𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓫𝓲𝓻𝓭 {𝓜𝓲𝓬}

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Romantic Hizashi fights with a villain that changes his life forever
🚧No Warnings🚧


"Hey yo!" Hizashi watched the villain drop the stolen bag in her hand and turn around. He smiled, he's got 20 minutes left on patrol and this last villain is just going to turn herself over-

As soon as the singing made its way threw his headphones he was frozen to the spot unable to do more than listen to the voice that sounded like heaven itself. It made his body fill warm and secure, like a hug from his grandmother. The villain, still singing, walked right up to him, and punched him square in the face knocking him on his back "Night night, voice hero~"


Hizashi opened his eyes with a displeased grunt, his cheek hurt like hell and the hard hospital bed was not making his sour body feel any better better "Welcome to the world of the living." He turned to see his emergency contact, Kayama, sitting in a chair beside his bed "Damn, how long have I been out?"

She looked down at her phone then back to him "Bout a day, they said something about some quirk making its way out your system. You want to go home or to your studio?" "Studio. I, unfortunately, have work."


Plopping into his office chair he stretched before going to work.

"What the fuck! I've loved this song for years!" He had just listened to it yesterday and it was still the musical genus it was when he first heard it in high school but now it sounded like nails on a chalkboard. He turned on another but it sounded like the singer has been a chain smoker for 50 years even though her voice used to put him to sleep."


It's been a month and all the songs on his playlist no longer sounded good so he tried new things but all those songs sounded like ass as well! He began to look into underground music and unproduced artist but none of them sounded any better. Even humming was like ringing in his ear. It made his 5 hours of non-stop radio show every Friday a true living hell. 

Until one day, one day while looking threw music on some unknown music website a melody hit his ears and he suddenly melted into the couch. It was so familiar and soothing but he couldn't put his finger on the angelic voice coming threw his headphones. It was peaceful and so nice to have music in his life once more that he ended up dozing off.

When he awoke he had apparently finished the whole playlist of his mystery women's songs. As he walked to his bedroom he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror, that damned bruise was still in the process of going away-

The bruise! That's why the voice sounded so familiar, it was that villain!


Patrol was over an hour ago but Hizashi was getting more and more desperate as the months passed without a single sight of his siren, still looking even though his enjoyment for his music has finally returned. Once he realized her voice was the only one that sounded nice when sung for so he used his connections to look into her. F/n L/n, {age}, occupation: low-level villain, quirk: Siren, other notes; hearing her quirk-laced singing will cause all other music to be unbearable for two months

Finally, he rounded a corner and saw her holding a knife to some mans throat "Give me-" A sharp pain slammed into the back of your head and everything went back.


Waking up you found yourself tied down to a bed with a gag in your mouth. After a bit of struggling a sudden wait pressed onto your waist, looking up you saw the voice hero straddling your lap "Morning sleepy head, I'm gonna take the gag off but don't try using your quirk you'll regret it." 

When the gag was removed you did try, only to scream out in pain as a shock shot threw your body, how had you not felt the quirk collar beforehand!?

"I told you that you'd regret it, dummy! Now, sing for me my songbird~"


(694 Words)

Up Next: Assorted Romantic Yanderes

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