𝓐𝓫𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓭 𝓟𝓮𝓽 2 {𝓜𝓲𝓬}

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Part 2 to Abandoned Pet {Mic...?}
🚧Y/n In A Relationship {Not With Yandere}, Jealous Yandere, Crazed/Unhinged Yandere, Murder, Gore, Violence, Major Injuries To Reader, Character Death, PTSD In Reader {Undiegnosed}, Past Trauma coming to light/New Trauma for all, Vomiting {Reader}, A Cat Is Present...It stays completely unharmed🚧


Hizashi smiled as he knocked on your door, excited to see you again! It has been a bit, even though that's kind of his fault. He was the one who took a two-month mission in America, but hes been back for a week and hes finally settled. So hes here for dinner with his fav girl!

The door was opened and Hizashi's face immediately dropped. Who the fuck is this dick!? The dude gave Hizashi a smile before he leaned back into the apartment "Yo, F/n! That dude is here!" Within a few seconds, you were rushing out the door to hug Hizashi. His face went right back to the sunny smile he always wore around you. Wrapping his arms tightly and twirling around a little bit. just so excited to see you again. When he put you down he chuckled at your little black kitten he got you before you left 'so you wouldn't get lonely' affectionately named Butter. Because according to you, he goes nuts for butter. You smiled at him as he picked the kitten up"Hizashi, I want you to meet my boyfriend Hiza."

The guy smiled at him, giving him a small wave "Sup man?" Hizashi was silent for a moment before he smiled friendly at the guy  "Nothing much man, come on you two go put some shoes on im taking you out."

Hizashi felt...upset. Yes, that's a good word, he was upset. He leaves for two months, only 62 days, and you've got some guy in the apartment he helped you get. And the welcome home dinner was not what he was expecting at all. He was ready to have some takeout and snuggle on the couch with you for a movie night and blankets like always. But now he was sitting on the other side of the booth watching the two of you be all grossly cute. It reminded him of how he and Midnight were back in high school. It made him want to vomit.

When he dropped you at your apartment he didn't stick around long like usual. Only long enough to give you a hug and kiss goodbye and make sure you made it to the door.


"Hey, I bought all the stuff you needed to make your famous taco- Oh my god Hizashi! What are you doing!?"

Your groceries went all over the floor as you dropped the bags, causing your little kitten who already seemed spooked to book it out the open door behind you before you had the chance to close it, fear striking you to your core as you comprehended what you just walked in on, your best friend leaning over the bloody and beaten body of your new boy thing, a bat held tightly in his bloody hands. He quickly dropped it when he saw you, giving you that sweet smile with a hint of unhinged anger underneath "Im just protecting you, like I promised Kayama I would!"

"Dont speak her vile name to me!" It was so full of malice that it made Hizashi frown. He frowned even more when he noticed you were slowly backing away from him. He dropped the bat quickly, lunging forward and grabbing you by both arms, pinning you to the wall. Looking into his eyes he was someone you didn't recognize. Those were crazy eyes, Midnight had a bad day crazy eyes. As flashbacks racked your brains your eyes began to water "H-Hizashi, please, you're hurting me."

"Then you know how you're making me feel right now. He is clearly coming between us, I mean look at us Y/n! Just let me fix it, let me make it better baby." He slowly let go and turned around, getting back to your boyfriend's motionless body. Of course, he was dead, you already knew that. His whole fucking face was practically gone! Caved in! Splatted everywhere including Hizashi and now you!

After a moment he was distracted by the start of his clean-up. So as his back is turned, hands occupied with trying to drag the body you turned on your heel and booked it. Slinging the door open and running through the hallway and down the stairs so that you were on the floor below yours and started banging on a random door in the hallway.

"Help me! Please! Help me!" You were shaking as your fist pounded against the door. When the door opened it was some poor little boy no older than ten who went pale. He screamed, most likely from the panic on your face and the blood on your arms from Hizashi, and slammed the door practically in your face.

"Hey, no wait! Please get one of your parents! He's gonna kill me! Please!" You felt so alone, a hallways full of rooms and not a single person opened the door a single inch to check or help. And soon Hizashi had snatched you up with fury "Oh I was gonna let you off easy but this little fucking stunt right here. Oh, it's got you in deep shit love."

You were dragged back into the apartment and the door was slammed shut and locked. Hizashi shoved you onto the couch and grabbed the bat. As he slowly approached you the shaking got worse. Soon sobs began to wrack your body "Please, im sorry- AH! AH FUCK!" The bat smashed into your left knee. Your stomach twisted and your brain froze. The only thing that was clear to you at that moment was pain and nausea. Your body threw itself onto your side on the couch as throw-up spilled out of your mouth and down to the carpet like a fucking waterfall. But Hizashi didn't seem to care as he raised the bat once more.

"Kayama, please, im sorry!" The crashing pain came over you like waves during a hurricane. All you could do was sob and cough as his bloody hand cupped your face "Im doing this for us baby, I promise it's all for us. Its gonna be ok, im gonna make it ok."


(1060 Words)

A/n: Suffer. Love yall!

Up Next: Idk

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