subtle emotions such as disbelief, warning, dissatisfaction, helplessness, and doting.

Ye Qingyang couldn't understand his eyes at all.

He just asked casually, didn't he bring up a whole ball of wool, it's not for nothing.

"Aren't you bound?"

What kind of tone are you talking about!

Is that all you want to tie? !

Do you really want to live a two-person world with me?

Heh, Lu Jingcheng asked and answered in his heart, didn't he just want to? !

Ye Qingyang, a little idiot, wants to look at himself even when he turns around. At this moment, he doesn't want to be surrounded on all sides and live with himself!

He really misses it!

Lu Jingcheng felt that he really knew Ye Qingyang too well!

He wanted to see, Ye Qingyang separated the two of them into such a two-person space, because he wanted to do something ulterior.

So Lu Jingcheng raised his head and said proudly: "Tie it up."

I want to see what you are going to do!

Hearing this, Ye Qingyang pulled the yarn and tied it to the railing of the bed, then put Lu Jingcheng and his clothes on it.

"Okay." Ye Qingyang said.

Lu Jingcheng looked at the single room that had been separated by a distance, and he felt better, this is simply a simple version of a small black room, so he locked them both up.

"Hmm." He whispered.

Ye Qingyang lay back down again, "Now you can change your clothes."

Lu Jingcheng: ...

Lu Jingcheng felt that he understood everything!

After arguing for a long time, this guy was too possessive, so he didn't want others to see him changing clothes, so he made such a fuss.

He sighed and thought, why do you still care about this kind of thing? Bai Le and I have known each other for many years, and we have seen them all.

But after thinking about it, he felt that Ye Qingyang was quite pitiful. He cared so much about these things because he liked himself so much.

It is estimated that in Ye Qingyang's heart, he has always been jealous of Bai Le and the others who have known him since childhood.

But there's no way, Lu Jingcheng thought, they got to know each other too late, Ye Qingyang had been in the state of loving you before, and didn't tell himself anything.

He turned his head to look at Ye Qingyang, and said regretfully, "Although Bai Le and I have known each other for a long time, it is fair for me to make friends."

Ye Qingyang:? ? ?

"Although we met relatively late, I treat you all equally. You can barely be considered my friend now, so you don't need to care about the past."

Ye Qingyang: ...

Ye Qingyang doesn't understand why he suddenly said this, but Lu Jingcheng It is really strange that this kind of little peacock would take the initiative to admit that they are friends.

So Ye Qingyang smiled face-to-face, "Thank you Brother Lu, I understand."

Seeing his bright smile, Lu Jingcheng asked, "Are you happy?"

Ye Qingyang nodded, when was he unhappy?

Must not!

Seeing him nodding, Lu Jingcheng felt that he was quite coaxable.

This is probably the power of love! Lu Jingcheng thought.

With that in mind, he slowly undressed and changed into pajamas.

Lu Jingcheng had just fallen asleep, and before he had time to turn over, the lights went out.

The dormitory was suddenly dark.

Ye Qingyang turned sideways in the dark, facing Lu Jingcheng, "Brother Lu, do you feel crowded?"

"It's okay." Lu Jingcheng said.

The beds for military training are not too big, so it's not spacious enough to sleep two seventeen-year-old boys, but they still fit.

Seeing that he didn't feel crowded, Ye Qingyang felt relieved, "Good night, bro."

Good night?

This is the end?

Lu Jingcheng couldn't believe it, but he still replied: "Good night."

He glanced sideways, and in the darkness, he could only see Ye Qingyang who seemed to be sideways facing him.

Lu Jingcheng turned around unconsciously, looked at him, and didn't speak.

After being stared at by him for a while, Ye Qingyang opened his eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"

"No." Lu Jingcheng whispered.

"But why are you so good at things like military training?" He finally remembered to ask his doubts of the day.

"My father taught me." Ye Qingyang said, "He trained me before."

When it comes to Ye Qingyang's father, Lu Jingcheng is embarrassed to ask again, after all, the other party is no longer here, so mentioning it will only cause sadness.

So he let out an "oh", didn't speak any more, and slowly closed his eyes.

Have a good night's sleep.

When Ye Qingyang was woken up by the phone's alarm clock, he found that he and Lu Jingcheng were hugging each other, inseparable.

He froze for a moment, then slowly let go of Lu Jingcheng after he regained consciousness, and looked at the time.

It was 6 o'clock, and they were going to gather at 6:30, Ye Qingyang sat up consciously, and began to wake Lu Jingcheng up.

However, Lu Jingcheng obviously had difficulty getting up, so he waved his hand, turned over, and continued to sleep.

Seeing this, Ye Qingyang didn't call him again, changed his clothes and got out of bed.

He went to the water room to brush his teeth and wash his face. Seeing that the number of people in the water room gradually increased, he simply fetched a basin of water, took another glass of water into the tooth jar, and brought it back.

The other roommates woke up one after another at this time.

Lu Jingcheng was still asleep, Chen Wei called him once, but unfortunately he didn't wake him up.

Ye Qingyang poured water into Lu Jingcheng's basin and tooth jar, returned to Lu Jingcheng's bed, and shook him.

"It's time to wake up, brother. If you don't wake up, you will be late."

"Don't let him be late." Bai Le said coldly through Lu Jingcheng's military training uniform, "If you don't get up for a long time, you should make him late Once, he was punished by the instructor to see if he still dare not get up."

Ye Qingyang clicked his tongue, or he was a loyal minister, this loyal remark was really harsh!

Does Lu Jingcheng want to lose face? !

He looked at the harmless Lu Jingcheng who was still lying in the bed, the sleeping people and animals, and he picked him up.

Lu Jingcheng was in a daze, opened his eyes and glanced at him dissatisfied, and said vaguely, "Why ?

" Ye Qingyang saw that he was about to lie down again while he was talking, and as soon as he held him down, he began to unbutton his pajamas. 

Lu Jingcheng:? ? ? 

Lu Jingcheng:! ! ! 

Lu Jingcheng finally regained consciousness, pressed his hand, and asked in disbelief, "What are you doing?"

 "Changing your clothes." 

Lu Jingcheng:! ! ! It's only been one night in the same bed, and you want to take off my clothes! You are too bold! audacious in the extreme! Daredevil! wild ambition! Eyeing! Undead!

Lu Jingcheng felt that he was too blatant, who gave him the courage?

Is this a simple version of a small black house?

Did he build such a small dark room just to take off his clothes without everyone seeing it?

It's so scheming!

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