𝓢𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓼 {𝓨/𝓷}

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Darling Hizashi healing from his latest surgery
🚧Scars, Self-Hate {Hizashi}, stitches, Surgeries mentioned, Non-Medical worker doing medical work, ?Torture?, Fucked Experimentation, Panic Attack {Hizashi}, Dead bodies and murder mentioned but not in story, Frozen Dead Body🚧


Hizashi looked into the mirror, he almost couldn't recognize his own reflection. His beautiful blonde hair that used to flow down his back like a calm waterfall has broken and fallen out leaving only a fucked up bob in is place, his mustache soon followed. Once bright green eyes were now a dull almost brown with deep bags under them. And thats just his face!

His throat and chest are riddled with scars and his body has lost almost all its muscle tone. He was just a shell of he former Present Mic.

He put the sheet back over the mirror with a frown and walked out the bathroom with a silent sign. Rubbing the fresh stitches on his throat he jumped when he noticed you walking by with your medical bag. It made you let out a little chuckle as you stopped a bit away from him "Oh hun, these aint for you. I just need to clean em off real good. You know id never put you under twice in the same week."

He nodded before quickly scurrying off to his room and shutting the door. He sat in front of the cold wood as he held the throat that felt like it was closing. Like if he didn't hold tight it would fall open and spill out onto the carpeted floor below. The past scars burning with phantom pains.

You call him hun but he knows hes nothing more thank a genie pig to you! You experements doing nothing but dragging him deeper and deeper into being a walking dead man. Taking his hair, his voice, his quirk! If you really loved him you would never lock him up and treat him like a lab rat while his friends are worried sick looking for him!

It started out nice, crashing into each other at a record shop and dating. Then getting engaged. And then he woke up on a cold metal slab in your basement unable to use his voice to scream.

Ever since than, hes been locked in your makeshift hospital torture room of horrors. Going about his business only to come to on the same cold metal table with fresh stitches. It makes him paranoid, is it the food? Water? AIR? But he guess it could be worse. He could be one of the really unlucky bastards whose bodies get thrown in he incinerator every Friday night at 10pm.

But still, he doesn't know what you've done to him time and time again, he doesn't think he wants to. Those bastards might be lucky after all! They dont have to live with the scars of your work!

The only thing that keeps him sane anymore is watching old movies and the journal you swear is private but he has doubts.

A hand came down to rest on his shoulder making him jump, fleeing across the room on hands and knees like a frightened animal relying on its primal instincts to survive as he had forgotten the door opens both ways. If he could scream he would have. But you simply smiled at him, setting the tray on his bed "Lunch time. I made a big bowl because your skin and bones. Before love ill have to hook you to an iv if your not careful."

His body shook, the voice in his head screamed to run! RUN! But the other one reminded him he already lost so much to running. That you've taken so much! He needs to submit, its the only way to survive. He doesn't want to end up a 10pm roast.

Slowly he nodded and tried to breath through the panic as he pulled himself weekly on the bed. Picking up the spoon with shaky hands to eat. "Maybe some anxiety medication as well, some iron pills. Or some sunlight in here, let me open the blinds!"

Submit. Survive. Submit. Survive!


You closed your office door quickly after dropping off the tray. Your smile dropping as you walked over to the frozen tub with your husband's body inside. Forever stuck in a coma like state. Looking through half fogged glass you 'touched' his face "Oh Hizashi, these clones get worse every new generation. They just never stay stable for long, no matter how hard I fight to keep them right. Even with outsider parts im gonna have to put clone 35 down soon. Just another failed attempt to make a working body for your brain! ...Im sorry love, im trying. Really I am."

(837 Words)

A/n: *Clears throat* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH, thats all

Up Next: Nothing! My computer is still broken and I fucking refuse to every make another story on my phone. This shit sucks! (Im lying im totally gonna stuffer again to write more)

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