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~♡Day 11 - Lesson♡~
🚧Country Boy Shouta au, Age Gap if you squint, Past kidnapping mentioned, Hizashi cameo!, Reader In A Skirt, Branding, Tied up, Theft, Major Injuries to Reader, Mean Shouta but not really, A Lil Misogyny if you squint🚧


"Im gonna go nap, the boys are still in the field so if they come knocking give 'em a drink and make sure they don't sit on their asses for more than eh, fifteen-twenty minutes." You gave him a nod from where you stood in the kitchen looking the perfect picture of a stereotypical farmhouse wife. Your hair was pinned up, your red blouse prim and proper along with the black ankle-length skirt under the black apron you wore when handling the food given from the farm. Right now you were barefoot but a pair of black flats sat by the door.

You wanted to go right when he left the kitchen for the bedroom but you stilled yourself, going back to canning the peaches. After twenty minutes, when you were sure he was out cold and not coming down for a while you grabbed an egg basket and slipped your shoes on. Now here was the part that had you shaking like a leaf, pulling the stolen house key out of your apron pocket. Slowly you put it into the lock, it must have taken a full minute just to turn the lock until you heard a click as if you were scared the door was gonna start screaming out to Shouta that you were leaving the house without his grace.

Once out on the porch, you looked around and then quickly began to walk behind the house where the chicken coop was. The egg basket lightly tapped your knees as you walked with it in front of you like it shielded you. Your dear alibi, as if it could save you if Shouta caught you now. You looked to the side, in the field you could see both boys, but they didn't notice you. Too busy arguing with each other to notice anything. That's why they work here in the first place, two fifteen-year-old idiots who can't get along to save their lives and now their momma's got them working on old Mr. Aizawa's farm because he's a no-nonsense man who gonna whip them into shape before school starts up again.

You put a little pep in your step, if they start a fistfight again Shouta would definitely hear and definitely come out to break it up. They would most definitely get you caught! When you reached the chicken coop you placed the basket softly down in front of it before counting your walk. Making it to the fence in the back of the land you almost smiled, this feeling of freedom slowly creeping up your body from your toes!

You were careful as you climbed the fence. Wishing this whole damn farm and everything on and in it a big fat go fucking fuck yourself! When your feet touched the ground on the other side, the public land, your body shook with excitement. You'd have yelled and danced if not for how close Shouta's little farmhouse still was to you. You turned on your heels and began the walk into town. It would be a good one, and these shoes sure as fuck ain't made for such a walk but that didn't matter. You didn't give a shit if your feet were blistered and bleeding by the time you got into town, just that you got into town. All else didn't matter at the moment.


Your unsure how long you've been walking on the gravel road, an hour maybe? It was an hour and a half drive into town so you've still got a ways to go. But you haven't lost hope or drive. Speaking of drive! You heard the rumble of a car on the old gravel, looking up you noticed the old police car, it began to slow to a crawl until finally it stopped beside you. The window rolled down and a blinding smile met your gaze.

You smiled of Sheriff Hizashi as he slung his arm over to lean a little out the window at you, his other hand pulling his sunglasses down his nose "Heyo! Y/n, long time no see girly! Whatcha doing walking all the way out here dressed like that?" You gave him a smile "Trying to get to town, sir. And man is your pair of wheels a sight for sour eyes." You tried to play it cool, this is a very small town everyone knows everyone kinda of town and, man telling people that Aizawa Shouta, the man who allows field trips to his farms, does wayward kids programs, allows strangers to work his fields for emergency money, donates food and money to food banks and homeless shelters, and houses foster kids who need a bed for a night or two. Kidnapped and held you hostage was the quickest way to be labeled crazed and have the whole town avoid you like the plague. No, he was your boyfriend, that's what he told those damn boys anyways.

"Well, Shouta needs a lesson in being a gentleman than, letting his old lady walk! Hope in girly 'll give you a ride." You smiled as you ran around the hot hood and got into the air-conditioned cop car's passenger side glad to get off you're swore feet. You leaned back and took a deep breath of cold air that smelled like coffee and cologne. That feeling of freedom was doing cartwheels in your stomach now, you did your best not to shake with excitement in Hizashi's passenger seat.

The ride was a short one, the captain was always a speed demon. With how many speeding tickets he's gotten it's a surprise he was able to get this position. But eh, he never let anyone else get away with it that's for sure.


Once in town, he pulled over at the local grocery store with a smile "Either call Aizawa or come down to the station and let me drive you home, that's to far of a walk for a lady like yourself." You nodded before watching him drive off, when he was out of sight you quickly rushed off to the train station. Those keys weren't the only thing you stole from Shouta, maybe when he finds his whole wallet gone he'll learn a lesson about forcing strangers to live in his house. Speaking of Shouta he'll probably be waking up soon, you need to focus.

Buying the first train ticket outta town, you don't care where it's going it doesn't really matter as long as it's going far far from Shouta and this whole town! But you fucked yourself over because the train won't be arriving until tomorrow. It was the only one they had so honestly you had no choice but to stay in this tiny town knowing Shouta was gonna wake up to you missing soon was scaring you. He'd eventually come check town, you just have to hope he doesn't until after the train leaves. It was an early morning train, you can make it! You hope.


You were sleeping over three chairs in the train station, nothing but Shouta's wallet on you so getting robbed wasn't an issue. But neither was anything else since your the only one who got a ticket that didn't have somewhere to go after. So you were the only person in the whole building. That's why when the door opened you shot up out of your sleep, sitting up and rubbing your eyes.

You already knew who was there, it didn't take a genius to know. You looked over and sure enough, Shouta was standing in front of your only exit "Come on Y/n, let's go home." You hesitated for a moment before sighing and standing up. You followed him to the old pickup truck parked outside and hopped in after he opened the door. The ride home was quiet, the only sound the truck itself and then the sound of the trains you were supposed to be on horn. Shouta ripped your ticket to shreds right in front of you once home before sending you to your room. You know he'll sleep on the couch, making sure you couldn't try that stunt twice.

In the morning you woke to the smell of breakfast, it was strange. You'd think he wouldn't do such a thing after what you did, especially because he claims that cooking is the women's job. When you made it downstairs your plate was in front of your chair, he was already eating. You hesitated until he beckoned you over. Breakfast was quiet until he finished every bite "Follow me."

You quickly did, not wanting to be in any more trouble than you already were. He brought you out into the barn as your mind raced. That's how he caught you off guard, you were distracted. He tied your wrist to your ankles and left you lying on the cold barn floor as he walked off. When he came back your panic increased as you began to wiggle around trying to get free "Shouta, please! Anything but that! Lets-Lets talk about this!"

"Nothing to talk about, ya brand a cow so when it gets out people knows it's yours. You got out, so now I gotta make sure people know where to return ya."

"Please please please please!" You wailed as you tried to fight against him as he yanked your skirt up your hips and sat on you to stop your moving. The burning hot metal rod with the top shaped in the form of an AS all but slammed down onto your hip making you scream out in pure burning hot agony. You wailed, cried, and puked as the smell of your own burning flesh met your nose. As Shouta branded you like you were nothing but cattle.

When he was done he stood, looking down at your tear-stained face in distaste "When you quiet down, I'll come to bring you back inside."


(1683 Words)

A/N: ...Save a horse 👀

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