𝓢𝓽𝓾𝓭𝓭𝓮𝓭 𝓑𝓮𝓵𝓽 {𝓜𝓲𝓬}

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Rewrite of my old, but still one of my favs, story Belt {Mic}
🚧Use of Nicknames in a mean way {Little Brat, Brat, Bitch, Sweetheart}, Mean Mic, Sweet Mic at end if you squint, Y/n is manhandled a bit, Y/n hands are binded, Spanking {Belt}, Y/n pants are pulled down, Yandere helps get Y/n "Dressed"🚧


"Are you sure you wanna test my patients, little brat? Im warning you for the last time. Im not in the mood to play your little games today.

You stayed exactly how you were, feet planted, arms crossed, and eyes stabbing daggers into him. Well more like plastic kitchen knives but still. He sighed, you were always so goddamn stubborn. Hes been itching to fix that but he also doesn't wanna hurt you, not unless you really deserve it at least. So he put on a tired smile, trying to disarm you like you were some kind of bomb. He reached his arms out to pull you into a hug but was stopped dead in his tracks as a smacking sound echoed off the walls.

You had smacked him so hard his head jerked to the side. It took a second for the shock to wear off, he could still feel the sting as he turned to look at you sure your handprint was whelping at his point. That fucked up smile making its appearance, you just gave him the reason he's been fucking looking for, brat. He gave a laugh, low and sinister as he stood to his full height. It made you shrink under his gaze.

"Im gonna give you until the count of three to come up with a good apology." One didn't even finish leaving his mouth before you took off in a sprint. He grinned "Oh I love when they run." 

You got a good headstart but there was only so much room in the house, he cornered you in the hallway. You tried to slip past him but he grabbed you, both of you tumbling to the floor with him on top you "Gotcha!" Your elbow swung up but you couldn't reach his face "Nice try sweetheart-Ah!" Your leg swung up, cracking him right in his privates. You were able to slip from under him and fling yourself into the bathroom, closing and locking the only door in the house that still had a lock. 

You heard his grunts of pain quiet, and then a loud bang sounded on the door "You can't hide in there forever brat." And then his footsteps told you he left. Sadly he was right, you couldn't hide forever, but you could hide right now. 

You waited hours before finally, you yelled for him through the door. And after a few minutes you saw his shadow from under the cracks "I wanna come out." 

"So then open the door sweetheart, or did you forget how handles work?" You didn't like being talked down to, and he knows that. But you didn't let him rile you up "I don't wanna come out if you're gonna jump me."

"I won't."



Slowly you pushed the door open, and when you were fully in the hallways he grabbed your arm so hard you were sure its gonna burse "Ah! You promised!" He didn't even turn back to look at you "Not to jump you, I never said anything about treating you like the bitch you act like."

"Hizashi please I'm sorry, can't we talk about this-" He sat on his bed and yanked you to lay over his lap "Ah ah ah. A little too late for all that nonsince now don't you think darling." He folded your arms behind your back and held them with one hand together by your wrist. His other you heard unbuckling his belt. Dread filled your gut, causing tears to start falling down your face. When he realized you were crying he tutted "All you had to do was stop when I told you to. But noooo, you always gotta push my buttons to the point of breaking them." 

You heard his belt be yanked from its loops and tied to squirm "Please not the hero belt! Please Hizashi, please!" His grip on your wrist tightened making you still yourself "Brats don't get to have a say in their punishments. You'll get whatever the fuck I decided, and I've decided maybe these studs will teach you what my hand clearly hasn't." 

He yanked your pants down, exposing your underwear. Not that he hasn't seen them, he bought them after all along with everything else 'you own' nowadays. "Now, count for me." 


"Ah! O-One!" The thick red belt landed hard on your ass, its studs feeling as if they were cutting into your skin even through your underwear. Again and again the belt came down just as hard and again and again you made sure to count, to not fuck up because you knew he'd simply start over if you did. 

"Tw-enty." You readied yourself for another hit but it never came. The belt wrapped around your wrist to keep them where they were held behind your back before you were placed stomach down on his bed "Stay." And you did.

He left but only for a moment. Coming back to clean and bandage the wounds the studs left on you, letting you change out of bloody underwear, before carefully pulling your pants up. Never did he undo the makeshift bind meaning he had to help you with it all. When he was done he rolled you onto your back. And you felt every smack coming right back to you when your ass made contact with the bed. Taking pity he grabbed you and moved you to lay your stomach down across his chest as he lay on the bed.

"Now, why did I have to punish you?"

You spoke through hiccupy sobs "Because I don't stop when I'm told." 

He hummed in affirmation before slowly rubbing your back in a comforting manner "But I bet next time I tell you to stop, you will, right sweetheart?"

You nodded " 'm sorry." It made him smile. He leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on your tear-soaked cheek "Oh I know you are. But it's alright, you learned your lesson, so I forgive you brat." 


Og Word Count (697 Words)

Rewrite Word Count (1116 Words)

A/N: Rose gave me an idea for an alternate ending so....ready yourself 

Up Next: Naga Mic...Maybe

HES JUST A SILLY LIL GUY, don't fault him for having to put you back in place 🥺 He didn't wanna be mean, you made him do it 🥺

HES JUST A SILLY LIL GUY, don't fault him for having to put you back in place 🥺 He didn't wanna be mean, you made him do it 🥺

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