𝓒𝓸𝔀𝓫𝓸𝔂 𝓒𝓪𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓿𝓪 {𝓒𝓸𝔀𝓫𝓸𝔂 𝓐𝓲𝔃𝓪𝔀𝓪}

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Your family trying to get even with your kidnapper, it doesn't go over so well 
🚧Cowboy AU, Stockholm, Biological child, Kidnapping on multiple levels past and present, Guns, Murder, Basically some fucked shit🚧


When you heard the sound of hoofs hitting the worn-out wood of the old bridge and booked it, meeting your husband and his men halfway into the ranch looking disheveled as all hell, your screaming had Shota off his horse and in front of you in moments. You dragged him to the ground as your legs gave, repeating the words ' he's gone! he's gone!' over and over as he did all in his power to calm you.

When he finally did get what was wrong out of you it made his heart sink "I-I was washing dishes while he played out in the yard! I saw a black truck drive down the driveway and assumed it was some business for you but by the time I got outside he was gone!" He pulled you to his chest "Where gonna get him back." 

Back at the house both sat and waited, until finally the phone rang loud from its place on the side table, making your heart stop but Shota quickly picked it up,

"Do you want your son back?"

"What kinda fucking question is that, of course I do! Where are you!?"

"Good, because we want our daughter back! Meet us at XXXX tonight at 9 o'clock sharp and we'll trade. Our kid for yours, sicko." 

The phone was hung up making Shota throw his own out of anger "Was that them!? Is Kumo ok!?" He sighed "It's your fucking father! He has him!" You began to cry again, you remembered all the things Shota said about your family but you never fully believed them...until now. Anyone who could rip your son from you must be eviler than Shota says they are.


You turned the old truck's heater up "They said 9-" Shota grabbed your hand "They'll be here, they want you back, they'll show." And just like he said the truck pulled up and your father got out holding your son.

"Stay in the car." Is all Shota said as he got out with his hands mildly raised into the air "Send him over!" You could see in the headlights that your father shook his head and gestured to the car. A second later Shota turned to you "Get out, but don't move." So you did as you were told. When you got out your father's face lit up "Oh Y/n! We thought you were dead! My poor girl, don't worry I'm gonna save you! Daddy's here!" 

You scowled before regaining to walk forward, Shota hissed at you to stay still but you kept going. All the way up until you were standing maybe a foot away from your father who was holding your son's shoulders to stop him from moving "Kumo, go to your daddy." 

Your father rolled his eyes "I always knew you were soft Y/n, but caring so much about a child from the likes of him...I guess he's yours too whether you liked it or not. Go on boy! Get!" He shoved your son who gave you one quick glance before booking it. When you heard Shota put him in the truck you snagged the gun from where you hid it in your coat and shot off two rounds before Shota grabbed you and high-tailed it back to the truck.

Back in the truck your son lay against your chest, fast asleep as his father drove home "Where the hell did you get a gun?" 

"Under your seat, Shota I'm your wife. I know your games." 


(700 Words)

This wasn't super yandere or whatever but the idea hit me and I really really wanted to write it lolz

Also, does anyone get the title reference? Please? 

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