𝓐𝓭𝓸𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓒𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻 {𝓐𝓲𝔃𝓪𝔀𝓪}

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Romantic Yandere Aizawa adopting a new abused darling to love
🚧Flush-ish, Past abuse, Past neglect, signs of past abuse and neglect, Hizashi favoritism definitely happened in the first few paragraphs, Enjoy the fluff...It won't last long hehe🚧


In a world where yanderes have become commonplace, so have Darling Adoption Centers. Places much like pet adoption stores where darlings taken from yanderes for abuse, neglect, or other are placed for care until a yandere seeking a replacement darling comes along and 'adopts' them. 

And that is where Shota found himself after a long day at work, well in the passenger seat of Hizashi's car outside of one at least.

"Dude! You do not understand the time and effort I put in to get this appointment! Just please come and look at the files with me! That's all im asking!" Hizashi pouted as he pulled on his best friend's arm yet he stayed seated in the car. Sure it had been two long years since his darling's illness won and took her from him. And perhaps he hasn't handled it well. He hasn't cared for himself like she would have wanted. Avoided going home at every turn because he knows it's empty and cold. Only a lonely night would await him if he did go home anyways-

"Fine. But im only looking at files because I know you paid for this appointment."

When they walked in the place was dead quiet other than the tapping of keys from a lady who ignored them until Hizashi walked up to talk to her. Even then she kept it short, clearly how her employers told her to treat yanderes for her own protection. She pointed them to a door with an armed guard in front of it, this place never played when it came to security.

Once inside the room a man at a desk smiled at them. Hizashi sat on the nice couch in the corner as Shouta sat in the chair in front of the desk. Reluctantly he took a small online quiz about his darling preferences that after he submitted would tally his answers and give them the best matches for what he was looking for. Six links popped up on the screen and the man smiled "These are the files for the ladies that are a match. Go ahead and take your time, it's a very important decision after all." 

He left to give Shouta privacy and not feel rushed and Hizashi quickly came to stand beside him to take a peak. Hizashi's first darling cheated so his current darling was actually from this place. Though he only had three matches the moment he saw her profile he knew she was the one. And they've been happy. So watching Aizawa read over four profiles and have no reaction really made him lose hope.  

On the fifth link, Shouta paused upon seeing the picture and Hizashi perked up, even though he noticed how similar you and Shouta's old darling looked. Shouta skipped over everything else until he got to your personality, he read it over and smiled making Hizashi even more hopeful. He scanned your "report" which is the section that tells potential yanderes why your here in the first place. That made him and Hizashi pause, one of the worst cases. Abused and neglected. Your yandere went overboard with discipline and teaching. Shouta was always the first to agree darlings need a strong hand when learning but never abuse.

He clicked the star and Hizashi almost jumped with joy. A few minutes later the man walked in with a smile and a manila folder, it's your full report. From the police records to your own personal statement. He handed it to Shouta as they discussed a date for him to return. He would have many hurdles to jump before he could actually meet you and even more before he could take you home. They didn't want their darlings to come back after they handed them off to their new person.


After two months of back and forth with the adoption agency, Shouta was finally driving over to pick up his darling. He honestly can't complain about the time as some people have to sit around for half a year before they get to pick their darlings up. But Shouta didn't play around with anything they needed he got it right away. Background checks, job records, income statements, you name it he got it. 

He even got the house deep cleaned for her arrival, he and Hizashi spent all of yesterday setting up a room for her because he gets still pretty much a stranger. He knows so much more about her than she does him.

He pulled up to the agency with a smile across his face, hair in a half down half bun look and dressed nicely he took a deep breath before getting out to collect her and her things.

When he opened the door you smiled but it seemed forced "Thank you, sir."

"We don't need all that, Shouta is fine." 


With all the bags in his hand he still opened the front door for you and closed it behind you letting the automatic lock click in the quietness. "Im going to go put these things in your room so you can put them where you want after dinner. Go ahead and look around."

"Where am I allowed?"

That made him stop and kick himself, in his excitement he forgot he'd have to retrain you "Anywhere you want hun, just if you go in my study don't mess with anything." He smiled when you nodded and began to walk around as he left. He placed your things down and came back slowly so you had the time to look around with his eyes watching you. When he came back you were coming out of his bedroom. 

He sat on the couch with a huff "Come sit, ill order out tonight." He watched you walk up, and sit on the floor in front of the couch "Uh, what are you doing?" 

"Oh! I just figured I hadn't earned the right to sit on the couch-" He frowned as he grabbed you and pulled you up "You don't need to earn the couch, it's not a privilege. It's a piece of furniture." He rubbed your arms up and down "Look F/n, the only rules I have are to stay in the house and please tell me if I make you uncomfortable." 

"Like now?" He let you go quickly "Exactly. Im not gonna pounce because you breathe without my permission. Just be happy, that's enough for me." You smiled for the first time "Ok si-Shouta." 


(1122 Words)

A/N: My apology for what I did in the last chapter... It will happen again though

Up Next: Romantic Hizashi 😈 

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