♡𝓒𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓦𝓮𝓪𝓹𝓸𝓷♡

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~♡Day 10 - Capture Weapon♡~
🚧Torture Mentioned, Major-Ish Injuries to Reader, Blood, Pain, Rough Treatment of Reader, Treats of Violence to Reader, Twisted Sweetness🚧


The clock on the stove read 12:47 in small red numbers that barely made a light against the darkness of the small kitchen as Shouta dragged you to the sink. Twelve forty-seven, he started his shit when he had gotten home, around six. So almost eight hours of torture. That's a new record.

As you watched him slowly move around the kitchen collecting things, you couldn't help but wonder if he was sickly proud of that. Or if he was remorseful, regretting it for the last couple of hours but too hard-headed to stop and apologize. You'll never know, he's impossible to read even on a good day and he'd only take it as disrespect if you asked. And besides you were pulled out of those thoughts by hands on your waist. He was picking you up and putting you on the red bar stool he placed in front of the sink.

The first aid kit was already opened beside him as he turned on the water to let it warm up "Let me see." He spoke as his hand was held over the sink, he hadn't turned around yet still digging for something in the small light that the lamp on the island gave off. You know he didn't turn the big one on because he doesn't want to wake his husband who will most definitely scold him for this. Not that much more than that will happen though. You hesitated, he is the one that gave you these wounds after all, and trusting him with them didn't sound smart. But smart goes out the window in situations like this, you don't think smart you do what you have to in order to keep living. Smart or not.

You raised both your arms, bloody wrists dripping onto the floor and then into the sink as you held them over Shouta's hand. He found the rag he was looking for, a soft black one and ran it under the hot water before grabbing the soap. You winced as he went about cleaning all the blood off your wrist and hands, the pain still fresh and worsened by his not-so-light handy work. It must have been pissing him off that you were tugging away lightly even if it wasn't on purpose, or maybe the punishment didn't get it all out of his system because he became rougher with you suddenly.

You cried out a little too loudly and his head snapped up, glowing red eyes staring you down "Shut up. Your lucky I'm even tending to you after the shit you pulled, don't make me leave you like this." Oh yes, it's always your fault! You make him punish you, you make him mad, you make him hit you, and you make him leave you soiled and in pain to go about his day like it never happened! It's never Shouta's fault! Hes an innocent man who can do no wrong, and when he does it's ok but he's Shouta and that's just how he is! At least, that's how it seems he and his husband see it.

"Lucky? That's a real funny thing to say while I'm being half-ass cleaned up by my kidnapper after he tied me up and beat me." He was clenching his jaw so hard you heard it pop, he reached for something and as soon as you felt liquid hit your wrist you began to squirm and wrether. Rubbing alcohol, he just dumped a bottle of 100% isopropyl alcohol onto your freshly opened wound. It took everything in you not to scream as you yanked them away from him, holding them to your chest with clenched lips as you curled into yourself.

"Lucky, lucky that I don't just fucking kill you right now. All you have to do is listen and behave, and life could be easy. Life could be grand for you, we had it all planned out. You make things difficult for yourself- and I swear to god Y/n the next time you piss me off I'm gonna fucking slit your throat because I'm sick and tired of these games." He grabbed your chin, slowly forcing you to look up at him. His eyes were back to that dull black they normally are, his face calm and almost portraying a false innocence of care, but it was ruined by his eyes still holding anger.

"We love you Y/n, don't make me do something I'll regret." He tilted you up a little more and kissed your forehead before letting you go to grab your arms and yanked them back over the sink to finish cleaning them, he refused to look at you "Live under us, or die a dumb bitch. Those are your only options now Y/n. You've pushed me too far."

When you were all bandaged up he left to to go bed. Leaving you sitting on that stool covered in your own blood and tears as you listened to the sound of him hopping in the shower to clean your blood away. He didn't use to be like this, you really had pushed one too many of his buttons.


(900 Words)

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