𝓐𝓵𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼 {𝓜𝓸𝓶𝓶𝓪 𝓜𝓲𝓬}

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Platonic Yandere Momma Mic can't accept her family falling apart
🚧Genderbent Mic, Reader is Mic and Enji's child {Biological or Adopted}, Child Neglect, Manipulation, Mention of abortion, Fighting, Blood, Minor and Major injuries inflected onto reader🚧


"Daddy look-!" He walked right past you and out the door without even sparing you a glance as if you weren't even standing there. It made you sigh as you turned to walk back to your room but your mother was quick with the recovery. Blocking your path she squatted down to be face to face with you "Oh did you make a picture for daddy?" 

She was smiling so brightly with perfect white teeth. You've always thought your mother was so pretty, far too pretty for your father. Her bright blonde hair, pin straight, always half in a bun and half flowed down her back like a calm waterfall. Emerald eyes sparkled with love and joy that complemented her skin tone. The white crop top and leather pants that she always pairs with black heeled boots, a metal hoop belt, and a cropped leather jacket when she takes you anywhere. 

She was perfect in almost every single way. 

Her only flaw was how quickly she would jump to defend your father, like a dog at a show.

"It's perfect! Let's put it on the fridge so he can see it once he gets home." You ripped it in two "He doesn't deserve to see it!" That made her frown as she pulled you into a hug "Hun, he loves you so much I swear. Hes just busy right now, saving the world isn't exactly a job you can be late to."

Always, always quick to excuse his behavior. Even when he was clearly in the wrong. Even when you grew up and he started fights that always had you leaving to sleep at a friend's house. She'd defend him as she comforted you. Like he could do no wrong! She wasn't making it seem like it was your fault but she didn't acknowledge that it was his!

You were honestly surprised that she was shocked when found you packing your things the moment you could. But of course, the moment she began to sob and beg for you not to leave her! Not yet! You promised to stay a little longer but that little trick only worked about three times.

It was an argument over dinner that broke the camel's back. Enji started with you, Hizashi tried to get him to stop but you both kept going until he finally said 'I wish your mother would have gotten the fucking abortion I suggested!' 

He got super quiet after he said it, like he made a mistake. But it was too late now, you were storming off with your mother close behind you. By the time she got in there your shit was haphazardly thrown in the suitcase you bought the first time you tried to leave. She cried and begged but it didn't work.

So she grabbed your arm so tightly her green acrylic nails dug into your skin, probably drawling blood "Honey, please! He didn't mean it, he never asked me to do that! He was so excited to have you, we both were! You don't even have a place to go!"

"I don't care momma, I just can't be here anymore." You hissed as you yanked your arm away from her causing the nail puncture wounds to be cuts. But she kept following and demanding that you stop. Drop the suitcase. Come back to dinner. But you didn't.

You made it all the way to the door before the force of something hard smacking the back of your head made you lurch forward and bag your head on the door. Falling to the floor unconscious. 

Hizashi dropped the cast iron skillet to the floor with a gasp, she couldn't believe she had actually done that to you. Quickly she got down on pulled your unconscious body to her chest with tears in her eyes.

"It's ok baby, mommys here. She's got you, she will always be here. Enji! Come help me get her in bed!"


(700 Words)

Up Next: ??? 

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