𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 2 {𝓜𝓪𝓯𝓲𝓪 𝓗𝓲𝔃𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓲}

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Romantic Mafia Hizashi shows his people that you're his equal
🚧Mafia AU, Name Calling of Y/n (not to face), Death of Minor Characters, Non-Sexual Nudity (not y/n), Gagged/Tied Up Character, Mentions of Beatings, Y/n Forced Into Violence, Violence, Knife, Carving Words Into Flesh While Alive, Blood, Gore-ish, Cutting Tongue Out, Torture, Slapping Minor Character, Soft Husband Hizashi, Fluff 🚧


It was just another normal day at the manor, Hizashi had just finished a meeting with his inner circle and was on his way to go grab some lunch for him and his dear wife. But that thought was stopped when he heard talking from the hallway he was about to turn into. He leaned against the wall without a sound, closing his eyes as he listened. 

"Did ya see the lapdog earlier? I'm surprised she doesn't have a collar and a leash already." The man laughed and a women joined in "Don't need a leash for a dog that's been trained to follow dumbass." 

Hizashi's eyebrow raised but that's all the moment he made.

"Yeah, she was all over the boss. What do you think she was begging for this time?"

A different man's voice joined them, and Hizashi couldn't help but think how punchable he sounded. "I overheard the spoiled lapdog. She was pouting on about a pet. Could you imagine that! A pet having a pet! He should just muzzle that yapping bitch already."

Hizashi came off the wall with a chuckle. Watching all three freeze.

♡A Week Later♡

Hizashi smiled as he pulled you onto his lap Infront of all the people standing in the empty room. No one knew why they were called to this meeting, and it was strange. He treated you like a personal council. Every decision he ever thought about making went through you before it was ever brought up to his inner circle because he always said your opinion was the most important to him even if you refused his offer to join said circle officially many times. So, for you to be here with no idea why, it made you antsy.

Finally, he looked around at all his people, the highest up to the lowest all stood in this room together. He smiled, a wicked smile. "I'm sure you all confused and a little upset, it's understandable after being called right before quitting time. So, I'll do you all a favor and make this meeting straight forward. I'm not as fucking stupid as some of you apparently think." His voice was authoritative, laced with anger. It made your head spin a little as you fought back the shiver that almost shook through your body. 

"I know some of you here have big heads, an even bigger mouth. Y/n is not my lapdog. Shes is my wife. Which makes her my equal. And if she's my equal that means she's above every last one of you in this room. This meeting is just to remind you degenerate fucks what happens when you cross your higher ups.

Suddenly the door to the left opened and the men in all blacked walked in. First a man and women were dropped to the floor with a thud. Lifeless husks of what used to be people. It was clear their deaths were not at all peaceful. Then another man was brought in but this one was alive. Stripped to his underwear, tied and gagged, and clearly beaten. But alive none the less. He was dropped to his knees in the middle of the room, nothing in his eyes but fear as he looked at Hizashi who smirked down at him from his chair.

"This man here," Hizashi started "Well he called my dear wife a 'yapping lapdog that should be muzzled like a bitch' when he thought no one was around to hear it but i assure you all. The walls have ears and eyes. And now, he'll be our little example."

"Hizashi." The moment you whispered it he looked down at you with all the love his eyes have aways carried for you "Can I go to our room, I don't really want to see this." He frowned at you "Sorry hun, no can do. You're the one who's gonna make an example outta him."

You...You have to do it? 

While you were still trying to process that Hizashi swiftly pulled the knife from his belt and paced it in your hand. Closing your fist around it "Well go on." When you didn't move, he chuckled "It's easy to make an example, just go carve the word bitch into his chest. Then every time he or anyone else sees it they'll remember their place." When you again didn't move, he slowly stood forcing you move to stand with him if you didn't want to bust your ass. He wrapped his hand around your closed fist and walked you over to the man that was being forced to kneel still by the men dressed in black. Squatting you down he moved your hand for you, he basically treated you like a puppet. Doing what he wanted just using your hand, not flinching even as you did when the man let out pained grunts and groans through his gag "See, not hard at all." 

When he finished carving BITCH into the grunting man's chest you looked up at the man's tear-soaked face. It made you feel sick, bile rising in the back of your throat kind of sick. Yet Hizashi simply stood with grace. You stayed planted where you were, bloody knife still clutching in your shaking hand.

"Now it's your turn, cut out his tongue."

His words echoed through your head as the man Infront of you let out a startled noise through is gag and when Hizashi yanked it off he began to beg but Hizashi cut him off with a harsh slap. It made his head rear to the side. Those are the same hands that treat you like porcelain. Slowly you stood, watching as Hizashi held the man's mouth open for you. You couldn't look at anything other than Hizashi. Not your victim, not the crowed around you, only into the red eyes that swirled with loving and admiration for you. As you did exactly what was asked of you.

It didn't go smoothly. It took a while, much longer than it would have taken Hizashi as you were unpracticed and shaking like a leaf. Not to mention the fact you weren't even looking at what you were doing. But eventually you succeeded in hacking off the man's tongue and dropped it on the ground Infront of him. The only sound you were making was labored breaths, fighting back the nausea and sobs. Hizashi leaned forward until his lip ghosted your ear "You did such an amazing job my sweet girl." 

He used his foot to push the man onto his side "You get to live, congrats." He then walked over and picked you up bridal style, leaning down to kiss your forehead tenderly. "I now assume this little problem will come to a stop." He was done now and began to walk you out of the room. But you couldn't help but take a look behind him. The man was laying on his side. Panting and crying as his own blood covered him and the floor below. Everyone seemed to be waiting for Hizashi to be fully gone before they would move to help him.

Hizashi took you into the bathroom connected to the room the two of you share and washed your hands for you thoroughly. Making sure the water ran fully clear and the smell was all gone before he deemed himself finished "I know that was a lot, but their like animals. You have to show them who's alpha or they'll think they can piss where they please." He picked up one of your hands and kissed it. Kissing down your arm and all the way up to your lips but you were still to stunned to really be present in the moment. Reeling from the actions you just committed. He sighed and lifted you up again this time letting you wrap your legs around him as he squeezed you to him "Let's go to bed. In the morning I'll reconsider that cat you want. After all, I think you deserve it now." 


(1413 Words)

A/N: I know this isn't what I said would be next but Rose put it in my head and I had to write it! Hope yall enjoyed the fluff!

Up Next: Sugar Daddy Aizawa

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