𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓽 𝓞𝓯 𝓖𝓸𝓭 {𝓜𝓲𝓬}

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Romantic Cult Leader Hizashi and his Darling Wife
🚧Hanging Random Character, Grooming/Brainwashing, !Cult Shit!, Isolation, Violence, Threats of Violence, Reader is a mother, Reader was pregnant off story, Reader having women part problems due to Hizashi, Waking from 'brainwashing', Unwanted touch {nonsexual}, Not broken darling but empty, Fucked Shit! 🚧


As you watched the crowd cheer as a man was hung by your husband outside your kitchen window, mindlessly still scrubbing on the clean dishes you think back to how you got yourself into this position many years before. 

Just a little girl who knew nothing about the world running off to college the moment she could, it had only been a few months of classes when you made a new friend in the cafeteria hall. The two of you clicked instantly and were almost inseparable. Like sisters. She was the one to introduce you to her then-boyfriend Hizashi Yamada. The man that opened your eyes and mind to many things. You ended up dropping out of that school to run away into the woods with them and the other small group Hizashi had helped at the college. Cutting off the modern world and its comforts, your friends and family as well, to be one of the first in the 'New World'.

It wasn't much back then, just a small clearing in the middle of deep-ish woods with about four tents and a campfire. But you truly believed in him and his teachings. And as Hizashi opened more people up to the new world it grew and prospered. And sure some people left in the beginning including your friend but you didn't let it deter you. Soon hundreds of people had come and homes, stores, the church, workshops, and more began to be built up. Giving the New World its comforts and true feeling of home.

And then families began to spring up left and right, bringing forth the second generation of New World citizens all birthed to the beliefs of their great leader and profit of the gods Hizashi Yamada, your dear friend. You smiled through it all, the hardships and the blessings. You were in the front row of every sermon Hizashi did, first to volunteer to help the tight-knit community or make a mission trip to the outside for either small supplies in hard times or to preach the New World's beliefs, trying to recruit- to save more people Always beside Hizashi smiling through it all because you knew you were one of the main ones helping this be what it is. Salvation. 

What a silly young girl you were

So the night he called you into his office after a sermon you didn't think much of it, fairly normal occurrence. You were his confidant, said to be the only one he could confide in, the only one he could be weak with. He smiled at you from behind his desk with books and pages upon pages of writing littering it, explaining with a fire in his eyes you had grown to admire that the gods have called upon you to do the ultimate work for the New World. Be his bride! To birth the next prophet! Buttered you up with a speech about how strong and determined you are. How you were the first real member, always hungry to help, and so committed to the cause and him. That it had to be you as the mother, no one else could hold the power of the next leader. The responsibility of mothering such an important figure. 

You chuckled to yourself as you looked back down at the dishes. You saw it as such big honor to be asked by the chosen one to birth his children. Like he was asking. That the gods had picked you out of every woman in the community or world. So you flaunted that ring like it was made of pure gold and diamonds. Smiled so hard during the wedding your cheeks hurt the next day. Tried again and again until the test read positive. 

Silly stupid girl.

But then he claimed your first child wasn't blessed, then neither was the second, or the third, or the seventh. Finally, after ten children the local doctor advised against more children and so Hizashi stopped trying to get you pregnant with annoyance. 

Of course, by then you'd lost your faith in both Hizashi and the gods. Being his wife gave you an inside look into his life, the way he prepared his sermons, his blessings, and prayers. Long since realized how full of shit Hizashi and the new world order is. Why his first girlfriend left so long ago. But by then it was far too late to leave. The New World wasn't what it used to be, leaving was betrayal and punishable by death to both the offender and their whole family if Hizashi decided it. 

And even if you could have left, getting out of the forest with ten children would not be possible. Nor would surviving on the outside with ten kids, no job, and no family or friends. Nowhere to go and no one to turn to. You don't even know what the outside world looks like anymore as there hasn't been a mission trip in years. You're stuck. Just how Hizashi always intended. That's why he hasn't tried to restore your faith, why he isn't trying to get your admiration or love back. He knows he doesn't need to because he has your most important thing. He has your dependence.

You jumped when arms wrapped around your waist "Did you enjoy the show, I saw you watching? I spare his wife and children as you asked. Even though I know they knew all about his little stunt." A kiss was given to your neck "But now that I have upheld my end of our deal you'd better as well." 

"Yes Hizashi."  

"Grand, ill start moving your things back into our bedroom from the basement right now. This silly separation shit was starting to annoy me, things such as that don't exist here and you know it." 

"Yes Hizashi." 

Silly Stupid Girl.


(1020 Words)

Up Next: More Hizashi

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