Chapter 54

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Lu Jingcheng woke up very early the next morning and called Ye Qingyang up along the way.

Ye Qingyang looked at him in a daze, "You actually got up earlier than me one day, it's so rare."

Nonsense, he is the host, Lu Jingcheng thought to himself, there is no host who wakes up later than the guests.

"Hurry up, wash your face, brush your teeth and change your clothes, and then we'll go downstairs for dinner."

Ye Qingyang nodded, unbuttoned his pajamas and began to take off his pajamas.

At first Lu Jingcheng looked at him without changing his face, but then he slowly shifted his gaze, not daring to look at him.

Fuck, why is it so white, white, thin and tender, it's too challenging for his endurance.

Ye Qingyang didn't notice his movements at all. After changing his clothes, he went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth.

Mother Lu watched them go downstairs to eat with their schoolbags together, and said in surprise, "Didn't you say you won't go to school until you recover? Why, already recovered?"

Lu Jingcheng sneezed as soon as he finished speaking.

Lu's mother shook her head, "It doesn't look better."

"Can't I be hardworking and studious?" Lu Jingcheng said.

Lu's mother was shocked, "You? Hardworking and studious? Which of these four words can be related to you?"

Lu Jingcheng: ...Is this my real mother? Ye Qingyang was still standing beside him! Why such a demolition!

Affect his glorious image in his boyfriend's heart!

Lu Jingcheng pretended to be calm, took a sip of yogurt, thought of something and replied: "Okay, I am such a good person, don't I have something to do with the word 'good'?"

Lu's mother nodded, "Then you are really not a bad person. "

Lu Jingcheng: "... Thank you."

"You're welcome." Mother Lu readily accepted.

Ye Qingyang listened to the conversation between their mother and son, and felt that they were both quite interesting.

After breakfast, the driver sent Lu Jingcheng and Ye Qingyang to school together.

Chen Wei watched the two of them enter the classroom together, his eyes nearly popped out of surprise.

"Are you reconciled with Ye Qingyang?" He waited for Lu Jingcheng to sit down, and asked anxiously.

Lu Jingcheng nodded, "Yeah."

"He finally likes you?"

Lu Jingcheng turned to look at him, "He already liked me."

Chen Wei didn't believe it, "It wasn't you who cried that he didn't love me a few days ago ." Same."

Lu Jingcheng:? ? ? ?

"What kind of rhetorical technique are you crying about? Creation out of nothing?"

"It is a vivid description of your miserable heart at that time."

Lu Jingcheng kicked over, "Fuck you, you have a miserable heart?"

"Isn't it? ?" Chen Wei asked back.

"Of course not." Lu Jingcheng refused to admit it.

"Yo, this is really someone who got it, and I forgot how miserable I was at the time."

Lu Jingcheng let out a "huh", "What do you know? He was only doing it for my own good, hoping that I could be with girls , That's why he rejected me, and it's not that he doesn't like me."

"Really?" Chen Wei was very suspicious.

"Of course." Lu Jingcheng was very sure.

"Okay, you're the one who talks nonsense the most, which affects my reading." Lu Jingcheng said, taking out the book.

Chen Wei:? ? ?

"What affects you?" Chen Wei felt that he was probably deaf. "Affects your reading? You? Reading?"

"That's right." Lu Jingcheng sighed, "Wei, I thought we were not the same people. What about you, you have to work hard with me, or don't disturb my study, understand?"

Chen Wei poked his forehead, "Are you still sick?"

Lu Jingcheng patted his hand off, "What do you know, this is the nature of a student."

"I think this is called walking a tightrope for love." Chen Wei said mercilessly, "You see that Ye Qingyang's grades are getting better now, so you are afraid that you will not be worthy of others."

"Are you kidding me, I am not worthy of him?" Lu Jingcheng laughed, "He likes me so much, only me and him can do it." The most suitable, understand?"

Chen Wei shook his head, "I don't think so, according to Ye Qingyang's development trend, this time 14th, next time I guess it will be 7th, and maybe you can be promoted to the key class in the future. If your grades don't improve, then you're in an ordinary class, and you're not worthy of other key classes."

Lu Jingcheng slapped the book on the table, "Then I'll show you, I won't be able to get in. "

Come on." Chen Wei said perfunctorily.

Lu Jingcheng glanced at him contemptuously, opened the book and began to read, just reading it, let alone, it was really a psychological headache!

It was the first time that Lu Jingcheng regretted it. If he had studied hard in his freshman year of high school, he would not have had a headache at this time.

But the medicine was still available, at least when Ye Qingyang sat next to him at night and gave him a lecture, Lu Jingcheng felt that he didn't have such a headache, not only that, but also his head was very bright.

Ye Qingyang was talking to him when his cell phone rang suddenly. He picked it up and saw that it was Wang Hui's call.

He thought about it, and yes, he was worried about Lu Jingcheng last week, so he didn't go home on the weekend.

This also means that since he took three thousand from Wang Hui last week, he has never returned home and disappeared. It is normal for Wang Hui to be anxious.

He picked it up, said a few perfunctory words, agreed to go back this weekend, and hung up the phone.

"Are you going home this weekend?" Lu Jingcheng was reluctant.

The room was very quiet, but the heartbeats of the two were loud.

After the kiss was over, Lu Jingcheng took off the hand covering Ye Qingyang's eyes, and clenched into a fist uncomfortably.

Ye Qingyang was also a little embarrassed, and secretly looked at Lu Jingcheng with a hot face. As a result, he saw that Lu Jingcheng was also peeking at him. Their eyes met, and the two of them caught each other squarely.

Ye Qingyang smiled awkwardly.

Lu Jingcheng pinched his face, feeling so hot, he really felt shy.

"Do your homework." He withdrew his hand and took out the physics paper.

Ye Qingyang had no choice but to accompany him to write the physics paper again.

It wasn't until 12 o'clock that the two finally took a shower and went to bed.

Although it was only a week, Lu Jingcheng felt that he hadn't slept in Ye Qingyang's bed for a long time.

He lay down under the blanket, and hugged Ye Qingyang with a sense of loss.

Ye Qingyang turned off the light and said to him, "Good night."

"Good night." Lu Jingcheng said.

After thinking about it, he kissed Ye Qingyang's forehead again.

"Why, do you want me to dream of you at night?" Ye Qingyang deliberately teased him.

"It's a good idea, clinging to me during the day, and dreaming of me at night, little sticky cake."

"Then I won't dream of you." Ye Qingyang said.

Lu Jingcheng smiled, "Dreams are the opposite. If you don't dream of me now, you will definitely dream of me soon."

"Then do you want me to dream of you?" Ye Qingyang asked him.

Lu Jingcheng poked his face, and said softly, "I'm not so domineering, I even care about your dreams, anyway, you are in my arms."

Besides, Lu Jingcheng thought, whether you dream of me or not, I dreamed of you, that's all right.

The author has something to say: Brother Lu: He's so cute~

Yang Yang: He's so cute! Explode!

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