𝓒𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓽 {𝓔𝓻𝓪𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓜𝓲𝓬}

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Non-Cannibal Version of Broom Closet {Romantic Silver Fox EraserMic
🚧Silver Fox AU, Pet Names, Panty Stealing, Past Stalking, Kidnapping, Fucked Shit🚧


You had just started working as a house cleaner when they reached out to you, a couple in their late 60s or prehaps early 70s claiming to need a semi-full-time housekeeper. They told you during the interview that they've been heroes since they were 18 and it's taken its toll on their bodies, with the simple tasks being so hard it's no surprise they'd want a housekeeper. And with what they offered you, hell you couldn't refuse that offer! They pay you very well, and treat you even better. They send you home with nice warm meals, making sure you have drinks and snacks while on the clock, and even give you gifts on holidays. They constantly remind you that you're like a part of their family. Mr. Yamada even once said that they see you more than their own children. 

And if you were being honest you saw them more than your own family as well, they're like grandfathers to you. Even if you've never told them that. 

Today's job was pretty chill all things considered. They only asked you to clean the kitchen and living room but still insisted on paying you for a full round of their quaint little countryside home, you know better than to argue with them over it they'll pay you the full round no matter if you accept or not so you drove up early in the beginning of what looked like would become a storm and got right to work making sure they get their money's worth as they grab their tea and went to get out your hair by sitting on the old porch swing protected from the semi-light rain by the overhead on their porch they built before arthritis overtook their hands, enjoying the cool fall air with loving laughter.

You gave a soft sigh as you moved things around after hearing them laugh outside, hoping you had someone to share those moments with at their age. When you finished they had already come inside and made themselves comfortable on the couch under a quilt Yamada made not long ago. You came out taking your gloves off "Alrighty, I'm gonna head home-"

"Oh, hun please don't go." Hizashi said as he slowly stood, pointing to the window. When you followed his finger you saw a full-blown storm outside the house. The fact you hadn't heard it surprised you as it was bad now that you were paying attention. "You can stay the night, leave when the storm is over in the morning. It wouldn't be safe to drive in this. Besides if you stay you can try my new stew." You smiled at him, see grandfatherly. "Alright, can I take a shower as well? Im covered in chemicals." 

He smiled and nodded, leading you to their room and right into the adjoining bathroom, he grabbed his clean robe off the hook and hung it on the back of the door "You can use that to dry off and I'll have some clothes on the bed for when you're done, be quick dinner won't be long."

You tried to be quick, but you also wanted to ensure you no longer smelt like bleach and Lysol. When you walked into the room snuggled in Hizashi's robe you found Shouta walking in with some spare pjs "Hizashi is setting the table." You nodded as you took the clothes, going back into the bathroom to dress yourself. When you came out they were both in the doorway waiting on you. You chuckled as you took the robe and wrapped yourself in it, letting it drop to the floor.

"Grandmother it's me, Anastasia." Both men laughed at you as you kicked the robe into the dirty pile of clothes, you'll have to remember to get that for them next time you come. Hizashi ruffled your hair "Come on, let's go before the food gets cold."


You lay on the couch, covered in the homemade black and yellow quilt Hizashi was so proud of himself after making. A soft and warm black blanket with yellow cat patterns adorning it. But you couldn't sleep. It should have been a nice night for a rest. The rain is coming down, the fireplace is warm, your job is done, and your belly is full. But you just couldn't close your eyes and pass out. 

You sighed as you pushed the covers off and made your way into their room as quietly as possible to get into the only bathroom in their house. When you closed the door you sighed and splashed some warm water on your face. Your tired, but your body is acting like you're not allowed to sleep. Like it knows something you don't. You left the bathroom and started to walk out when you noticed the clothes pile again, well if you can't sleep you could always make yourself busy. 

So as quietly as you could you started picking up the pile of clothes. That's how you noticed the thing sticking out of the closet. Grabbing it you realized it was underwear- Your underwear! These were the underwear you were wearing before your shower, they should have been in the clothes pile not hidden away in the closet. You pulled the closet door back a bit and gasped out a little too loudly as a shrine for yourself came into view. If it's something you've lost it was most likely right here on the shrine. Pictures you both knew about and didn't. It was like a stalker horror movie's big reveal!   

You heard the bed creek behind you and booked it down the stairs, uncaring of the razor-sharp rain nor the frigid winds hitting your skin as you left their house and hopped into your car like someone was on your heels. You shoved the key into the keyhole and turned it...nothing happened. 

"No no no!" 

You tried again three more times and nothing. It wasn't even turning over! Just nothing! You screamed when the car door was yanked open, Shouta gave you a confused smile as he stood under a black umbrella flashlight in hand "It's the middle of the night, what are you doing out here?" You gave a nervous chuckle, so he doesn't know? "Family emergency, I need to get home but my car won't start." 

"Yes, Hizashi didn't want to take you so please don't fault him dear, but I knew it was time. That's why I took your battery out." Your heart sank as he grabbed your arm and yanked you out of the car with too much strength for the old brittle man act he plays. He began to drag you back to the house as tears burned your eyes. The realization that the two men you believed were innocent elderly men who just wanted to be fond grandfather figures in your life, had never wanted that. They're predators, wanting to sink their teeth into fresh meat. 


( 1189 Words)

A/N: Decided to give you guys a non-cannibal version of this story 

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓷𝓱𝓪 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 5Where stories live. Discover now