"𝓘𝓶 𝓢𝓸𝓻𝓻𝔂" {𝓜𝓲𝓭𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽}

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Midnight making her darling work for her apology acceptance
🚧Unusual punishments, Punishment, Putting things "in your mouth" that don't belong there, Im not sorry, Reader calling Midnight Master, Midnight belittling reader, Midnight calling reader names, Reader getting bitch slapped, Stockholm is 90% downloaded, Hair mentioned, Hair pulling on reader, Feel like im missing tags🚧

Group chat this is what I made yall pick a character for lol


"I don't believe you're really sorry." 

"But I am Master-" You were slapped across the face "Did I give you permission to speak!? Well did I?" You held your burning cheek "No master. Im sorry" She huffed, crossing her arms making you whimper at the upset look on her face "You keep saying sorry, but then you turn around and do something to make me believe your only saying that hollow word to get out of a punishment. I can see you wanna speak, go ahead." 

You looked up at her from your spot on your knees beside her "How can I prove I'm really sorry Master?" You saw that smirk you knew all too well grace her perfect features before the bottom of her heeled boot came to rest on your face "Want me to believe your sorry? Hold your hands out in front you baby."

You quickly did, she moved her booted foot from your face to your hand "Now kiss it, slut." You paused for a moment but when her smirk began to drop you panicked a bit, not wanting to upset your master. Leaning down you kissed to top of her boot "Again baby." You kissed the same spot. Hearing a chuckle was your only warning before she grabbed your hair and yanked you up to look at her "Lick the boot, bitch."

"B-But-" Her eyebrow raised "Speaking out of turn and disobeying? I guess you really aren't sorry." She let go of your hair and as soon as she did you were licking the top of her boot. It was dehumanizing...It was making your master happy.

Finally she moved her boot from your hand and leaned down, grabbing your hair once more and pulling you into a sloppy kiss "My good girl."

You smiled. Her good girl! 


(400 Words)

A/N: Id suck her strap like it's real. Like she could feel it! Ma'am, cum down my throat!
A/N: Also, I got asked out the day after Valentine's day, no longer single! 🥳

Up Next: Platonic EraserMic Request

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