𝓔𝓿𝓮𝓷 𝓢𝓪𝓵𝓽 𝓛𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓼 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓢𝓾𝓰𝓪𝓻 2 {𝓐𝓲𝔃𝓪𝔀𝓪}

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Romantic Sugar Daddy Aizawa punishing reader
🚧Punishment, Reader in a Skirt, "Public" Punishment but Not Really, Daddy/Baby/Bad Girl said {I cringed}, SoftZawa if you squint 🚧


You tried to cut the shopping trip short, all but begging Shouta to just pay for what you had already so you could leave but he wouldn't have it. Since you didn't want to shop he went ahead and picked out the rest of your swimsuits, even going the extra mile of making you go to the dressing room to try them all on and model them for him. Something you usually enjoy but not right now. Right now you wanted to curl into a ball under the gaze that let you know you had not been forgiven. You swear this is a part of whatever punishment he'd decided on. Psychological torture. 

Even after the shopping was over, he wasn't. He picked a coffee shop with a huge line and forced you to wait with him when he'd usually tell you to just go and wait for him in the car.  And even out of the mall he wasn't done. Grabbing your hand and forcing you into a leisurely walk to his vehicle "What the rush baby? You that hungry?"

The shiny black 2022 Cadillac CT5-V Blackwing with a double yellow racing strip down the center seemed like salvation to you. In the privacy of its tented windows, you could try and talk to him about what he's up to. But you should have known it wouldn't be that easy.

He took his time placing the bags in the trunk before opening your door. Once he was inside he leaned over and planted a kiss on your cheek, before you could speak he did "Where should we pick dinner up at?"

Your absolutely sure now that he's toying with you. A cat letting a mouse go just to catch it again and again before finally sinking his teeth into the poor terrified thing. Hes never this nice when a punishment is on the horizon. He once banned you from talking the whole hour you had to wait for your punishment. Another time he wouldn't let you sit on the furniture for a week before he finally punished you. But right now he was smiling, humming along to the song on the radio as he drove to the restaurant you picked.

The rest of the night went just like that. Shouta relaxed and seemingly chill as you were a bundle of spayed nerves trying to keep from exploding into stressed tears as you guys ate, showered, and then snuggled into bed together. You wished he'd just punish you already, this was much worse than any physical punishment.


The next morning you woke to him lightly shaking you "Good morning." You opened your eyes and sighed at the clock, usually, Shouta would leave you asleep when he went to work because of how early he had to get up. Before even the sun. So you knew what this was about.

"Your clothes are in the bathroom. Come on, if you make me late I won't be as nice." And there it was, the cold chill racing down your spine as you got up to get ready. You were wrong, he's not messing with you. Hes just taking a new approach to a punishment, and it's effective. He had set out a simple white button-down with puffy short sleeves and a black pencil skirt. To go with it was black sheer stalkings and black heels. You looked like a secretary. 

When you came out of the bathroom you were awake enough to get a good look at Shouta. His hair was brushed and up in that half bun, three-piece black suit, watch, dress shoes, and he smelled of his best cologne. Your mouth would have watered if not for what you knew was to come. 

When you guys slipped into the car you opened your mouth but his side eye shut you up "You are to be seen, not heard." And with that, you were as quiet as a mouse. All the way to his office, head down and back straight as he leads you with his hand on your bicep. You looked like a child being led to the principal's office 

Once you heard the door to his office shut behind you, your body gave a quick shake. You had so many questions. Why was he doing this at his office?  What was he planning? Isn't he afraid to get caught? But you knew better than to speak. You turned to face him and imminently he pointed to his desk and you knew from past experience you could and would fit under it comfortably so you turned only to hear a tsk making you freeze. 

"Bad girls don't get the luxury of walking." As soon as it left his mouth you were on your hands and knees, crawling to the desk. Stopping when you saw the plain uncooked rice littered the floor under his desk. How the hell did he set this up so fast!? He tapped your butt with the bottom of his foot and you quickly got under and knelt on the rice as slowly as possible but that didn't really matter. No matter how slow once your full weight is on the rice it hurts regardless.

Shouta sat on his chair and pushed in as far as he could without getting into your space. When you looked up he was wearing that shit-eating grin "Get comfortable baby, you're gonna be there for a while. I have work to do." 

Now he was messing with you, knowing no way you could get comfortable. But you gave him a nod as the rice pinched into your knees. You knelt with your back straight and your hands on your thighs. With nothing better to do than listen to the conversations Aizawa had with the people who came into his office completely unaware of your presence.


You had lost track of time under the desk, only knowing that your legs acked something back. The door to Aizawa's office opened and heels sounded on the floor

"What would you like me to order you for lunch, Mr. Aizawa?"

Lunchtime already? You couldn't help but think to yourself. You've really been knelt there for that long 

"And how about you Ms. L/n?" 

You jumped when Ms. Nemuri, Shouta's secretary and friend, dipped her head down around the desk to look at you with a smile and a notebook. Now it made sense. He didn't set up your punishment, she did. You looked up at Shouta who smiled "You can answer." You just simply told her that whatever Shouta had gotten was fine with you and she left. Locking the door behind her.

Shouta's hand came down and grabbed yours, pulling you from under the desk and helping you stay steady on your sleeping legs. After a moment he let you go to brush the rice that stuck into the indents on your knees with a sign as you flinched "We'll put this punishment on hold till after lunch so go ahead and stretch." 

He allowed you to walk around until Ms. Nemuri came back with a bag and set it on his desk. Once again he locked the door when he left. You sat on Shouta's lap to eat and when you were done you readied yourself to have to go back but he picked you up and turned you around so that your chest was squished with his as he tucked his chair into his desk "I think you've learned your lesson, right baby?" 

"Yes, daddy." 

"Good, now don't distract me I need to finish this." You knew better than that, to distract him while he's actually on the clock doing real work. With only the sound of his computer keys clicking as you stared out the window behind him you found yourself growing bored and in return sleepy. And soon you had passed out on Shouta's shoulder making him chuckle when he realized. Careful not to wake you he leaned down and planted a soft kiss on your shoulder as he leaned down to pull a blanket out of his bottom drawer and laid it over you. After work, he'll definitely have to give you a reward for how well you did your punishment.


(1404 Words)

A/N: I fucking hate having to use the word daddy 😭 Im done with Sugar Daddy now

Up Next: Probably Something Mic 

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