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~♡Day 3 - Insomnia♡~

🚧Just Fluff, Insomnia of Course, Sweets🚧


Shouta's car pulled into his driveway, he sat there for a few minutes not wanting to get out of the heater's blast. But eventually, he grabbed his bag and swung the door open. Shivering as the cold morning air hit the rips in his hero suit. As he walked to the door he heard the soft songs of morning birds, that's the thing about being up during the late nights and early mornings. It's peaceful and quiet. Beautiful too he thought as he looked over to the sky, the oranges, yellows, and pinks of the sunrise painted perfectly behind buildings in the distance.

When he opened the door he smiled as the warmth of the house hit him full force, his fat cat hopping off the couch to rub against his leg making him smile as he bent down to give the sweet boy a scratch. "Welcome home Shouta." Slowly he stood back up to look you over, still in your pajamas but you didn't look like you slept a wink "Rough night?" He asked, his gruff voice soft for you as he allowed you to wrap your arms around him and bury your face in his warm chest.

"Just couldn't get comfortable, I gave up and binged some movies." He huffed out a single little chuckle, you always sabotaged yourself. Every time you can't sleep you just make it worse for yourself with TV. He can't understand your thought process but he guesses he can understand the frustration and boardem "Go get your shoes and jacket." He felt you smile before you rushed off with grittiness a person who didn't sleep shouldn't have.


You snuggled into the little throw blanket as you leaned your head out the open car window, letting the morning air breeze over your closed eyes "Hey, you gotta stay awake long enough to at least tell me what you want." He chuckled as you pouted, he knows what you want. You get the same thing every time, this is a tradition at this point. When your insomnia hits you hard and you're awake when Shouta comes home from his patrol he takes you to the small donut shop on the outskirts of town and gets breakfast. It's the only time you leave the house.

He always goes slower than necessary, allowing you to enjoy the ride. He knows you love watching the sunrise, listening to the soft music on the radio, and to the birds and other animals. Eventually, he pulled into the drive-through of the shop with a smile, giving you a little shake as he got to the window. Jackie, the owner, knows you both well. She was the first to know you'd gotten engaged. She gave you both a smile as Shouta ordered. Always the same, himself with a chocolate donut with sprinkles and a mocha coffee. He gets you your favorite donut and a hot chocolate. Making sure to tip Jackie before he drives off just as slow as always.


He smiled as he turned the car off in the driveway, watching you sleep for a moment longer before he got out and grabbed you, carrying you and your half-finished drink into the house and tucking you into the bed you guys share. He planted a kiss on your forehead carefully before he slipped into bed next to you for his own nap.


(569 Words)

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