𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 {𝓜𝓪𝓯𝓲𝓪 𝓗𝓲𝔃𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓲}

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Romantic Mafia Hizashi spoiling his winnings
🚧Mafia AU, Gambling/ Gambling Addiction, Unethical Betting/Price, Alcohol and Drugs Mentioned Briefly, Sorta Kidnapping, Hunger Mentioned Briefly, Bad Parents Alart, Threats, Murder and Violence Mentioned, Power Imbalance, Use Of Power Imbalance, ?Manipulation?, Name Calling Mentioned Briefly, Stockholm-ish, Fluff-ish 🚧


Gambling, its an awful thing to get addicted to. It's pretty much just like being addicted to meth! Gambling will have you tossing your whole life on a random table just for the high of maybe getting a win. It will have you getting a mortgage on your house, a loan on your car, and going into credit card debt. You'll do anything for that high, even destroy your family, lie, and steal. Just like a meth addict.

And that's exactly what your father did. But not in the traditional, opening a credit card in his kid's name and running the whole family into debt so bad he gets divorced and ends up dead in a ditch, way. No, it was the, he got into a game with a very wealthy man at a very shady place, and with nothing left in his pocket to bet on, he offered up his own fucking daughter!

Any normal, sane, man would refuse such an offer. Accepting a person as a payout over a stupid game! One your betting real money on at that! But this was no normal, sane, man he was betting again. This was a powerful mafia leader who had to admit the thought of a woman to fill his lonely hours was pretty enticing. Besides he's let people bet crazier things; their kidneys, their own lives, one guy bet up his own tongue. The man gave a wicked grin as he shook your father's hand to seal the crazy deal.


That man's smile sobered him up real quick. From both the complimentary booze and the high of gambling. He got down on his knees and graveled like a man on death row and when that didn't work he accused the man of rigging the game, but it was no use, he had lost. Fair and square. And this man wanted his prize, after all, that's the point of the game. To win.

You never saw it coming, you were slaving away at the stove trying to fill your younger siblings' stomachs with only spaghetti noodles and cheese in the icebox as your own stomach pained with hunger you wouldn't fix tonight. Your mother already passed out on the couch, high off whatever she could get her hands on and not at all worried about the children she had or the man she married.

When your father came home, some guy followed behind and your shoulders sagged. What could he have possibly gambled off this time? Another couch, the TV again, or maybe he'd finally lost the house! The man smiled at you as your father frowned at him. "Please don't do this." He said to the man in a weak voice and it confused you, he never begged any of the other people to reconsider snatching things away from the home.

Two men dressed in full black came in behind them and grabbed you. Hosting you into the air as you kicked and screamed out for your parents. But neither did much, your mother grunted in her passed-out state and your father looked away in shame as he held the other children. Jealousy and betrayal bubbled in your gut, spewing out your mouth like poisoned acid. You told them both off for all the years of crap you dealt with up until you were buckled into the car and the door was shut.

The man quickly opened and closed allowing the smiling man to slide in and sit with you in the back of the nice sleek black car, giving you a smile that made you want to punch him, like he was amused by the whole thing that just happened. "I don't know what he told you I was gonna do, but I won't! I'll claw your fucking eyes out if you try to touch me-!"

"Are you hungry?"

It shut you up, it was as if someone dumped cold water down on you with no warning. He waited, patiently, for you to answer him and as if your stomach had ears it did. It let out a loud growl, yet he didn't take that as a real answer. After a moment you answered for real "You can't fool me into owing you shit." He tsked his tongue "Stop at a drive-through." When he was leaning back next to you he shrugged "You won't owe me for it. Promise."

Handing you the bag and the drink he watched, like you were some stray cat he was trying to domesticate. After several long moments of thought you finally opened the bag and ate. You feed your siblings first and foremost, so you've lived off scraps or sleep for dinner. This was weird and wrong but, you were hungry. And he said you didn't owe him. When the car stopped again you looked out the window at the huge gate that slowly opened allowing the car in and closed right behind it.

"Our home." He said with a chuckle. 

"No." He shrugged "You'll come around." He was so...calm. It was weird. He walked around and opened the door, offering you a hand you took. He held it the whole time he walked you through the compound and introduced you to people that if you saw walking towards you on the road you'd cross over to the other side. But they were all nice to you, at least as nice as they seemed they could be. The tour ended in an empty bedroom. Only a made bed and a desk took up space.

"This is your private space, the bathroom is attached just over there. You can decorate however you place I don't really care. I expect you to spend most of your time with me but I also understand people need alone time so you can come here when you need that. Or when it's time to sleep, im sure you don't want to snuggle with a stranger."

It's been some time since that night and the man, whom you now know well as Hizashi, had not really changed much. He caters to your every need and wants without hesitation or complaint. Even the most random of requests like a crown or a fishpond was quickly given. The only limit was asking to go out past the gated-off yard. It annoyed him, the thought of you leaving the manner. And after he rejected the request a few times you stopped asking. Still thought, your pampered like a princess was a new and weird feeling for you but you eventually got very used to it.

What you are still not used to however is your husband's work. A cold-blooded killer who gives no mercy. You've seen him torture and leave men for dead and then turn around and hold you tight with those same hands, speaking of dinner and movies to snuggle to that night. Stumping men's faces in for saying less than you've called him in the beginning, yet he's never taken a hand to you, much less raised his voice. Hes sent you to your room to 'calm down and come back when you're ready to talk like an adult' but that's the extent.

You try your hardest to ignore it but sometimes it gets to you, touching you so softly and lovingly with tainted hands, so stained with blood of the past that they drip with poisonous malious. Yet you find yourself leaning into their touch, knowing you'd drink that poison if he asked of you to. Not like you could pull away even if you wanted to, where would you go? To your old room within the manner. Husband or not, love or not, he owns you. He is your husband, but he's also your owner and that will forever hide in the back of your head. Ready to eat you alive when the quietness of his absence leaves you alone with your thoughts for too long. 

You love him...you do! Or maybe that's just what you tell yourself so you don't go batshit crazy locked away within his manner. To be his lap dog, that's what his men call you in whispers behind your back after all. It's fitting, you hate to admit.


(1421 Words)

A/N: Yes this counts as fluff to me, I will not argue 🙄

Up Next: Suger Daddy Mic Or Spider Mic idk👀

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