𝓜𝓪𝓲𝓭 {𝓜𝓲𝓬}

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As a punishment, Romantic Hizashi makes you his maid
🚧Maid Outfit, Spit Mentioned, Spanking, White Panties, Sexual Themes but not really, More Peppery Than Spicy ifywim, Boobs, Punishment for Amusement, Hizashi is a Lil Dickhead, Reader Planning Murder, This Idea Hit Me And I Wrote Without Thought🚧


You grimaced at yourself in the bathroom mirror as you raked your eyes over the ridiculous outfit Hizashi had set out for you. The ruffle-trimmed headband tightly placed over your head was pure white with a single black bow. The uniform was a simple frilly black dress; loose thigh-lengthed, square neckline, and puff sleeves. The neck, sleeves, and skirt had a white lace lining. A pure white apron was tied tightly around your waist hanging just a little shorter than the dress, and a little black bow was dead in the center on the top of the apron to match the headband. Under the dress was a garter belt hidden by a tiny petty coat, connected to a pair of sheer black thigh highs with a white lace top. And to finish it all off was a pair of Mary Jane pumps, just a small chunky heel.

You sighed before leaving for Hizashi's home office, it was a punishment after all and you might as well get it over and done with because there's no way to get out of it. He clearly wants to embarrass you, so the quicker you do what he wants the quicker you can go lay down and die after. You opened the door to Hizashi's office and stepped inside, closing the door quickly behind you like it wasn't just the two of you here.

He looked up from over his glasses and smiled "Well hello, you must be from the agency. Took you long enough to get here." You wanted to grimace but you didn't. You simply gave a small bow "Yes sir. How may I be of service?" That's what he told you to say. He snickered, enjoying himself far too much for your liking. His finger came up, pointing to the four bookshelves at the back of the room stacked with books from mighty textbooks to simple romance books. What wasn't covered in books was covered in knickknacks. 

"I need you to clean and reorganize that whole thing, by alphabetical order within there respective genres."

Oh for fuck sake! You half thought he was gonna make you sit on his lap while he made crap puns, you didn't think he'd actually make you work! You bit back an annoyed whine and nodded "Yes sir."  


You were almost finished after hours, on your hands and knees organizing the last shelf to the last bookshelf. It was only a couple of murder mystery novels, they seemed to be in Spanish too so it was a bit harder to alphabetize. You heard a chuckle before his hand came down so hard on your ass you let out a breathless yelp as it echoed in the quiet room.

"White panties in that outfit, how naughty~." 

Oh, you could kill him! You could rip his fucking throat out! As he walked back to his desk, still chuckling like shit was funny you knew you'd have a welp of his handmark on your ass for a while. 

When you stood you turned to see he wasn't watching you like you thought, he seemed to actually be working. Not that big of a surprise, he was always working on something. "Im done." He hummed in recognition but didn't speak behind that, typing away. Finally, after a good two or three minutes he smiles "Go make me some tea, and dont even think about spitting in it-" He chuckled "Or better yet do." 

 You made a loud but clearly fake gagging noise and you left the room to make his tea that you didn't spit in because he'd take joy in that and you dont want to give him that. When you were back in he seemed a little too gitty. When you placed the tea down his arms quickly shot out and wrapped around your waist to pull you onto his lap, now yeah this makes more sense. You caught a quick glimpse at his computer screen and yeah he was writing a business email. Actual work, you should have known he wouldn't let this get in the way of his work. He never does, even the worst of the worst punishments have never got in the way of his work before.

He put two fingers under your chin and raised them to look at him, but you didn't meet his eye because he was too busy looking down your top, you groaned and he smirked "What, they're mine to admire after all. Now sit here and look pretty while I finish this up and I might consider not making you go outside and clean the gutters." You gave him a look but he simply smirked, you know he'd get pleasure outta that too. Probably stand under the latter and be an ass about looking up the skirt the whole time. 

So you zipped your lip and leaned back, watching him skip from task to task like he was made to do it.


(900 Words)

Oh and it's day 11 of Zawavember already so if you didn't know might want to go catch up 

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓷𝓱𝓪 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 5Where stories live. Discover now