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~♡Day 11 - Cruel♡~
🚧Monster AU, Adopted Eri, Animal Death Off Screen, Violence Off Screen, Guns, Death, Murder 🚧


You smiled at the distant growl you heard from the woods, even after your adopted daughter rushed from the yard to sit beside you on the old porch swing. It was nothing that would harm her, but she is still too young to understand. You brushed some hair out of her face and prompted her to head inside and grab herself an apple, and she did.

But you stayed put, swinging the old oak bench lightly as you watched the forest's entrance. And soon you saw it, the huge shaggy black bear dragging a 12-point buck up to the porch. When it dropped the dead animal in front of the steps it looked up at you with deep red eyes, one milky over a large scar. You smiled as you stood "Took you long enough." The beast chuckled as it stood on its hind legs and began to morph. The once ten-foot black bear was now a 6'1 man. He smiled as he shook his long black hair out of his face "Every day that winter comes closer, I have to go further." 

"I know." You spoke softly as you grabbed the hidden pair of clothes and handed them over, he quickly dressed himself. This, this, is why you live in an abandoned cabin past the mountains and forest of the closest village. Your husband, the bear shifter. Sure it's not a perfect life by any means, sometimes you wish you didn't have to, sometimes you miss the modern comforts your old village gave you. But you sure don't miss the people, you never have. 

See, the town was formed long ago in what used to be part of the forest that overran these lands. But the people did what people do, they mauled the land. Cutting trees, building houses and shops over anything, and hunting things to extinction simply because they could. And the inhabitants of this land, the shifters, didn't like that at all. They've lived with peace with the land and its resources for decades and these people come in and destroy it in a matter of months. They tried too hard to make living side by side with the humans work but it never did. And then the humans got tired of sharing, tired of being told no. 

Humans are ok individually, but stupid as a group, they fear what they do not understand and cannot control. They all but slaughtered the shifters for simply wanting to live their normal lives. Those who didn't want this violence, knew they couldn't win against human's guns, left their homes and ventured out. But that wouldn't save them, more humans came in and did what they do. Shifters are seen as nothing more now than a rare oddity to mount on the wall of your home. Monsters that need to be dealt with. Unfair really, they're classified as monsters but plenty of humans are far crueler, they just wear 'normal' skin.

That's how you met Shouta in the first place. You come from a long line of hunting men, each has mounted a shifter on the wall of their home and your father was no different. After your brother became old enough he took him on a hunt and they brought back Shouta- well you didn't know him as Shouta back then. Just as the poor bear bleeding from his left eye. He was caged in the backyard, your father showing him off alive as a trophy as he shopped around for a taxidermist to 'doll' the huge bear up as he didn't like how sickly or shaggy it was even though it was plump. And that's how you got your task, every night after dinner, you were to bring out what few scraps there were and feed the thing.

That is when you began to know him as Shouta, he even morphed in front of you multiple times in the few weeks you did this. You began sneaking him more food, sneaking out of bed to visit him under the shadow of the night, and eventually the night after your father found someone who would do what he asked you freed him. You only meant for him to go but you ended up going with him. You didn't want to be around when your father came out to find the lock on the cage was gone and the door was open. 

That's how you find yourself here now, with an adopted daughter who abandoned in the woods and your not-legally, but uncaring of which, husband a bear shifter named Shouta Aizawa. 

Life's been peaceful, no one has come this far into the forest since the person who used to live in this cabin passed. Your daughter loves the area, you love it, and Shouta can live without fear. That's all you need to know to keep your complaints in your head. 

Shouta went to grab the deer he caught only to drop it and grab his daughter who ran into his arms, giving her a big squeeze as she giggled and hugged him back. Thats when you both heard it, the sound of a gunshot in the too-close distance. Shouta just about jumped out of his skin, of course, he would. He quickly shielded his daughter with his whole body he got the both of you inside and basically forced your both into the backroom, hoping that would be the end of that. Just some idiot who traveled to far out and will go back with his prize. 

But of course, it wouldn't. That would be far to lucky. 


You had just finished hanging the last of your daughter's clothes on the line when you heard a yell of your name. It made you whip around and confirm your fears. Your brother, holding a shotgun down next to his leg, rushes over to you. He smiled as he yanked you into a hug, but you didn't return one.

"God F/n, what happened to you!? We thought that beast ate you or something!" Before you could speak the door to the cabin opened and Eri peeked her head out holding an apple "Momma will you cut this for me-?" She noticed your brother and quickly zipped her lip. Shes never seen anyone besides her father and you her whole life after all. You smiled at her, trying to comfort her in the only way you could from where you were standing "I'll be right there to do that, just wait inside." 

"You have a kid!? F/n you have to tell me, what the hell happened?" You didn't know what to say, only thankful that Shouta is off hunting at the moment but not too thankful. "I- I ran away before the thing escaped." It was a clear lie, too shocked to even make it sound believable. He raised an eyebrow and then you heard the growl and bout damn near started crying. No! Why is this happening!?

Your brother's head turned, and you followed, watching the big black bear walk into the open land with a wolf in his maw. When he spotted you both he dropped it, meeting the eyes of your brother who slowly gripped his gun tighter. You know he knows that the bear is the same one he and your father captured so many years ago, the scar on his eye gives it away. The scar he gave him. He went to raise the gun and you panicked "No!" One moment you were standing by the clothes in and the next you were on top of your brother as you both crashed to the ground hard, his gun hitting the spot beside you.

"F/n get up! Run!" "No!" Suddenly Shouta wrapped his hairy arms around you and yanked you off your brother, letting out a growl that you swore shook the earth itself. His right back paw crushed the gun "F/n!" Your brother yelled as he grabbed a knife hidden in his shirt, but Shouta was quicker, he bent and in a single moment with only the sound of a crunch and yelling your brother's hand was separated from his arm and lying bloody on the ground. It shook you so bad that when Shouta put you down and grabbed your brother with his mouth, dragging him into the woods you didn't move from your spot. Not even as your brother called out to you for help.

When you finally got yourself together, after the screaming stopped had long stopped, you went back in and began cutting Eri's apple. After all, Shouta is only doing what he must to protect you. Thats why he made this cabin available for you guys, why he brought you Eri, why your brother must be eliminated as a treat to the family.


(1500 Words)

A/N: Finally got a new computer (and headphones) for Christmas so maybe updates will finally be more consistent again 

Up Next: Probably More Zawavember 

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