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~♡Day 6 - Coffee♡~

🚧Death, Suicided, Poison, Graphic-ish, Fucked Shit🚧


The last thing Aizawa expected to find after waking up on the hard couch was you in the kitchen making breakfast. You're not one for apologies anymore, it immediately made his guard shoot up. He slowly sat down at the table, allowing you to put a big plate and a hot cup of coffee in front of him as he watched you with hawk eyes.

He looked over the spread before looking back at you, that innocent smile nothing more than a mask to him "What are you doing?" You giggled, like actually giggled and it would have made his heart flutter if not for the confusion and suspicion rolling in like fog over his brain. "Can't I do something nice to apologize? I went too far yesterday, I know. So I wanted to make it up to you."

You sat with your plate and cup, watching him. Waiting. For once the 6'1 pro hero who can snap bones like toothpicks felt like prey. He swirled his coffee around but didn't put it to his lips, he heard you sigh and looked up just in time to catch you leaning over the table and grabbing his cup right out his hands. You took a gulp, showed him your full mouth, before you swallowed, and once again showed him an empty mouth before handing it back to him "Can't believe you don't trust me."

Rich coming from the woman who once convinced him she broke her leg in an attempt to escape, but he kept that thought to himself as he gave you a sympathetic smile and began to sip on his coffee. You watched as you sipped your coffee. You hid a smile behind the cat-themed cup as his face slowly paled with the realization of what was happening. You continued to sip your coffee as he grabbed his throat and began to choke. His face a reddish purple as he tried to stand only to fall to the floor in a panic making sickening sounds. Foam started to drizzle out his mouth. He reached for anything close by but nothing would or could help him.

It was honestly bitter, both the coffee and watching him wither around gasping for air. He looked at you in his final moments, a look of betrayal deep within his eyes. Rich from the man who betrayed your trust time and time again. The feeling of freedom that washed over you was only momentary as you felt your own throat begin to close. There is no living without Shouta, you knew this to be true every time he spoke it to you. Even if your plan to kill him was as successful as it was, you can't truly escape, Shouta made sure of that long ago. So his cup wasn't the only one you poisoned.

You fell beside him, the pain nothing compared to the things you've endured within these walls. You felt his hand grab onto yours, weak and cold. You gave a small squeeze back.


(536 Words)

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