𝓥𝓪𝓼𝓮 {𝓜𝓲𝓬}

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Romantic Hizashi comes to save his 'best friend' after she calls for help as her and her abusive boyfriend fight
🚧Domestic abuse not in story but very much there, murder and pain to of insert character, insert boyfriend named Dick (cuz hes a dick), major character pain (y/n), crazy Yandere Hizashi, Vase used as wepon, Blood and gore-ish, Stockholm but not for yandere, Hizashi isnt handling breaking the Stockholm well but only there for a second🚧


A knock at the door caused your boyfriend to pause his game with a sign. Tossing the controller onto the couch cushions behside him he slowly got up and made his way to the door. Better be the fucking pizza guy he thought to himself as he opened it. Only to come face to face with Pro Hero Present Mic.

"She ain't here right now."

Mic's jaw hardened "She called me. I know shes here."

"Yeah well I cant control where the little whore runs off to when shes mad. Maybe if she actually cared about you then she'd have told ya huh." He tried to slam the door in Hizashi's face but found it wouldnt close. When he looked down he saw Hizashi's steal toed boot sticking out the crack in the door. "I already told you, she aint here-" the door was shoved in, smashing him in the face.

He stumbled back, holding his face as what would be considered a growl sounded off from him. When he opened watery eyes he saw Hizashi grab the decent sized vase from the coffee table and had no time to react as Hizashi smashed him over the head with it. Opening his eyes again now on the floor he saw Hizashi standing over him, the face of a man insane the last thing he would ever see his face was repeated bludgeon by the vase his mother got you both as a moving in present.

Hizashi didnt atop until the vase was in pieces and your former boyfriend's face was nothing but a chunky puddle of blood on the floor beside his feet. When it was over her sighed, as if this was boring or an inconvenience to him, as running his blood hand through his hair to move it from his face as he stood up straight.

Blood dripped from his clothes as he walked through the living room, into the hallway, and finally to the bathroom where he stopped and looked himself in the mirror. Red eyes slowly faded back to green as he watched a chuck of what must be bloody brain run down his face and drop onto the marble sink. He didnt shutter only frown down at it as he turned the shower on making the bathroom steam with the heat.

He took his time, getting out long after the deep red water turned clear once more. He took his time drying off, styling his hair, picking an outfit out of your former boyfriend's side of the closet. He lacked style but Hizashi would only have to wear it for a bit anyways. Settling on a braid down his back some causal black clothes. He grabbed your largest purse and stuffed his bloody clothes inside. When that was all finished he walked up to the basement door and kicked it in. The henges made an awful sound as they broke allowing the door to cave in when it should have opened outwardly. He walked down the basement step with a casualness foreign to the situation at hand. Like he was walking down the hall of his job.

When he got to the bottom he looked around the dark basement with a bored expression before quickly reaching up and yanking the light cord bathing the basement in light. Thats when he saw you, curled up and cowering in the corner with your head between your legs. When you slowly looked up at him with tears in your eyes thats when he saw the real damage. Your face looked like a crime scene. Hizashi carefully walked over and got on his knees to hold you as you sobbed all over again

"Im sorry I called you." Finally you managed to get out as you looked up at him through tear blurred eyes. He wasnt looking at you with pitty or anger, it was more love and fear of loss that made you want to hurl. You knew your relationship effected others but it never gets easier to see. Its why you dont pull others into it, until now. But you felt you had to, thought you might die if you didn't.

"Dont be. Im glad you did." He picked you up and walked you out, careful to make sure you didnt see the mess he made in the living room. Once back at his house he cleaned you up and sat you on his couch

"I should call Dick and-"

"No. You should eat and take a nap." His voice left no room for arguments and so you nodded. You can call him later, at least that's what you think


(869 Words)

For: 8Daddyissues8 , hope you like it girl 🤭

Up Next: Idk 🐻

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓷𝓱𝓪 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 5Where stories live. Discover now