𝓥𝓼. {𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓾𝓴𝓸 𝓥𝓼. 𝓜𝓲𝓭𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽}

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Request: Romanic Miruko vs. Romantic Midnight
🚧Yanderes Fighting, Reader is said to be younger than Midnight [but still an adult], Reader kinda has a feeling of what's going on, Gun violence🚧


"And what makes you think she'd want to spend the rest of her life with you? She'll be changing your diapers in her very near future if she does." 

"Well at least I know how to be tender! Your more beast than a woman!"

The two women stared each other down until they heard the bell from your work door. Looking up they saw you walking out and smiled 

"Y/n! Need a ride home!" Kayama yelled out as she waved to you. But you frowned at her "Sorry Yama, Rumi and I are going to the gym."


"I was thinking maybe we could get some dinner after this, hows that sound?"

"Oh sorry, Rumi, but Kayama and I made dinner plans for tonight like three weeks ago. Sometimes I think you guys have a sixths sense for when I'm trying to hang out with the other." She laughed as she put her weights away "Yeah it's my second quirk." Yeah, she totally isn't hacked into your calender or anything. 

"Just because you two don't like each other doesn't mean I'm gonna stop being friends with one of you. I love you both equally." 


Leaving work you expected the usual sight of both of them trying to pick you up. But when you turned neither of their cars were in the parking lot, you actually had to take the bus home. Once home you sat and watched tv, surprised at the lack of calls from both of them trying to get you to come to the gym, food, shopping, or whatever other bullshit they come up with to get to steal you from the other. You actually got to shower and eat at your own apartment again.

Once in bed you grabbed the dusty book on your nightstand and started from the beginning since it had been so long you forgot what it was even about. As you dozed off you had no idea about the eyes in your window or the purple fog that slowly drifted out the air ducts.


It took your brain a few minutes to fully start working but when it did you quickly shot up. The cold concrete floor was defiantly not your bed! Or your apartment for that matter! You panicked only a few seconds longer before the door on the other side of the room opened. Miruko and Midnight walked in, the oldest of the two ladies was holding a gun making you tense up 

"Hey it's okay baby, we're just so tired of fighting and this is the only way to stop it. This gun has one bullet in it. Shoot the person you don't wanna be with. It's the only way we can both be happy." 

She carefully handed you the gun as you trembled, both were smiling as they stepped away from each other to make it easier for you to aim.

"Hurry up and shoot her so we can be together."

"Oh don't be stupid Miruko, obviously she's gonna shoot you so we can be together."


♡Shoot Midnight♡

♡Shoot Miruko♡

♡Shoot Yourself♡

(600 Words)

Requested by: TomurasPlayerTwo

A/N: Ooo look its one of those ones I let yall pick yalls fate, been a while huh 
Also sorry this took way to long to get out but I went threw a real bad case of writer's block. Like I thought I was done writing kinda writers block

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓷𝓱𝓪 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 5Where stories live. Discover now