𝓘𝓥 {𝓓𝓸𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻 𝓗𝓲𝔃𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓲}

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Yandere Doctor Hizashi taking care of his patient
🚧Sick Reader, Nausea, Stomach Pains, Hospital/ER, Needles, Blood, Past Hookup Mentioned, Awkwardness, Pain, Prescription drugs used to drug, Kidnapping🚧


"Ugh." It's the only noise you've made in hours as you pulled yourself off the shower floor and turn off the warm water. None of your normal home remedies or over-the-counter drugs were working for you. The nausea hit you halfway through wrapping the towel around yourself, it made you double over on the sink for a few moments before you gained the willpower to make it to the couch. It was awful. For the last week you haven't had a break, the everlasting nausea making it impossible to eat or drink anything more than room-temperature water. You can't take it anymore! You don't want to, really don't want to go, but your gonna have to.


"Well unfortunately the ER is full tonight ma'am, but we'll get you a bed as soon as we can." You sighed but thanked the man as you shuffled back to the uncomfortable waiting room seat in the corner. Hunched over and leaning against the wall you closed your eyes and tried to breathe through the screaming children and bitching old men. The throw-up bag clutched to your chest your only comfort as the random cramps that's came and went as they pleased. It felt like hours of the people around you getting called back before finally a man opened the doors and looked down at his paper "Y/n?"

"Thats me." You said as you shakily picked yourself off the chair making sure you had all your things as you shuffled behind him to your room, thankful to finally get to lay in a fetal position on a bed. Reliving some of the pain in the cramps as you did your best to answer his questions and not cry when he told you that blood would have to be drawn. That's just want you need, more pain!

 He left and for a moment in the silence of the cold empty room you were able to close your eyes and relax as much as possible but it didn't last long as the high-energy doctor entered the room "Hello, I'm Doctor Yamada. What seems to be the problem tonight- Y/n?"

You opened your eyes and froze, yeah your day just keeps getting better and better! About two weeks ago you let a guy buy you a drink...and the night ended in the back seat of his shiny car. You ended up giving him the number of the pizza place by your house expecting to never see him again. Guess the universe just really needed a laugh!

"Well Doctor-" He smirked as he cut you off "Please, I think we're on friendlier terms than D+octor. Dont you?"

"Hizashi please, I'm in pain."

He knows that, he could see it on your face. But he's also in pain, giving him a fake number after a night like that. But he stopped teasing, putting his heart aside for his professional work. He checked you over as you both waited and when the nurse returned with the blood vials and the IV kit Hizashi smiled and took them from him "I got this." He nodded and left, leaving you trembling on the bed staring at the needle like it would jump out his hand and attack you. When he pulled up to your side in his little wheely chair he frowned at you "So I called you the next day you know, didn't know you lived in a pizza shop."

You frowned, looking away "Im sorry, you were just so sweet and you looked so hopeful and I didn't know how to reject you. I just got out of a relationship and im not really looking for anything right now-"

"See that wasn't so bad!" It took a moment but you realized not only had he drawn the blood, but your IV was all set up as well. You hadn't even felt it "Thanks." He nodded "Now let me get you a nausea pill and a drug cocktail for the pain. Maybe even something to help you get some sleep since it doesn't look like you have for a while."

It took some time but eventually, everything began to work for you and after a week of shit the relief sent you right into a nap, of course after Hizashi made you down a whole cup of water and pee in a cup. When you were woken up it was with discharge papers. Hizashi was smiling at you as you loopily thanked him for helping you into the wheelchair "Your ride here hun?"

"No." He nodded "I'll give them a call."

As he pushed you out the doors to the hospital he smiled at the worker behind the desk "Ima help her get loaded up and then take my break." He revied a simple nod in response, they bearly even looked up at him.

You were far too out of it to realize he simply smoked a cigarette and then put you in his car, in fact, you were asleep for most of it, only waking up when he picked you up out of the chair and set you on the seats of his car. It made him smile as he moved some of the hair away from your forehead and set a gentle kiss on it before shutting the door. His sweet girl, he cased that bar for a week to bump into you there. Hes not letting you get away again, especially not after you let yourself sit and rot for a week before getting help. You probably wouldn't have even taken what he prescribed you.


(1012 Words)

A/n: Yes I did steal Rose's fic but in my defense, the idea for it was originally mine because I was the bitch stuck in the ER for hours, also this is yall fluff! He took care of yall!

Up Next: Idk

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