𝓢𝓾𝓰𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 {𝓔𝓻𝓪𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓜𝓲𝓬}

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Finally doing 8daddyissues8 's trade fic so she'll let me out the basement

🚧Emotions, Hurt, Hurt/Comfort if you squint, Truama, Emotinal Manipulation?, Mention of Violence, Torture, and Kidnapping, Bitter Sweet Yanderes, Hizashi Favortism As Always, Fucked Shit Proceed At Your Own Discression🚧


Another failed escape attempt. You'd think after a full year and some months with them you'd have given up by now. Accepted the life they so graciously laid at your feet. But nope! Here you sit, on the couch with that same old chain cuffed around your ankle just long enough so you can pull your knees to your chest.

Finally you heard Hizashi come walking out the kitchen, he stood infront the coffee table, a dissappointed look painted across his usally sunny face. He was upstairs working on his playlist from home when you tried to enter the code for the door. How where you supposed to know they changed it ever two weeks, or that is would bare an amarm throught the whole house when inputted wrongly?

Finally the silence was split, the sound of the doors maximum security bolts coming open, a sure sign he had called Shouta who left work early to come home and play bad cop. Hizashi isn't fond of punishing you after all, sure he could but it always ate him alive after. Shouta was his rock; his judge, jury, and of course executioner. A hardass sheriff whos always got his hand to his side ready to draw at the slightest eyeroll. 

He walked in and slammed the door behind him, you didn't even hear him stop to take his work boots off, oh. He was pissed. When he made it to stand beside the blonde haired man he didn't even look at him, only you. Hizashi walked away then, and you knew you were in for it. 

Yet Shouta made no move to grab you, simply let out an annoyed sign as he rubbed the bridge of his noes between his fingers "Why?" Well...Thats a stupid question. You dont want to be here! You hate them and what they did to you!

You didn't answer yet he could see what you didn't say on your face. "This hot and cold shit is starting to get really old Y/n. We know your afraid but that doesn't-"

"Im not afraid of you. Your nothing more than an oprotunist-" He repayed your favor of cutting him off by doing the same to you "Oh we know you arnt afraid of us. Your afraid of your own feelings. We know whats happened to you Y/n, you let your gaurd down and have the rug pulled from under you, so now your terrified that if you give yourself to us, let yourself feel what you do that once again you'll be reminded why you put that wall up in the first place but. But sweetheart, sometimes feeling things is a good thing. We arnt those other people, we wont leave when you finally invite us to stay." 

You opened your mouth to rebuttle but felt your throat close and mouth dry. You always cry at the worst times. Almost like a toddler denied a candy at the story your face turned in a milisecond. From hard and stubborn to holding back tears. His words while coated in suger stung like a wasp.

"Unlock me." Its all you could say. And supprisingly Aizawa did as you requested. You stood and started twoards your room. "You can run from us, but you cant run from your feelings Y/n." It was the last thing you heard before you shut the door to your room. Almost immedently the tears came and washed down your face, your body understanding it was alone letting you finally cry. You slid down the door and tucked your head into your knees.

That was to far! They have done awful things to you but that, that was to far! They can chain you to the couch, hit you, deprive you of the basic nessisties of life. That you can indure with the stubornness of a women with the will to survive. But to drag up the past truamtic relationships in your previous life just to get a reaction! And like the idiot you are you feel for it!

You felt the door move against your back, someone had tried to come in only to be stopped by your body. "Y/n? Can I come in?" It had been Hizashi "No." You tried to sound sturn but even yourself could hear the quiver in your voice. He sighed from outside the door "Shouta didn't mean it, he got frustrated dear. We're sor-"

"Save your half assed apology!" It was quite for a moment and you almost thought he left until he spoke again. "We're not them Y/n. You shouldn't let your past control you like this. Not everyone is like that." A sob broke free from your throat and burned you with emberassement. You couldn't help it after that. Its like the flood gates broke. You tried to push agaisnt the opening door but it was no use, he pushed through and knelt beside you. 

"Come here sweetheart." You know you shouldn't have, that it would only encourage these sick fucks...but when he pulled you to rest against his chest you sobbed into it. Taking the comfort he gave you like a greedy idiot. There comfort, it felt to nice to reject in such a state. They did love you, turly and fully. It was the first time you'd felt that, yet sadly it had to come from the sick freaks that locked you away from the world to be their own personal doll. 


(1000 Words)

Up Next: I still dont know

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