𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓮 {𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓰𝓾𝓶}

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A sacrifice for a plentiful harvest
🚧Sacrifice of a human, murder duh, religion, fucked up religion, nakedness, pain, burned alive, fucked shit basically🚧


Two men dragging a naked woman only covered by a white fabric sheet wrapped around her.

The two men, they are the executioners, and you the women are being led to the gallows. Not really, yes they are executioners but your actually being dragged to a pole in the ground.

When they got there the sheet the priest gave you out of simple pity after your holy water bath was ripped from your clutched hands and you were tied upright to the pole, hands bound to your side. The whole town gathered around the ring of stones around you to hear the priest speak as you struggled against your bindings.

The last farming season had been a hard one. It didn't rain but once, the dry and cracked ground would not let any seed sprout forth, and the town would have gone hungry if not for the town to the west being nice enough to help out. Yes, the fields were barren...all but your father's. Your father's farm had the best year it had seen since you were born and the village took that as confirmation you were favored by the gods.

So as the season approaches the town decided, you shall be sacrificed as a bride for the god of harvest in ask for a bountiful harvest to come. You were given no last words, no last wish or meal. No you were ripped from your bed, held down and washed in a blessed river, and dragged through town still soaked and half-naked to be tied to the stake for burning.

Anger filled you to the brim, until the fire crept up and began to burn the tip of your toes. Then it was replaced by fear, basic raw animalist fear. You screamed and cried as your flesh was licked by the flames, as the people you've known since birth smiled at you, chanting along with the priest as if you weren't a person. Like you were another lamb or cow. As if your life meant less than some wheat and carrots.

You screamed until your throat bleed and ached so bad you could no longer do anything but pant and whine. Till the fire stole your life as it had stolen your flesh. 


The heat faded away until you felt... fine. Opening your eyes you found that you were no longer tied down in the fire. In fact instead of tied down in the center of your village you were standing in a field before a marble temple. You felt the strong urge to enter it, and so you did.

Inside a large blond man wearing a white fabric around his waist was humming as he watered some crops off to the side "Your clothes, there on the throne." He said without turning to you. Cautiously walking over you picked up the plain white floor-length toga and slipped it on. On strap over your shoulder held it on you, it fits perfectly.

When you were dressed the man turned with a smile "Welcome home."


"This isn't my home." He gave you a small chuckle as he walked over, placing his arm on your back he pulled you to the open back of the temple where gardens and animals were everywhere for as far as the eye could see. It was beautiful. "Your new home, as my bride my temple is also yours after all."  


(600 Words)

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