𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓣𝓻𝓪𝓹 {𝓒𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓻𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝔂 𝓗𝓲𝔃𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓲}

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While lost off trail you meet a nice stranger, Romantic Yandere Hizashi, who offers you help and refuge, but when a storm hits things go from bad to worse...at least for you
🚧Lost in the woods, Not doing proper safety measures while lost in woods, Major and Minor Injuries to darling all through the story really, Hizashi with a beard, Country Boy Hizashi!, He uses a lot of pet names, Bear Traps!, Blood, Gore-ish ig, !Stranger Danger!, Yandere gone crazy, Murder mentioned like once, Getting locked in a small area in the dark, Basically kinda fucked shit but not really ig🚧


You muttered out a small fuck under your breath as you kept walking through the dense forest that seemed to be getting darker by the minute. Your plan that morning was just to go on a simple hike, only a few miles uphill, to de-stress and get some fresh air away from all your devices. Which is now why you can't call for help or get on a GPS. Your phone is on the nightstand where you left it. You should have never gone off trail but damn did you need to relieve yourself. 

It's been what your guess is two or three hours since you lost the trail. You could have sworn this was the way you came from. Stopping you looked around, nothing and everything was familiar all at once. You didn't recognize anything specific but it all looked the same as it did when you started trying to find your way.

Prehaps you had been going in the wrong way, turning from left to right you decided on left and began to walk as you slung your bag forward to dig around for your flashlight. Big mistake as while you weren't paying attention you stepped down on the metal plate of a bear trap. It snapped shut on your calf. Letting out a scream that could rival the best horror movie actress you tumbled to the ground making the teeth of the bear trap slice you up, drawing blood.

Hurt like hell as you sat up and frantically tried to get the thing off you as it felt like it was about to chop your leg off 

"The more you struggle the tighter the jaws will get Miss." 

Quickly turning you saw the beam of a flashlight, your eyes adjusted and beyond the light, you saw a man. His bright blonde hair was in a half bun, his face half hidden by a beard, his old white shirt dirty, his jeans faded, work boots crunching in the leaves as he took a step closer only for you to grab your bag "Im no threat little lady I promise. Im here to help." You finally go the brain power to speak "Help?" He nodded "That thing around your leg, it's my trap. 'Course it wasn't meant for you or any other human! I didn't even know people came this deep in."

Deep? You watched with hawk eyes as he opened the trap around your foot before making a 'Tsk' sound as he looked at the bloody torn pants leg that hid your skin "Your in no position to be hiking back down...Let me take ya back to my place and bandage you up. Tomorrow I'll drive ya back to town."

He smiled as you looked him up and down, trying to decide if you can trust him "I don't bite sugar. Just, this seems like my fault and I won't be able to sleep knowing I let ya limp off leaving a trail of blood behind you in these woods. No way you'll make it back on foot, it's too far." You sighed and reached up, taking your hand the man pulled you up and let almost all your weight rest on him "Names Hizashi, Hizashi Yamada." 



"Well, there deep that's for sure. And from how your feeling id say you might have even fractured something. But it won't get infected at least, I cleaned it well and those bandages are fresh and tight." You leaned back against the old couch with a sigh, just your luck!

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓷𝓱𝓪 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 5Where stories live. Discover now