Chapter 60

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Ye Qingyang didn't rush to sleep, but called a lock changer to change the door lock.

    After changing the lock, he left the community with his master and took a car back to the student dormitory.

    "I'm going back to the dormitory." Ye Qingyang called Lu Jingcheng, "You should come back early tomorrow."

    "What are you doing back at night?" Lu Jingcheng was puzzled.

    Ye Qingyang leaned against the car window and said, "Of course it's to make trouble for my aunt."

    "I just kicked my aunt and the others out. Before I left, I asked them to pack up, but they didn't clean up. They acted like shameless rascals." Then don't clean it up, as if I begged them to clean it up, they want to sleep on the street with nothing, I can't wait."

    "Then what if they open the door after you leave?"

    "So I put the lock on It's changed." Ye Qingyang said with a smile.

    "You also changed the lock?" Lu Jingcheng didn't expect him to have such a trick, "You really have become smart."

    "I've always been smart."

    Lu Jingcheng smiled lightly, thinking that you would occasionally be smart with me.

    "Do you take the bus or a taxi?"

    "Bus." Ye Qingyang said, "How expensive is the taxi, I'm just a poor student."

    "Then you wait."

    "What are you waiting for?"

    Lu Jingcheng opened his mouth, Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly changed his words, "When the bus arrives, pay attention to safety, go back to the dormitory and have a good rest, and wait for me to come back tomorrow morning."

    "Okay." Ye Qingyang looked at the night scene outside the window and said happily: "Then you tomorrow morning Come back early, I'll treat you to lunch."

    "No problem. Let's not talk about it, my sister told me something to do, I'll go and have a look."

    "Well, let's go." Ye Qingyang hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

    He watched the neon lights flickering outside the car window, stretched out his hand and drew a small paw print on the car window, and finally drove Ye Hong's family out, which was his concern.

    Ye Qingyang thought of Ye Hong and Wang Yue's anger and shock when they were kicked out, so he couldn't help laughing in a low voice. After a long time of ease, he must be very aggrieved to be bitten by what he thought was a little sheep, but No way, who made him no longer the Ye Qingyang before, he is now a wolf in sheep's clothing.

    Therefore, Ye Hong's family is doomed to have no good fruit.

    Ye Qingyang leaned against the car window and listened to the song for a while, and when he got to the stop, he got out of the car calmly.

    In a good mood, he turned a corner and went to the nearby snack street, bought some skewers and drinks, and then walked towards the dormitory.

    When he was about to approach the dormitory building, Ye Qingyang vaguely saw a person in front of the building.

    No way... Ye Qingyang thought to himself, he shouldn't be here.

    He tilted his head to look carefully, and quickened his pace in disbelief, until he reached the door of the dormitory building, he still couldn't believe it.

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