𝓜𝓾𝓼𝓮 {𝓜𝓲𝓬}

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Romantic Collage Professor Hizashi finally taking his muse home
🚧Teacher x Student but both legal age {collage}, Vee is the name of your roommate, gore, blood, murder, kidnapping🚧


"And that's all for today listeners! Remember your projects need to be submitted before midnight tonight!"

You slipped your laptop into your bag with a yawn, ready to go back to your house and take a nice nap with your lunch break having already submitted your project the night before. "Ms. L/n! I need to speak to you really quickly please!" Huffing you slung the bag over your shoulder and followed your professor into his office letting him get comfortable behind his desk before sitting in one of the two chairs he's got "You know I was really surprised you picked my own book for the project, most stay very far away from anything with my name on it."

You shrugged at him "Prehaps they were scared you'd be extra harsh on them because it's your own work." Professor Yamada was always bubbly and energetic, so lenient with due dates, and understanding of personal business. But when it came to grading the man was as brutal as a hungry lion. He nodded with a smile "But you still took the risk, brave or stupid?"

"Honest. You said to do it about our favorite book." That made him smile, but his eyes told you he saw you as a success "Good answer. But I didn't call you in here to talk about your subpar essay. I want to give you this." He dug in his bag and headed you a flash drive "It's the new one in the series, not even on shelves yet. Im going to give you an extension on this project. Read that and redo the project on it. Save yourself." 

"Yes sir." You tossed the book into your bag and left. Yamada's books aren't about his studies or his life. His books are about a high school senior who went on a college tour, resulting in one of the teachers becoming obsessed with her to the point of stalking her. The books were slow and sometimes contained a little too much detail for comfort like how he explained the stalker's thoughts of killing the boyfriend of the girl. But they never failed to make anyone reading them feel. You went on the ride along with the reader feeling the paranoia, fear, and sickness. It was an adrenalin rush, even for how slow they moved. His last two books were actually moving along quite nicely though. The high school girl went to the college she toured and ended up in her stalker's class. Now instead of just watching her out her window he's become bolder in one chapter he snuck into her home while she and her roommate slept to install hidden cameras. 

Your hopeful maybe in this book the kidnapping that's been hinted at from late into book one and on will finally happen so the story can start truly moving forward. Instead of lunch break nap you now sat in the library reading on your laptop, you want to graduate on time after all and Professor Yamada doesn't hand out redos often. 


Coming home after class you found the house empty, roommate must be in that study group again. Prehaps you should take her up on the offer to join. Crawling into bed you grabbed your laptop, you were almost done after all and needed to get to writing. 


She entered the empty house she shares with her friend from back home, finding her not in her normal spot on the couch with her laptop. 'Must be in study group.' she thought to herself as she crawled into bed, after all, she had her best thoughts all comfortable in her sheets. 

Cracking open the book a chill went down her spine as the paragraphs began to describe the scenario that was currently going on in her life. She was so caught up in her reading she didn't even hear the front slowly begin to open. Not the footsteps that slowly came down the hall. It wasn't until her bedroom door opened-


You jumped and looked at the door that just open only to sigh in relief as your roommate's cat jumped onto your bed with a little moew. He must be hungry, she could have fed the little guy before she left. Returning to your room you decided that was enough reading. And that you would play a video on your computer so that it lights up your room a little.


You were unsure what woke you up but while you were up might as well pee. On your way back to bed you heard the unmistakable sound of the front door opening and closing. After a minute of standing still you crept to the top of the stairs "Vee?" Looking at the clock on your phone it was well past midnight she should have been home hours ago.

After a moment you went downstairs and found her shoes by the door yet no one was there. The tv still off, and the stove cold. Finding it odd as you had been atop the steps when the door opened, she would have had to walk past you to get upstairs but perhaps you missed her while in the kitchen. Going back upstairs her door was opened, you could have sworn it was closed when you went to bed. 

Peaking in the room was dark "Vee, you in here?" Stepping into the room a weird smell hit your nose, flinching the light on only a second but it all happened in slow motion. The room slowly filled with light, illuminating the blood splattered against the walls, floor, and ceiling. So much had soaked the blanket her body laid on that it was dripping into a puddle on the floor. You only saw it for a couple seconds before you slammed the door closed and fell on your ass but it was burned into your eyelids.

You stood as tears stream down your face. Wobbling down the stairs, trying to get out of the house but you didn't get the door open as you were grabbed, a hand slapped over her mouth causing your scream to be muffled as you were dragged and tossed onto the couch. You struggled but it was no use as the man in the bloody mask tied you up and slapped some tape over your mouth. Blood was still so fresh on his gloves that it was smeared onto your clothes and skin. 

Being tossed over his shoulder you cried and wiggled but he was able to walk you outside and dropped you into the back seat floor of the car. When he got into the driver's seat he turned around and took his mask off.


Your English professor Mr. Yamada smiled at you "You didn't finish the book did you F/n? If you did you wouldn't be shaking so hard. Im not gonna hurt you baby. Im just gonna take ya home and love ya up. But before that I'm gonna have to rewrite the ending to my story. I thought you were gonna make it out the house but guess not."  


(1211 Words)

Crawls out hole and drops story*
*Crawls back in hole*

Up Next: ??? 

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